IETM Meaning

The IETM meaning is "Interactive Electronic Technical Manual". The IETM abbreviation has 14 different full form.

IETM Full Forms

  1. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Is a portal to manage technical documentation. IETMs compress volumes of text into just CD-ROMs or online pages which may include sound and video, and allow readers to locate needed information far more rapidly than in paper manuals. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Aviation
  2. Interactive/Electronic Technical Manuals Science
  3. Integrated Electronic Technical Manual Technology, Management, Service
  4. Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals Technology, Service, Military
  5. Industrial Engineering and Technology Management
  6. Interactive Electronic Tech Manuals
  7. International European Theatre Meeting
  8. Informal European Theater Meeting
  9. Informal European Theatre Meetings Technology, Arts, Culture
  10. Interim Electronic Technical Manuel Federal Aviation Administration
  11. Informal European Theatre Meeting Arts, Organizations, Culture
  12. Interactive Electronic Training Manual Technology, Military, Maintenance
  13. Integrated Engine Technical Manual
  14. Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum Climate, Ocean, Warming

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IETM stand for?

    IETM stands for Interactive Electronic Tech Manuals.

  2. What is the shortened form of Informal European Theatre Meetings?

    The short form of "Informal European Theatre Meetings" is IETM.


IETM. (2020, October 2). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated