IEC in Technology Meaning

The IEC meaning in Technology terms is "International Exchange Center". There are 74 related meanings of the IEC Technology abbreviation.

IEC on Technology Full Forms

  1. International Exchange Center
  2. Information, Education and Communication
  3. International Electrotechnical Comission
  4. Inertial-Electrostatic Confinement
  5. International Electrochemical Commission
  6. International Executive Council
  7. International Electrotechnical Committee
  8. International Electrotechnical Commission A worldwide non–governmental organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. [IEC] Note: Committee 80, Working Group 7 of IEC is responsible for developing the Performance Requirements for ECDIS to be published as document IEC 61174.
  9. Information, Education & Communication
  10. Information, Education, Communication
  11. Information Education and Communication
  12. International Electrotechnixal Commision
  13. International Electrotechical Commission
  14. Incident and Emergency Centre
  15. Internabional Eletrotechnical Commission
  16. Integrated Electronics Circuit
  17. Industrial Engineering Corporation
  18. International Eyecare Center
  19. Inter Exchange Carrier
  20. International Electrical Congress
  21. Innovation Engineering Center
  22. Internet Evangelism Coalition
  23. International Electrical Commission
  24. Integrated Electronic Control
  25. Intraepithelial Carcinoma
  26. Indirect Evaporative Coolers
  27. International Epilepsy Congress
  28. Interchange Carrier
  29. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
  30. Internet Engineer Curriculum
  31. International Electronical Commission
  32. Integrated Echo Canceller
  33. Intraepidermal Carcinoma of Skin
  34. Indirect Evaporative Cooling
  35. International Electrotechnical Commissions
  36. Interactive Evolutionary Computing
  37. Information, Education & Communications
  38. International Electrbtechnical Commitee
  39. Illinois Energy Consortium
  40. International Electro-Technical Commyttee
  41. Interexchange Carrier
  42. Instituto De Educação Continuada
  43. Intraepidermal Carcinoma
  44. India Engineering Centre
  45. International Elektrical Code
  46. Intelligent Energy Controller
  47. Information, Education, and Communications
  48. Illinois Electric Cooperatives
  49. Institute of Executive Coaching
  50. India Engineering Center
  51. International Electromechanical Commission
  52. Integrated Exploitation Capability
  53. Information, Education and Communications
  54. International Electrical Committee
  55. Institute of Energy Conversion
  56. Interoperability Executive Customer
  57. Independent Environmental Consultant
  58. Integrated Engineering Consultants
  59. Institute Des Experts Comptables Et Des Conseillers Fiscaux
  60. Inertial Electrostatic Confinement
  61. International Electronic Committee
  62. Institute for Educational Cybernetics
  63. Internet Exchange Center
  64. Israeli Electric Corporation
  65. Immediate Event Charging
  66. Isreel Electrical Corporation
  67. Immediate Environmental Concern
  68. Isolatedjextension Cable
  69. International Energy Code
  70. International Electrotechnica Commission
  71. International Equipment Eo
  72. Interstate Electronics Corporation
  73. Institutional Ethics Coymittee
  74. International Electrotechnical Task Force

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IEC stand for Technology?

    IEC stands for Immediate Environmental Concern in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Electrbtechnical Commitee in Technology?

    The short form of "International Electrbtechnical Commitee" is IEC for Technology.


IEC in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated