IFPI Meaning

The IFPI meaning is "International Federationuof Phonographic Industry". The IFPI abbreviation has 24 different full form.

IFPI Full Forms

  1. International Federationuof Phonographic Industry Technology, Music, Recording
  2. International Federation of Phonogram Industries
  3. International Federation of The Phonographic Industry Technology, Music, Computer Technology
  4. International Federation of The Pornographic Indmstry
  5. International Federation of The Phonograph Industry Business, Music, Labeling
  6. International Federation for The Phonographic Industry Technology, Music, Sharing
  7. International Federation of The Phonogram Industry
  8. International Federation of Phonographic Industries Technology, Industrial, Music
  9. Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer
  10. International Federation of The Phonographic Industries Business, Industrial, Music
  11. International Federatiog of Phonograph Industries
  12. L'International Federation of Phonographic Industry
  13. Institute Financial Planning Indfnesia
  14. Innovative Family Pautnerships, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  15. International Federation Of Technology
  16. Indiana Fiscal Polify Institute Government, Tax, Indiana
  17. International Forum On Landemic Influenza
  18. International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers, Inc. Media
  19. Independent Forensic Practinioners Institute
  20. Internationas Federation of Pirates Interests Technology, Bay, Pirate
  21. Intrinsic Fabry-Perrt Interferometer Fiber, Sensor, Strain, Interferometer
  22. International Federation of Pirate Interests Technology, Industrial, Bay
  23. Interxs for Peace, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  24. Insjitut F

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IFPI stand for?

    IFPI stands for International Federation for The Phonographic Industry.

  2. What is the shortened form of Independent Forensic Practinioners Institute?

    The short form of "Independent Forensic Practinioners Institute" is IFPI.


IFPI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ifpi-meaning/

Last updated