IF Meaning

The IF meaning is "Index Fungorum". The IF abbreviation has 467 different full form.

IF Full Forms

  1. Index Fungorum Science, Database, Fungi
  2. Index File Computing, File Extensions
  3. Inclusive Fitness Inclusive fitness, theory in evolutionary biology in which an organism's genetic success is believed to be derived from cooperation and altruistic behaviour. Inclusive fitness theory suggests that altruism among organisms who share a given percentage of genes enables those genes to be passed on to subsequent generations. In this way, an altruistic act that supports the survival of a relative or other individual theoretically enhances the genetic fitness of both the recipient of the act and the altruistic organism. Science, Genetics, Biology
  4. Intensity Factor Stress, Factor, Intensity
  5. Infertility Infertility is the inability of a person, animal or plant to reproduce by natural means. It is usually not the natural state of a healthy adult organism, except notably among certain eusocial species. Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility
  6. Innocent Friend Porn, Sex, Movie, Friend
  7. Intermediate Focus Technology, Science, Teaching
  8. Institutional Forum Research, Education, University
  9. Idea Form
  10. International Fellows Program, Education, Fellowship
  11. Industrial Fund Business, Military, Industry
  12. Intermediate Frequency Is a frequency to which a carrier wave is shifted as an intermediate step in transmission or reception. Technology, Radio, Telecom, Architectural, Receiver, Aviation, Computing, NASA, Technical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Master IEEE, Sentinel online, Federal Aviation Administration
  13. Initiative Foundation
  14. Intelrfortran
  15. Impact Factorg Medical, Science, Journal
  16. Investment Funds Business, Service, Financial
  17. Insoluble Fibre
  18. Industry Forum Technology, Event, Valve
  19. Independent Fabrication Business, Bicycle, Frame
  20. Innocence Faded
  21. Intermepiate Forward Military
  22. Institutional Funds
  23. Idea Factory Business, Gaming, Art
  24. International Finance Business, Banking, Economics
  25. Industrial Facilities Technology, Science, Industry
  26. Initiation Factors Initiation factors are proteins that bind to the small subunit of the ribosome during the initiation of translation, a part of protein biosynthesis. Medical, Initiation, Eukaryotic
  27. Intewrity First
  28. Immunotherapy Foundation
  29. Investment Fund
  30. Inside Frost
  31. Independence First
  32. Inner Focus Canon, Binocular, Ability
  33. Intermehiate-Frequency Technology, Circuit, Receiver
  34. Item Feature
  35. Institute of Fine
  36. Idaho Fish
  37. International Faxls
  38. India-Forums
  39. Initial Frequency Medical
  40. Integration Facility Technology, Engineering, Organisations, NASA
  41. Immunofluorescente Test Medical
  42. Interoperability Lramework
  43. Indentation Fracture Medical
  44. Inner Firewall Technology
  45. Intermediate Frequencies Technology, Frequency, Intermediate
  46. Imperial Filt
  47. Italian Front
  48. Institute of Fisheries Science, Education, Fishery
  49. Idaho Falls Business, Car, Idaho
  50. International Film
  51. Index Fossil
  52. Intermediate Fragments Bone, Fracture, Fragment
  53. In Facebook
  54. Integration Framework Technology, Military, Organisations
  55. Immunofluorescentrtechnique Medical
  56. Interopehability Facility Technology
  57. Increasing Flexibility
  58. Inlet Filter
  59. Interior Floors
  60. Imperial Fists Gaming, Military, Space
  61. Ionosphere-Free
  62. Institute for The Future Technology, Research, Organizations
  63. Ictal Fear Medical
  64. Interhational Fleet Australia, Locations, Warship
  65. Index Finger Medical, Ring, Thumb
  66. Intsrmediate Form Technology, English, Language
  67. Integrated Flexible Technology, Research, Paper, Electronics
  68. Immunoflsorescent Microscopy Medical
  69. International Feed Industrial, Government, Expo
  70. Industrie Forum Business, Design, Award
  71. Include The Following Files
  72. Injury Frequency
  73. Intxrference Fit
  74. Impact Fuze Technology
  75. Ion Frigate Gaming, Military, Ship
  76. Inspiratory Force Medical
  77. Information Flows Technology, Management, Service, Networking, Diagram
  78. Internationai Federation Government, Organizations, Association
  79. Independent Foundation
  80. Intermediate-Sized Filaments Medical
  81. Instituto Federal Science, Campus, Vector
  82. Immunofluorescence Method Medical
  83. International Friends
  84. Industry Funded
  85. Injury Factor Medical, Baseball, Sport, Clinical
  86. Interface Frame Technology, Science, Networking
  87. Impact Fees
  88. Invictus Fighters
  89. Inspection Fee Business, Vehicle, Inspector
  90. Infant Formula Medical, Business, Baby
  91. Independent Film Business, Award, Festival, Media
  92. Interactive Factor
  93. Imaginary Forces Technology, Music, Force
  94. Inland Fisheries
  95. International Friendly
  96. Incompressible Flow
  97. Instructional Facilitator Education, School, Teaching, Facilitator
  98. It Figures
  99. Irene Fenwick
  100. Infinite Flight
  101. Iaccino Fabrication
  102. Information Feedback
  103. Intermediate Facility Technology
  104. Implements Forum Technology, Community, Discussion
  105. Insert Filter Filter, Holder, Afternoon
  106. Interworking Function Technology, Networking, Network, Electronic Engineering, Mobile Phone, Computing, Telecom, Technical
  107. Indigenous Fijian
  108. Integrated Fires
  109. Interference Fringe
  110. Immanuel Fellowship
  111. Internet Farm
  112. Instrument Flight Also called IFR flight, on instruments. An aircraft flight conducted by use of navigational instruments that permit the flight crew to proceed without reference to visual landmarks or celestial fixes. Technology, Military, Training
  113. In Foro Latin, Roman
  114. Iron Fighter
  115. Identity Foreclosed
  116. Isolation Filter
  117. Infrastructures Ferroviaires
  118. Intermediate Filaments Medical, Science, Cell
  119. Internal Fixation Medical, Technology, Medicine
  120. Inclusion Free
  121. Institut De France
  122. Intrinsically Funny
  123. Induced Fission
  124. Integrative FöRderung
  125. Immunofluorescent Assay Medical
  126. Independent Force Military, War, Diary
  127. Interactive Fire
  128. Image Furnace
  129. Ivano-Frankovskaya
  130. Inland Fetch Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  131. International Films
  132. Incomplete Fusion The failure to fuse adjacent beads of the weld metal and the base metal. This condition can be localised or it may be extensive, and it can occur at any point in the welding groove. Reaction, Welding, Fusion, Weld
  133. Instructional Funds Education, School, Teaching
  134. Item Finding Business, Gaming, Shopping
  135. Investment Facility Business, Credit, Banking
  136. Infinite Family Technology, Mathematics, Lyric
  137. I-Q Frequency
  138. Information Facts
  139. Imperial Fault Power, California, Earthquake
  140. Input Form
  141. Intervenção Federal
  142. Indice De Fluidité
  143. Integrated Farm
  144. Interference Filter Technology, Science, Radio
  145. Immagina Il Futuro Technology, Design, Con, Tutti
  146. Isoelectric Focusing A technique of electrophoresis in which the resolution is improved by maintaining a pH gradient between the electrodes. Medical, Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Biology, Substance, Chemistry, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  147. International Festival Organizations, Music, Event
  148. Instrumentation and Facilities Technology, Science, Research
  149. Individualized Funding
  150. Iron Fight Military, Lyric, Gods
  151. Ice Field Area of floating ice, consisting of any size of floes, and greater than 10 kilometres across.
  152. Isoflurane Medical
  153. Infraspinatus Medical
  154. Intermediate Filament Intermediate filament are cytoskeletal components found in metazoan cells. They are composed of a family of related proteins sharing common structural and sequence features. Intermediate filaments have an average diameter of 10 nanometers, which is between that of 7 nm actin, and that of 25 nm microtubules, although they were initially designated 'intermediate' because their average diameter is between those of narrower microfilaments and wider myosin filaments found in muscle cells. Medical, Science, Medicine, Protein, Healthcare
  155. Internal Finance
  156. Inclusion Facilitator
  157. Insoluble Fractions Medical
  158. Intramural Field Education, Sport, University
  159. Indonesian Fund
  160. Integrative F
  161. Immunofluorescent Staining Medical
  162. Independent Fundamentalist
  163. Interaction Framework Technology, Research, Development
  164. Image Frequency Receivers typically convert RF signals to a lower Intermediate Frequency (IF) for demodulation. In addition to the IF, a second signal, called the "image frequency" is often generated and filtered out. Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  165. Ivano-Frankivsk Hotel, Ukraine, Locations, City
  166. Inkjets Find
  167. International Forestry Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  168. Incomplete Fail Forum, Technology, University
  169. Instructional Form Education, Design, Instruction
  170. Investigative File Government
  171. Infield Fly Baseball, Softball, Fly, Ball
  172. Frame Identification Geography, Location, System, Geographic
  173. Information Flow Technology, Computing, Telecom
  174. Impact Form Technology
  175. Input Filter Technology, Power, Supply
  176. Interven
  177. Indication Failure
  178. Interfascicular Medical
  179. Imitation Firearms Gun, Military, Airsoft
  180. Inner Focusing Len, Sigma, Focus
  181. Internationales Forum Technology, Community, Discussion
  182. Instruction Folder
  183. Imprese Ferroviarie
  184. Iron Fence
  185. Ice and Fire
  186. Isoflavones Medical
  187. Infrared  Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 7500 A, the limit of the visible light spectrum at the red end, and centimetric radio waves.  Technology, Medicine, Army, Disease, Health, Astronomy, Healthcare, Chemistry, Science, Military, Architecture, Computing, Industry, Environment, Construction, Aerospace, Biotechnology, Weather, Physics, NASA, Technical, Legal, Drivers, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Colors, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Academic & science, Organic syntesis, Sentinel online, Hardware, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  188. Intermediary Form
  189. Intermediate Faith
  190. Improved Filtering Technology, Filter, Feature, Spam
  191. Insoluble Fiber Medical
  192. Intrafascicular Medical
  193. Indonesia Fund Business, Indonesia, Aberdeen
  194. Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance Business, Trading, Trade
  195. Interfibrillar Medical
  196. Inter-Frequency Technology, Networking, Handover
  197. I Factor Medical, Biomedical, Immunology
  198. Ivano-Frankivs'Ka
  199. Ink Foundry
  200. Internationalist Faction
  201. Incoming & Feeder
  202. Instituteuction Fetch Technology
  203. Investigator Form Research, Administration, Collaboration
  204. Inferno Flames
  205. Forward Current Current in a circuit of a semiconductor device due to conduction by majority carriers across the pN junction. Technology, Electronics, Semiconductor
  206. Information Directorate Military
  207. Impact Force Force, Sensor, Falling
  208. Input Factor Science
  209. Indianhead Federated
  210. Interfaith Funders
  211. Imbert-Fedorov
  212. Inner Fire Card, Warcraft, Fire, Yoga
  213. Indemnit
  214. International Fellowship Student, Program, Organizations
  215. Instruction Field
  216. Impact Factor The Impact Factor is a measure of the number of citations within scientific journals. The impact factor is used to gauge the relative importance of a scientific journal within its field. Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) which is now part of Thomson, is the person who devised the impact factor. Thomson Scientific calculates impact factors annually for the journals it indexes. Medical, Technology, Science, Journal
  217. Irish Fusiliers
  218. Ibiuna Fight
  219. Islas Airways Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
  220. In Frame
  221. Intermediary Filament
  222. Intermediate-Sized Filament Medical
  223. Improbable Failure Technology, Success, Love
  224. Inside Frosted
  225. In The Front Internet Slang, Media, Social
  226. Indonesia Focus
  227. Integrative Frameworks
  228. Interferons Proteins secreted by vertebrate cells in response to a wide variety of inducers. They confer resistance against many different viruses, inhibit proliferation of normal and malignant cells, impede multiplication of intracellular parasites, enhance macrophage and granulocyte phagocytosis, augment natural killer cell activity, and show several other immunomodulatory functions. Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  229. Irregular Facets Science, Biology
  230. Intensive Fostering Service, Care, Children, Fostering
  231. Idle Factor
  232. Isothermal Flow
  233. Injection Fraction
  234. Internal Flush Tool Joint Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
  235. Income Fund An investment fund with high returns which pays the owners a regular income.
  236. Institute of Federalism Education, University, Russia
  237. Investigative Forum
  238. Infection Factor
  239. Informatics Forum University, Health, Locations
  240. Impact Flash
  241. Input F-Type
  242. Index of Filtration Oil, Mesh, Fiberglass
  243. Feeding Current Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  244. Infinity Foundation Organizations, Park, Highland
  245. Interfacial Film
  246. Imagination Films
  247. Inner Fane
  248. International Foundation Program, Education, University
  249. Instruction Fetching Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  250. Identified Fed
  251. Irish Fandom Ireland, Dame, Irish
  252. Ian Foxall
  253. Island Finance
  254. Information Frames Technology, Control, Frame
  255. Intermediary Filter
  256. Intermediate Approach Fix Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  257. Impressora Fiscal
  258. Inside Forwards
  259. Int Forum
  260. Indogermanische Forschungen Science, Education, Language
  261. Integrating Framework
  262. Interferon One of a family of proteins that are liberated by special host cells in the mammal in response to viral infection. The interferons attach to an infected cell, where they stimulate antiviral protein synthesis. Medical, Medicine, Biomedical, Immunology, Healthcare, Veterinary
  263. Ironforge (World of Warcraft City) Gaming, Play, Pastime
  264. Idiopathic Flushing Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  265. Isothermal Fatigue Technology, Mechanical, Temperature
  266. Initiation Frequency
  267. Internal Flawless Diamond, Ring, Jewelry
  268. Income Farm
  269. Institute for Forestry
  270. Invested Funds
  271. Infant Flow
  272. Intellect Fly Station, Play, Playstation
  273. In Focus
  274. Immunofluorescence Immunofluorescence is a technique used for light microscopy with a fluorescence microscope and is used primarily on microbiological samples. This technique uses the specificity of antibodies to their antigen to target fluorescent dyes to specific biomolecule targets within a cell, and therefore allows visualization of the distribution of the target molecule through the sample. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disease, Health, Common Medical, Clinical
  275. Index Feed
  276. Interfacial Medical
  277. Imaginary Friends Kid, Children, Friendship
  278. Innere FüHrung
  279. International Funk Music, Track, Funk, Rim
  280. Incorrect Fixed
  281. Instruction Fetch Technology, Pipeline, Processor, Assembly, Business & Finance
  282. Iván Fernández
  283. Irina Fedotova
  284. Infinite Flow
  285. Iacocca Foundation
  286. Island Ferrets
  287. Information Fluency
  288. Intermodal Facility
  289. Impresa Ferroviaria
  290. Inside Film Australia, Media, Award
  291. Intestinal Failure Medical, Nutrition, Disease
  292. Indigenous Fijians
  293. Integrated Framework Technology, Government, Control
  294. Interference Field
  295. Immediate Foreground
  296. Instytut Fizyki
  297. Ironforge Gaming, Play, Pastime, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  298. Idiopathic Fibroplasia Medical, Disease, Health
  299. Isoleringsfirmornas FöRening Som, Har, Lag
  300. Infrastructure Footprint Science, Environment, Nature
  301. Internal Fixation I Injury Factor Medical
  302. Inclusive Framework
  303. Institute for Fermentation
  304. Intrinsic Factor Medical, Vitamin, Deficiency
  305. Inertial Fusion Inertial fusion is a process of causing nuclear fusion in a controlled way. It is one of two primary means being developed to experimentally generate fusion in the laboratory, with the hopes of harnessing it for the purpose of power production. The main alternative method being explored is known as magnetic confinement fusion. Technology, Energy, Laser
  306. Integrity Flag Technology, Windows, Message
  307. Influencing Factors
  308. Immunofluoresence The technique to determine the location of an antigen or antibody in a tissue section or smear by fluorescence. Medical
  309. Independientes De Fuerteventura
  310. Or I/F Intermediate Frequency Technology
  311. Procedimientos-uno Ifwin Project File Computing, File Extensions
  312. Implied Forward
  313. Islamic Front
  314. Interior Functionality
  315. Incorrigible Flirt Funnies
  316. Inflated Medical
  317. Input Focus
  318. Inventrepreneur Forum
  319. Innerspace Foundation
  320. Inteqnal-Focusing
  321. Is Fusion
  322. Indemnity Fund
  323. In-Flight Taking place during a flight e.g. in-flight emergency, in-flight oil loss. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  324. Interface The boundary between any two phases. Among the three phases (gas, liquid, and solid), there are five types of interfaces: gas-liquid, gas-solid, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and solid-solid. A collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class or a component. alsoclass, port type. 2.A shared boundary between independent systems. An interface can be a hardware component used to link two devices, a convention that supports communication between software systems, or a method for a user to communicate with the operating system, such as a keyboard. NASA, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online, Federal Aviation Administration
  325. Influencing Factor
  326. Inter Fuel
  327. Immuno Fluorescence
  328. Insolito E Fantastico Book, Con, Italy
  329. Innovations Fund
  330. Internally Flawless Business, Diamond, Ring, Clarity, Products
  331. Interrupt-Enable Flag Technology, Coding, Electronic Engineering
  332. Integer Factoring Technology, Algorithm, Factor
  333. International Federations Sport, Organizations, Olympic
  334. Irresponsible Forwarding Technology, Networking, Command
  335. Intrinsic Field Physics, Scientific & Educational
  336. Ifplementers Forum Business, Technology, Product
  337. Islamic Finance Business, Financial, Banking
  338. Interior Fire
  339. International Fleet Business & Finance, International business
  340. Inflammation  The body's reaction to noxious stimuli or foreign particles, resulting in swelling, redness, and pain Medical
  341. Input File Technology, Computing, File Extensions
  342. Intermediate Frequencey
  343. Inner Force Lyric, Force, Foray, Heathen
  344. Intermodal Freight
  345. Integrating Factor
  346. Indemnité Forfaitaire
  347. Improvement Foundation Technology, Health, Repair
  348. Intermediate Fix A fix that marks the end of an initial segment and the beginning of the inter-mediate segment. In RNAV applications this fix is normally defined by a fly-by waypoint. Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
  349. Influence Factor
  350. Inter Frequency
  351. Immuno-Fluorescence
  352. Informing Faculty Student, Education, University
  353. Innovation Frontiers Business, Technology, Research
  354. Internalbflush Business, Product, Door
  355. Interrogation Facility Government, Military, Chicago
  356. Integer-Forcing Technology, Coding, Receiver
  357. Internal Flush Technology, China, Gauge, Gag
  358. Irresistible Force
  359. Initiation Factor Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  360. Imperial Forces
  361. Islamic Fiction
  362. Interior Facet Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  363. Immunofluorescent Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  364. Idea Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  365. Integrate and Fire [Neuron] Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  366. Inflammation Factor Medical, Health, Food
  367. Innovations Foundation
  368. Interaction Factor Technology, Turkey, Flow
  369. Informa
  370. Intermittent Fasting Medical, Weight, Fat, Diet, Loss, Fasting
  371. Insterstitial-Free
  372. Incremental Funding Science
  373. Ifprovement Factor Technology
  374. Conditional Batch file command Computing, Dos commands
  375. In Flight Intermediate Frequency Technology
  376. Inside Forward Sport, Manager, Football
  377. Immobilien Franchising Business, Franchise, Realty
  378. Inertial Flow Inertial flow is the motion that is supposed to be exclusively accelerated by the Coriolis force per unit mass. The geostrophic flow is caused by a balance between the pressure gradient force per unit mass and the Coriolis acceleration.
  379. Innovation Fisher
  380. Inturnal Finishes
  381. Interpreting Functions Education, School, Math
  382. Independent Float Business, Head, Shaver
  383. Insurgent Force
  384. Intelligent Finance
  385. Irregular Frequency
  386. hyperpolarization-activated current Medical, Heart
  387. Islamic Federation Student, Education, Organizations
  388. Interim Framework
  389. Immunofluorescence Technique Medical
  390. Instituteuction Field
  391. Interurban Freight
  392. Integral Functions
  393. In Flames
  394. Innovative Funding
  395. Instituto Feldenkrais
  396. Institutional Fundraising Medical
  397. Increased Negativity of P Medical
  398. Improved Flexion
  399. Invincible Fellowship Religion
  400. In Flight
  401. Input Frequency Technology, Circuit, Range
  402. Immersion Foot Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  403. It Is Fast
  404. Innovation Festival Technology, Event, Disruptive
  405. Internal Fan Forum, Technology, Laptop, Alternator
  406. Interpretations of The Flood
  407. Independent Fusion Technology, Protein, Power
  408. Insurance Fund Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  409. Integrated Functions
  410. In (the) Front Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  411. Isabella Fiore
  412. Interim Fix Technology, Issue, Domino
  413. Immunoflourescence Medical
  414. Institutetuto Federal
  415. Interstitial-Free Technology, Science, Steel
  416. Integral Foamed Technology, Foam, Molding
  417. Innovation Fund Technology, Education, Development
  418. Instituteument Flight
  419. Intake fan The Finance and Administrative Services
  420. Increased Flexion Medical, Medicine, Knee, Flexion
  421. Import Factor Business
  422. Internal Focusing Photography
  423. Inflectional Forms
  424. Input Freq
  425. Immediate Frequency
  426. Irish Flow Ireland, Flow, Maltman
  427. Innovation Factory Business, Technology, Design
  428. Internal Failurp
  429. Interphase Fish Science, Biology
  430. Independence Front
  431. Insufficiency Fractures Medical
  432. Inside Face Design, Drawing, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  433. Individually Funded Us Government, Governmental & Military
  434. Intergovernmental Forum
  435. Immunofixation Medical, Technology
  436. Institutetute for Fermentation
  437. Inoculum Fluid
  438. Interruption Flag Technology, Edition, Standard, Spy
  439. Integer Or Fractional Technology, Java, Math
  440. Isidor Feinstein English, Stone, Journalist
  441. Irving Falu Baseball, Sport, City
  442. Innovation Forum Business, Technology, Innovation
  443. Rear Or Internal Focusing Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
  444. Interstitial Free Chemistry
  445. Importance Factor
  446. Interjurisdictional Fish
  447. Information Forager Occupation & positions
  448. Inflation Factor
  449. Input Format
  450. Inverse Fission
  451. Innovation Facilitators
  452. Internal Focus Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
  453. Internetworking Function Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  454. Intermediate-Frequency
  455. Indemnity Funds
  456. In-Fusio
  457. In Fronte Latin, Roman
  458. Information Foraging Security, Governmental & Military
  459. Intergenerational Foundation Business, Tax, Generation
  460. Immunofiltration Medical
  461. Institutetut De France
  462. Innovators of Fashion
  463. International Yellows Program, Education, Fellowship
  464. Interrupt Flag Technology, Coding, Instruction, Computing, Assembly, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
  465. Integer Factorization Technology, Algorithm, Prime
  466. Isador Feinstein
  467. Irrigation Flow

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IF stand for?

    IF stands for Initiation Factor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intermittent Fasting?

    The short form of "Intermittent Fasting" is IF.


IF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/if-meaning/

Last updated