IF in Science Meaning

The IF meaning in Science terms is "Index Fungorum". There are 25 related meanings of the IF Science abbreviation.

IF on Science Full Forms

  1. Index Fungorum
  2. Inclusive Fitness Inclusive fitness, theory in evolutionary biology in which an organism's genetic success is believed to be derived from cooperation and altruistic behaviour. Inclusive fitness theory suggests that altruism among organisms who share a given percentage of genes enables those genes to be passed on to subsequent generations. In this way, an altruistic act that supports the survival of a relative or other individual theoretically enhances the genetic fitness of both the recipient of the act and the altruistic organism.
  3. Interface Frame
  4. Instituto Federal
  5. Institute of Fisheries
  6. Industrial Facilities
  7. Impact Factorg
  8. Intermediate Focus
  9. Infrastructure Footprint
  10. International Forestry
  11. Infrared  Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 7500 A, the limit of the visible light spectrum at the red end, and centimetric radio waves. 
  12. Intermediate Filaments
  13. Indogermanische Forschungen
  14. Isoelectric Focusing A technique of electrophoresis in which the resolution is improved by maintaining a pH gradient between the electrodes.
  15. Intermediate Filament Intermediate filament are cytoskeletal components found in metazoan cells. They are composed of a family of related proteins sharing common structural and sequence features. Intermediate filaments have an average diameter of 10 nanometers, which is between that of 7 nm actin, and that of 25 nm microtubules, although they were initially designated 'intermediate' because their average diameter is between those of narrower microfilaments and wider myosin filaments found in muscle cells.
  16. Interference Filter
  17. Irregular Facets
  18. Image Frequency Receivers typically convert RF signals to a lower Intermediate Frequency (IF) for demodulation. In addition to the IF, a second signal, called the "image frequency" is often generated and filtered out.
  19. Instrumentation and Facilities
  20. Impact Factor The Impact Factor is a measure of the number of citations within scientific journals. The impact factor is used to gauge the relative importance of a scientific journal within its field. Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) which is now part of Thomson, is the person who devised the impact factor. Thomson Scientific calculates impact factors annually for the journals it indexes.
  21. Input Factor
  22. Incremental Funding
  23. In-Flight Taking place during a flight e.g. in-flight emergency, in-flight oil loss.
  24. Interstitial-Free
  25. Interphase Fish

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IF stand for Science?

    IF stands for Irregular Facets in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of In-Flight in Science?

    The short form of "In-Flight" is IF for Science.


IF in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/if-meaning-in-science/

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