IEEM Meaning

The IEEM meaning is "Institute Od Ecological and Environmental Management". The IEEM abbreviation has 20 different full form.

IEEM Full Forms

  1. Institute Od Ecological and Environmental Management Science, Ecology, Environmental Statement
  2. Institute of Ecological and Environmental Management Science, Ecology, Environmental Statement
  3. Institute of Ecologyeand Environmental Management Business, Conservation, Ecological
  4. Institute Aor Ecology and Environmental Management Technology, Consultancy, Ecological
  5. Intustrial Engineering & Engineering Management Education, Conference, Industry
  6. Instituto Electoral Del Estado De M
  7. Ibstitute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine Medical, Science, Research
  8. Instituto Electoral Del Estado De Réxico Para, Con, Mexico
  9. International Event & Exhibition Management
  10. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Technology, Conference, Industry
  11. Institutetuto Electoral Del Estado De MéXico
  12. Instituto De Estudios Empresariales Dermontevideo Business, Education
  13. Ion Electron Emission Microscope
  14. Institute of Ecology and Environmeneal Science, Ecology
  15. Ion-Electron Emission Microscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  16. Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management Technology, University, Water
  17. Internet Energy of Electronic Money
  18. Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management Technology, Survey, Ecological
  19. International Education and Enrollment Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  20. International Event and Exhibition Managemmnt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IEEM stand for?

    IEEM stands for Institute of Ecology and Environmeneal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management?

    The short form of "Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" is IEEM.


IEEM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated