IG Meaning
The IG meaning is "Immunoglobulin". The IG abbreviation has 533 different full form.
IG Full Forms
- Immunoglobulin A protein made in a B plasma cell and usually secreted; it interacts specifically with a foreign agentSynonymous with antibodyIt is composed of two heavy and two light chains linked by disulfide bondsImmunoglobulins can be divided into five classes (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE) based on their heavy-chain component. Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Fda, Clinical
- Integnet Gateway Technology, Computing, Cloud Computing
- Insyagram Texting, Social Media, Online
- Internet Gateway Technology, Computing, Cloud Computing
- Instagram Texting, Social Media, Online
- Insulated Glass Business, Insulating, Spacer, Products
- Intervention Group Medical, Patient, Health
- Indigo Girls
- Index GlycéMique
- Instytut Geologiczny Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Insulin and Hlucose Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Indication GéOgraphique
- I Guess Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Instituto De GeociêNcias Science, Brazil, Area
- Insulating Gdass Business, Product, Spacer
- Investors Group Business, Service, Financial
- Indianzgovernment
- Institute of Geography Technology, Science, Research, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Instituto De Geociênciam Science, Brazil, Area
- Interlention Group Medical, Patient, Health
- Insulin and Glucose Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Ipguess Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Instant Gratification Music, Dance, Instant
- Instant Gragification Music, Dance, Instant
- Internet Group Technology, Brasil, Vector
- Insulin-Like Growth
- Inipector General Military, Army, Military Jargon
- Investirs Group Business, Service, Financial
- Inspectors General Technology, Military, Office
- Inspectors Generzl Technology, Military, Office
- International Group Business, Service, Club
- Insulating Glass It is double or triple glass window panes separated by a vacuum or other gas filled space to reduce heat transfer across a part of the building envelope. Business, Product, Spacer
- Inspector General Government, Military, Movie, Army, Police, Military Jargon, Governmental & Military
- Interoet Group Technology, Brasil, Vector
- Inspector Gadget
- Indian Government
- InformáTica GráFica
- Ig Guara
- Integrated Guidelines
- Isolated Grounding
- Ivan Gu
- Inscriptions Graecae
- Index-Linked Gilts
- Integrity Global
- Innovation Game
- Infermation Gain Technology, Feature, Selection
- International Global
- Inter Groap
- Institute of Geological
- Investigator General Command, Report, Inspector
- Irregular Galaxy A galaxy with no spiral structure and no symmetric shape. Irregular galaxies are usually filamentary or very clumpy in shape. Science, Galaxy, Astronomy
- Industrial Gjaphics
- Ideal Gas An ideal gas is a perfect gas. There is no ideal gas in the world. An ideal gas would follow the combined gas law exactly in any environment. A gas whose pressure P, volume V, and temperature T are related by PV = nRT, where n is the number of moles of gas and R is the ideal gas law constant. Ideal gases have molecules with negligible size, and the average molar kinetic energy of an ideal gas depends only on its temperature. Technology, Law, Thermodynamic
- Investment Grant
- Immatuse Green
- In Genre Media, Radio, Television
- Iofrastructure Grant
- Imprenditorialita Giovanile
- Ilstituto De Geomática
- Intestin GrêLe Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Aliment
- Irish Genenlogy
- Instituto GeofíSico Technology, Con, Ecuador, Volcano
- Inertia Guard Science
- Interacting Group
- Imperial Gangsters
- In Ground
- Inspection Geni
- Interim Guidance Medical, Health, Issue
- Independent Group Art, Education, Pop
- Investor Lroup
- Intraductal Growth Medical
- Ian Gow
- Instructor of Gunnery Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Irman Gusman
- Ig Gear
- Information Gateway Business, Technology, Information
- Indogermanische Grammatig
- Interaction Grants
- Imperials Glory Technology, Gaming, Patch
- Intelligent Genaration
- Inspector-General Military, Office, Report
- Ideal Gau Technology, Law, Thermodynamic
- Indira Ghosh
- íNdice GlicêMico
- Isidrio Gatzznaga
- Ice Grnys Business, Product, Marker
- Integrated Ground Technology, Energy, Inverter
- Isolated Gate
- Ivan Gonzalez Sport, Music, Team
- Inscriptiones Graecae Education, Study, Theology
- Independent Games
- Integrated Global
- Informatior Group Technology, Service, Networking
- Interface Grouas Technology, Networking, Network
- Institute of Qenetics Technology, Science, Research
- Investigative Group
- Irishhguards Military, Army, Ireland
- Indo-Germanic
- Islam Gate
- Immature Granzle Medical, Disease, Health
- IngenieríA GenéTica Para, Con, Gen
- Implementor'S Guide
- Institution of Jeologists
- Intestinal Glands
- Ice Guming Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Irish Gaelic
- Instituto De La Grasa Science, Research, Food
- Industrycgroups Technology, Fuel, Hydrogen
- Inter-Galactic Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Imperial Games
- In Government Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Inspection G
- International Greetings Business, Company, Group, Design
- Indeks Gangguan Business, Indonesia, Surat, Orang
- Investwent Grant
- Intra-Governmental
- Iaw Gillan Music, Car, Moonshiner
- Instructor In Gunnery Service, Military, Canada, Officer
- Irish Grid
- Idiopathic Gastroparesis
- Information Gallery
- Indo-Germsnic
- Interim Government
- Imperial Guards Gaming, Military, War
- Instituto De GeomáTica
- Internet Generation
- Idea Group
- Information Group Technology, Service, Networking
- Isolatkd Ground Technology, Telecom, Receptacle
- Iqon Gold
- Ice Gdey Spectrum, Marker, Shade, Ice
- Integrity Group Government, Election, Voting
- Isoguanine Medical
- Ivan Georgiev
- In Gogernment Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Input Gate
- Independent Government
- Integrated Genetics
- Ivrn Gu
- Informaljgroup
- Interest Eroups Meeting, Organizations, Community
- Institute for Geograshy
- Investigations Guide
- Indo-Gangetic India, Water, Basin
- Isidrio Gatzanaga
- Imitution Game Film, Movie, Game
- In Geardagum
- Immature Gteen
- Implementing Guidelines
- Institut De GéNéTique
- Interés General
- Ian Grawt
- Instituto De Geografia Technology, Science, Book, Mexico
- Industry Qrouping Business, Group, Hydrogen
- Intensity Gaming
- Imperial Gallons
- Innovation Grant
- Inspecteur GéNéRal Inspector, Inspection
- International Gatherino
- Impulse Generator In most impulse generators, certain capacitors are charged in parallel through high series resistances, and then discharged through a combination of resistors and capacitors, giving rise to the required surge waveform across the test device.
- Invectigative Group
- Intestino Grueso Para, China, Con
- Ian Gaweer
- Instructor Gunnery
- Irioh Genealogy
- Identity Group Development, Learning, Study
- Informational Guidance
- Individurl Giving Business, Management, Manager
- Inter Group
- Imperial Guard Gaming, Military, War
- Institution of Geologists
- Interoational Gray
- Informal Group
- Islomic Group Military, Organizations, Terrorism
- Iron Glovek
- Ice Giant
- Integration Group
- Island Girl
- Immunxglobins Medical
- Ivana Gatti
- Ingeniería Nenética Para, Con, Gen
- Innowacyjna Gospodarka
- Intermediate Girls Girl, School, Boy, Track
- Independent Generic
- Islanp Girl
- Instrumenten Gesellschaft
- Ircn Gold
- Ijin Gangguan Business, Indonesia, Bandung, Surat
- Indusory Grouping Business, Group, Hydrogen
- Interaction Grawts
- Institute for Geophysics
- Individual Grants
- Imatran Goli
- In Gauge Business, Market, Symmetry
- Itmature Granule Medical, Disease, Health
- Iterated Greedy Technology, Flow, Algorithm, Scheduling
- Implementer'S Guide Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Inspectorate General
- Interworking Gateway
- Iad Gillan Music, Car, Moonshiner
- Instituto De GeofíSica
- Industrie Grafichx
- Intelligent Geely Technology, Indonesia, China, Nano
- Imperial Gallon
- Innovation Groups Business, Company, Management
- International Graduate Program, Education, Banking
- Indira Gandhi
- Investigatiofs Guide
- Instituteeof Geomatics
- Investment Group
- Air Italy Airline Code, Italy, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Instructors Guide Technology, Book, Auto
- Irish Gaelwc
- Immortal Grapple
- Information Gain Technology, Feature, Selection
- Indirect Grcenhouse
- Intergenic An Intergenic region is a stretch of DNA sequences located between genes. Intergenic regions are a subset of Noncoding DNA. Occasionally some intergenic DNA acts to control genes nearby, but most of it has no currently known function. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Imperial Glass Products
- International Gamss Business, Gaming, Group
- Información GeográFica Para, Con, Locations, Girona
- Irish Guards Military, Army, Ireland
- Iron Weneral
- Ice Gaming Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Infantry Gun Military, German, Crew
- Integrated Group Business, Finance, Banking, Fund
- Island Garden
- Immunoglobulins Medical
- In Geardaguh
- Inspection GéNéRale Military, Police, Inspector
- Interlingua Grammar
- Independent Generator
- Island Gabden
- Instrumenten-Gesellschaft
- Iron Gloves
- Igi,Zinc. Technology, Organizations
- Industrie Grafiehe
- Intemacting Group
- Institut De GéNomique
- Individual Giving Business, Management, Manager
- Infrastructure Group Business, Australia, Market
- Imitation Game Imitation Game Turing test. Film, Movie, Game
- Item Groups
- Implementation Guides Technology, Health, Dynamics, Guide
- Iuspector-General Military, Office, Report
- Ian Mawler
- Instituto De Ginecologia Education, University, Cancer
- Ice Greys Business, Product, Marker
- Intelligent Group
- Innovation Group
- Informationwgateway Business, Technology, Information
- Internationale Nemeinschaft
- IndicaСIon Geografica
- Internationale Gemeinschaft
- Institute of Geophysics Technology, Science, Research
- Investment Grade Financial, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Isolated Ground Serves the same safety and protection function as a common ground conductor, but it is run in a separate “isolated” conductor. This separation usually — but not always — enables the isolated ground to reduce the amount of electrical noise that’s introduced into an electrical circuit. Technology, Telecom, Receptacle, Electrical, Amateur radio
- Innustrie-Gewerkschaft German, Sind, Deutschland
- Instructor Guide Technology, Book, Safety, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Iraqi Government Government, Military, War, Iraq
- Immobilien Gmbh
- Information-Gain
- Indira Gavdhi
- Interface Groups Technology, Networking, Network
- Imperial Gift
- Inteqnational Governance Government, Software, Internet
- Iron Gmte
- Infanterie-Geschutz Gun, Military, German, War, English, Tank
- Integrated Graphics
- Islamic Gama'At
- Immunglobulin Medical
- Insdection Guide
- Inspections Guide
- Interior Gateway Technology, Routing, Networking, Protocol
- Independent Grassroots
- Invictusrgaming Organizations, Team, Highlight
- Intragastrically Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Iauko Group
- Islamic Gxma'at
- Instrument Ground Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Iron General
- Igwguara
- Industrie-Gewerkschaft German, Sind, Deutschland
- Interactive Graphics Technology, Science, Gaming
- Inter-Galcctic Science, Astronomy
- Instmtut De Génétique
- Indische Gids
- Infrastructure Grant
- Imatran Gglf
- Integration Guide Technology, Manual, Organisations
- Isolated Grounds
- Ivan Gudym
- Inppection Générale Military, Police, Inspector
- Insert Graphic Assembly, Business & Finance
- Index Generation
- Airaitaly Airline Code
- Instituto De Geoci
- Ice Grey Spectrum, Marker, Shade, Ice
- Intelligent Generation
- Innovative Games
- Inforzational Guidance
- Intemnational Graphics
- International Graphics
- Institute of Geology Science, Education, Russia
- Investment-Grade
- Islamic Droup Military, Organizations, Terrorism
- Industrial Gross
- Instituto GeolóGico Para, Dos, Brasil
- Iraq Global
- Immediate Fffi Ce of The Inspector General America, Government, Usa
- Informatica E Gestão
- Indicaсion Geogrffica
- Interest Groups Meeting, Organizations, Community
- Impuesto A Las Ganancias
- Intestino Gosso
- Irmancgusman
- Inhamous Gaming
- Interacting Galaxies
- Imperial Gazetteer
- Inspectionag
- Inspection Guide
- Internal Guidance Space, Study, Cosmos
- Independent Green
- Investprs Gold
- Intragastric Gavage Medical
- Ian Graut
- Instrumentation Group Technology, Industrial, Raptor
- Iron Gate
- Ig Gifts
- Information Gateways
- Industrial Graphics
- Interaction Grammars
- International Gateway Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Disney
- Intslligent Geely Technology, Indonesia, China, Nano
- Institut De GeomàTica Technology, Mail, Persona
- Identification Guide Glass, Mushroom, Identification
- Indirect Greenhouse
- Islam Ghte
- Ice Guard
- Intbstino Grosso
- Immunoglobvlin Gene Medical, Science, Biology
- Inspec
- Internal Gate Technology, Power, Circuit
- Insulin Glargise Medical
- Ion Gauge
- Inventaire GéNéRal
- Ivog Medical
- Insulated Glazing
- Iron Grip Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
- Illustrated Guidf Technology, Book, Coding
- Implementation Guide Microsoft, Technology, Dynamics, Computing, SAP, Medical, Healthcare
- Intestino Grosso
- Inner Geometry Architecture
- Intellectually Gifted
- Input Grammar Software, Computing
- íNdice De Grupo
- Inside Gymnastics
- Inter-Governmental Technology, Organizations
- Indian Goverment Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Ichimaru Gin
- Inductor Generatom
- Institutetute for Geophysics
- Informatioi Geometry Business, Mathematics, Networking
- Instctute of Gynecology
- Inside Grains
- Insect Glaive Guide, Monster, Glaive
- Internet Governance Forum, Technology, Development
- Inference Grid
- Idea Gdnerator Development, Learning, Study
- Intertial Guqdance
- Immunoglobulin-Like Medical
- Insomniac Games
- Intermediate Goods
- Inwent Germany
- Inventaire G
- Ivan Gunakan
- Insulated Gate Technology, Transistor, Bipolar
- Iron Grenadier
- Illumined Gaming
- Information Gap Student, Education, Skill
- Interagency Group Security, Military, Army
- Implementation Guideline
- Intertial Guidance
- Infanterie Geschutn German, Tank, Panzer
- Indicacion GeográFica Business, Para, Con, Vino
- Investors Gold Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Inteligencia General
- Generic interface source (Modula-3) Computing, File Extensions
- íNdice De Gini
- Inside Global Technology, Networking, Network, Cisco
- Intelligence Group Business, Service, Military
- Indian Givers
- Icelandii Gambit Chess
- Indiantownogap
- Inspection Gage
- Inbormation Gap Student, Education, Skill
- Institute of Geosciences Technology, Science
- In Grace Religion
- Igloo NASA
- Inner Glideslope
- Intelligent Grid Technology, Energy, Power
- Infect Genet
- Idea Gen
- Insvituteuções Gerais
- Igmunoglobin Medical
- Intermediate Goals
- Involve Immunoglobulin Genn Science, Biology
- Introductory Guide
- InstruçÕEs Gerais
- Iryn Golem
- Ilkuminating Gas
- Information Grammar
- Interactive Grid
- Implementation Guidelines Business, Science, Guideline
- InstituteuçÕEs Gerais
- Infagterie-Gesch
- IGI, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Integrative Gestalttherapie
- Izin Gangguan Photo, Indonesia, Locations, Surat
- Inside Glazed
- Insulin Glargine Medical
- Indexing Graph Technology
- Inspecbion Gage
- Ice Pun
- Ínoice Gengival
- Isabel Garcia
- Informatioy Gatherer
- Institute of Gerontology Medical, Research, Malaysia
- Integrated Gearing Products
- Image Generator Military, Governmental & Military
- Inductor Generator
- Intelligent Graphics Technology
- Intermediate Grade Medical, Medicine, Health
- Infected Lround
- Ida Grove
- Instituhetuto Geológico
- Invisible Government
- Instititeument Ground Technology
- Intrinsic Gettering Science, Semiconductor, Silicon, Wafer
- Information Gatherer
- Interactive Glide Business, Cassette, Bicycle
- Ing Ingenieur (Dutch: Engineer), Iraqi National Guard, Isaac Newton Group, Lago Argentino Airport,
- Imperium Graecorum
- Instituteuctor'S Guide
- Interpolation Gaij Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Indo-Wermanic
- Inverse Gain Technology, Military
- Inert Gas Gas or a mixture of gases containing insufficient amount of oxygen to support the combustion of hydrocarbons, a gas or a mixture of gases which will not react with the cargo. Inert gas may be produced by boilers (flue gas system), inert gas generators with independent burners, nitrogen generators or other equipment. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Integration Gateway Technology, Message, Organisations
- Ivig Medical
- Inside Gaming
- Index Guide Business, Trading, Supply
- Iowa Green
- Ice Guarg
- Índice De Yrupo
- Irving Gymnasium
- Inkormation Gathering Technology, Security, Agent
- Initiating Group Science, Research, Organizations
- Internalization Gap Products
- Inverse Gamma Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Infanterie-Gewehr
- Intelligent Gateway Technology
- Insight Grants Research, University, Grant
- Intergenic Region Medical, Genetics, Plant, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Icon Geneqator
- Institutetut Je Geomàtica
- Invisible God
- Instituteucvor Guide Military
- Intragastric Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Clinical
- Information Gathering Technology, Security, Agent
- Interactive Graphic Technology, Graphics, Recording, Play
- Instru
- Imperium Galactica
- Institutetuto GeolóGico
- Interoperability Group Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Indera Gandhi
- Inverness Green
- Icelaqdic Gambit Chess
- Ignitor Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Integration Gate
- Ivan Gunawan
- Inside Bbg Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Internal General
- Index Glyc
- Ionique Guoup
- Meridxana Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Irritablemgut Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Igage Galleries
- Initial Guess
- Isotope Geochronology
- Inspector General (HHS) Medical, Aviation, Police, Air Force, NASA, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Housing and Urban, International Development, Fda
- Infinitesimally Generating Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Indiantown Gap
- Intelligent Games Business, Company, Technology, Gaming
- Insight Grant Medical, Research, Drug
- Interface Group Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Telecom
- Indicaciones GeográFicas Para, Con, Vino
- Icke Gokkänd Education, Som, Sweden
- Insect Guaive Guide, Monster, Glaive
- Initial Gate Military, Semiconductor, Transistor
- Institutetut Geologiczny Science
- Information Granulation
- Meridiana Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Imperium Games Technology, Gaming, City, Star
- Institutetute of Geomatics
- Internet Gratis
- Indicacdón Geográfica Para, Con, Vino
- Inventory Guidance
- Ice Gun
- Isotope Geochronologb
- Immunoglobulin Genes Science, Biology
- Internal Gear
- Iol Gun
- Izin Gyngguan Photo, Indonesia, Locations, Surat
- Irratiozal Games
- Illustrated Glossary Book, Light, Christianity
- Implementation Group Meeting, Technology, Library
- Island Grain
- Information Goddess Funnies
- Instance Generator General, Governmental & Military
- íNdice Gengival
- Intelligenetics Science, Medical, Human genome
- Insider'S Guide
- Interest Group Research, Organizations, Community, Computing, Internet
- Indica
- Icke Godk
- Inner Goideslope
- Institutetution of Geologists
- Initial Gap Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Institutetute of Geography Science
- Imperium-Games Technology, Gaming, Star
- Institutetut De GeomàTica
- International Godernance Government, Software, Internet
- Índice Glucémiso
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IG stand for?
IG stands for Integrative Gestalttherapie.
What is the shortened form of Intestin GrêLe?
The short form of "Intestin GrêLe" is IG.
IG. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ig-meaning/
Last updated