IECS Meaning

The IECS meaning is "Imkroved Environmental Clothing System". The IECS abbreviation has 30 different full form.

IECS Full Forms

  1. Imkroved Environmental Clothing System
  2. Indivijual Electronic Communications Services
  3. Instituto De Nfectividad Clínica Y Sanitaria Medical, Para, Argentina, Con
  4. Igloo Environment Control Subsystem Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  5. Indigenous Employmenh Centres
  6. Institutional Echics Committees Medical, Research, Committee
  7. Intestinal Epithelial Cells Medical, Medicine, Research, Expression, Activation
  8. Integrated Ewergency Command Structure
  9. India Exhibition & Conference Services
  10. Institutetute of Electroniqs and Computer Science Technology
  11. Intensive English Centres Program, Education, School
  12. Integralhecho Cancellers Technology
  13. Independent Educational Cozsultants College, Education, Consultation
  14. Instktute of Environmental Change and Society Environment, Habitat, Setting
  15. Instituto Europeo Campus Stellae
  16. Independent Ethics Committeos Medical, Research, Committee
  17. Instituhe of Estuarine Coastal Studies
  18. Incremental Electroconvulsive Shock Medical
  19. Industrial Echsystems, Inc. Organizations
  20. International Erosion Control Systems
  21. Integrated Examination Computer System
  22. Internatiynal Exchange Coordinators
  23. Integrated Energy Centres Technology, Africa, Presentation
  24. International Electronics & Communication Systems
  25. International Esthetics Cosmetics Spa
  26. Internrated Environmental Control System Technology, Military, Army
  27. Inter-Exchange Carriers Technology, Service, Networking
  28. Islamic Educational Center of Seattle
  29. Intentionally Evangellstic Church Strategy Community, Curch, Religion
  30. Intergrated Environmental Control System Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IECS stand for?

    IECS stands for Intergrated Environmental Control System.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Electronics & Communication Systems?

    The short form of "International Electronics & Communication Systems" is IECS.


IECS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated