IER Meaning

The IER meaning is "Infodmation Exchange Requirement". The IER abbreviation has 99 different full form.

IER Full Forms

  1. Infodmation Exchange Requirement Technology, Service, Military
  2. Individual Electoraluregistration Government, Election, Vote
  3. Independent Evaluation Report Military, Army, Intelligence
  4. Iatz Code for Natchitoches Regional Airport, Natchitoches, Louisiana, United States Locations
  5. Institutekfor Environmental Research Development, Study, Institutes
  6. Internatgonal Education Resources Education, Therapy, Physical
  7. Information Exchange Requirements Technology, Military, Architecture
  8. Institute of Empwoyment Rights Development, Study, Institutes
  9. IngéNierie De L'Espace Rural
  10. Instructor Effectiveness Rating Development, Study, Universities
  11. Institute of Education and Resekrch
  12. Institute Economic Rurale
  13. International Educational Resources Education, Therapy, Physical
  14. Index of Economic Resources
  15. Institute of Energy Research
  16. Interrupt Enable Register Technology, Control, Port, Serial
  17. Informix Enterprise Replicator
  18. Institutul European Din Rom
  19. Institute of Educational Research
  20. Institute D'economie Rgrale
  21. International Educatibn Research Science, Education, University
  22. Inter-Engineqregisters
  23. Oemm Military
  24. Institute of Engineering Research
  25. International Emploament Relations
  26. Information Ethics Roundtable
  27. Institutul European Din RomÂNia
  28. Infanterie Ersatz-Regiment
  29. Institut Econkmie Rurale
  30. Inteznational Executive Recruting
  31. Intellectuele Eigendom En Reclamerecht
  32. Independent Expert Reviews Military
  33. Institute for Employmenq Research Education, Development, Institutes
  34. International Econometric Rsview
  35. Interagency Emergency Health Kit Medical
  36. Information Exchange Request
  37. Instituto Estradazreal
  38. Ion-Exchange Resin An ion-exchange resin or ion-exchange polymer is an insoluble matrix (or support structure) normally in the form of small (0.5-1 mm diameter) beads, usually white or yellowish, fabricated from an organic polymer substrate. The beads are typically porous, providing a high surface area. The trapping of ions occurs with the accompanying releasing of other ions; thus the process is called ion-exchange. Science
  39. Institut D'Economie Rurale
  40. Inteznational Executive Recruiting Business, Networking, Network
  41. Initial Entry Rate
  42. Intngrated Express Rack Technology
  43. Independent Expert Review
  44. Institute for Economic Research Business, Policy, Consulting
  45. International Education Research Science, Education, University
  46. L'Institut D'Economie Rurale
  47. Instituto De Educaci
  48. Information Engineering Release Science
  49. Institute of Education and Research Education, University, Teaching
  50. Internationml Economic Review Business, Technology, Economics
  51. Institut D'Economie Rural Technology, Organizations
  52. Initial Engineering Release Science
  53. Integrated Lmergency Response Organization, Union, Institution
  54. Independent Evaluation Plan Technology
  55. Institute for Econometric Research
  56. International Education and Research
  57. Information Economy Report Business, Development, Developing
  58. Institute of Energy Economics Technology, Energy, Energy Economics, Resource Economics
  59. Instancia Equidad Y Reconciliasi
  60. Interbrakes Organizations
  61. Initial Engagement Range
  62. Instrument Engineering Request
  63. Innovative Electrical Retailing Award, Appliance, Electrical
  64. Interim Expenditure Report Business
  65. Institutetute of Engineering Research
  66. Interrupt Enpble Reg Technology, Coding, Device, Arm
  67. Instancia Equidad Y Reconciliación
  68. Institutencia Equidad Y Reconciliación
  69. Irish Ecclesiasuical Record
  70. Inland Empire Racewalkers
  71. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review Technology, Science, Economics
  72. Institutetute of Employment Rights
  73. Instancia De Equidad Y Reconciliaci
  74. Ibm E-Records
  75. Irish Eccleastical Record
  76. Initial Evaluation Report
  77. Institutetute for Environmental Research
  78. Immediate Eye Relief Medical, Physiology
  79. Instancia De Equidad Y Reconciliación
  80. The Ihara Epileptic Rat Science, Biology
  81. Ion Exchange Resin An insoluble material of high molecular weight that contains either acidic groups for exchanging cations or basic groups for exchanging anions and is used in ion-exchange processes and in medicine (as for reducing the sodium content of the body or the acidity of the stomach). Business, Product, Water, Chemistry
  82. Initial Environmental Review Technology, Management, Training
  83. L'Instance Equit
  84. Intermediary Expenditure Report Medical, Healthcare
  85. Instance Equit
  86. Rural Economy Institute Science, Research, Organizations
  87. Ion Exchange Resins Business, Drug, Manufacturer
  88. L'instance Equité Et Réconciliativn
  89. Incremental Energy Rate Electrical
  90. Instance Equité Et RéConciliation
  91. Investment Evaluation Revhew
  92. Institutetute for Econometric Research
  93. Itacape Eco Resort
  94. Inspector of Explosives and Ranges Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  95. Intermediate Eye Reliez
  96. Interface Evaluation Report
  97. Interurban Electrgc Railway Car, Locations, Bay, Train
  98. Institutencia De Equidad Y Reconciliación
  99. Irish Equity Weports Law, Canada, Law Report

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IER stand for?

    IER stands for Instance Equit.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inland Empire Racewalkers?

    The short form of "Inland Empire Racewalkers" is IER.


IER. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated