IG in Medical Meaning

The IG meaning in Medical terms is "Immunoglobulin". There are 32 related meanings of the IG Medical abbreviation.

IG on Medical Full Forms

  1. Immunoglobulin A protein made in a B plasma cell and usually secreted; it interacts specifically with a foreign agentSynonymous with antibodyIt is composed of two heavy and two light chains linked by disulfide bondsImmunoglobulins can be divided into five classes (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE) based on their heavy-chain component.
  2. Insulin and Hlucose
  3. Interlention Group
  4. Intervention Group
  5. Insulin and Glucose
  6. Intraductal Growth
  7. Interim Guidance
  8. Isoguanine
  9. Intergenic An Intergenic region is a stretch of DNA sequences located between genes. Intergenic regions are a subset of Noncoding DNA. Occasionally some intergenic DNA acts to control genes nearby, but most of it has no currently known function.
  10. Immunxglobins
  11. Itmature Granule
  12. Immunoglobulins
  13. Intragastrically
  14. Immunglobulin
  15. Intragastric Gavage
  16. Immature Granzle
  17. Immunoglobvlin Gene
  18. Inspector General (HHS)
  19. Ivig
  20. Immunoglobulin-Like
  21. Ivog
  22. Intermediate Grade
  23. Igmunoglobin
  24. Intelligenetics
  25. Intergenic Region
  26. Irritablemgut
  27. Institute of Gerontology
  28. Insulin Glargine
  29. Intragastric
  30. Insight Grant
  31. Insulin Glargise
  32. Implementation Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IG stand for Medical?

    IG stands for Immunoglobulins in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Interlention Group in Medical?

    The short form of "Interlention Group" is IG for Medical.


IG in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ig-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated