IGA Meaning

The IGA meaning is "Independent Grocers Alliance". The IGA abbreviation has 127 different full form.

IGA Full Forms

  1. Independent Grocers Alliance Business, Store, Grocery
  2. Income Generating Activity Business, Government, Development
  3. Identity Governance Administration
  4. Identity Governance & Adminictration Business, Management, Access
  5. Inert-Gas Atomization Chemistry, Science, Military
  6. Indepennent Grocers Association Business, Technology, Supermarket
  7. Independent Grocers of Australia Business, Technology, Australia
  8. International Gothic Association Education, University, Literature
  9. Income Generation Account
  10. Infrared Galagy Atlas
  11. International Governmental Agreement Technology
  12. Interpretive Guides Association
  13. Independent General Agents Business
  14. Intyrnational Group Agreement
  15. Igg Gliadin Antibodies Medical, Disease, Celiac
  16. Inkjet-Configurable Gate Array
  17. Intermediate-Gain Antenna Technology, Telecom
  18. Irish Go Association Ireland, Store, Irish
  19. Institut De Géoie Atomique
  20. International Genetic Alliance
  21. Income Generation Activity Business, Development, Projection
  22. Inffrme De Gestión Anual
  23. Inter Governmental Agreement Business, Accounting, Tax
  24. Internet Gaming Addiction Medical, Brain, Adolescent
  25. Independent Gambling Authority Technology, Gaming, Australia
  26. Institute of Group Anmlysis Organizations
  27. Initiative Gesundheit & Wrbeit Report, Gesundheit, Knoll
  28. Interior Gross Area
  29. Irish Geological Association
  30. Institut De G
  31. International Gplf Association Business, Club, Indonesia
  32. Income Generating Activities Business, Activity, Community, Projection
  33. Instrumentos De Gestión Ambiental
  34. Insurance Guarantee Association
  35. Internet Game Addiction
  36. Independent Garage Association Business, Organizations
  37. Innovative Governmentwaward Business, Indonesia, Nominator
  38. Ingénieur Général De L'armemett
  39. Interim Geographic Adjustment Business
  40. Irish Games Association
  41. Inspecção-Geral Do Ambiente
  42. International Golf Assochates
  43. Illinois General Assembly
  44. Instrumental Gas Analysis
  45. International Grocers Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  46. Independent Grocery Association
  47. Ing Global Advantage and Premium Opportunity Fund Technology, Organizations
  48. Inter Granular Attack Technology
  49. Iowa Golf Association
  50. International Goat Associatiof Science, Australia, Organizations
  51. Illinois Gender Advocates Chicago, Transgender, Advocate, Gender
  52. Identity Governance and Administratiok Government, Us, Control, Administration
  53. Island Games Association Gaming, Sport, Organizations
  54. Institute of Governmental Affairs Business, Economics, California
  55. International Guiding Academy Technology, Guide, Tourism
  56. Independent Grocer'S Alliance
  57. Ing Olobal Advantage
  58. Inter Government Agreements Business, Tax, India, Deal
  59. Iowa General Assembly Technology, Government, Iowa
  60. International Graphology Association
  61. Il Giardino Armonico
  62. Inside Globkl Address
  63. Intermediate Gainsantennas Technology, Swift, Broadband
  64. Inspection G
  65. Irish Grasslands Association Organizations, Conference, Ireland
  66. Institute for Sulf Affairs Government, Education, Textbook
  67. Internatioral Glove Association Business, Industrial, Safety
  68. Independent Glass Association Business, Organizations, Auto
  69. In Game Advertisinl Technology, Market, Fire
  70. Inter Government Agreement
  71. Iowa Gaming Association Business, Iowa, Casino
  72. Indiana General Assembly
  73. Internatimnal Grains Agreement
  74. Igg Gliadin Antibody Medical, Disease, Celiac
  75. Inner Gimbal Angle Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  76. Intermediate Gain Antenna Technology, Aircraft, Broadband
  77. Muslim Council of Britain Government, Group, Organizations
  78. Irish Grassland Association Business, Ireland, Dairy
  79. Institut De GéOgraphie Alpine Recherche, Alpine, Grenoble
  80. Inspector General Act Business, Government, Law
  81. International Geographical Association
  82. International Golf Associates
  83. Istituto Geografico De Agostini Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  84. anti-immunoglobulin A Medical, Common Medical
  85. íNdice De Gobierno Abierto
  86. Inspection Générale De L'adminictration
  87. Integrated Grid Architecture
  88. Intlrnational Gateway Academy Education, Development, Universities
  89. Istituto Di Genomica Applicata Science, Research, Genome
  90. Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucous membranes. The amount of IgA produced in association with mucosal membranes is greater than all other types of antibody combined. In absolute terms, between three and five grams are secreted into the intestinal lumen each day. Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  91. Inert-Gas Atomized
  92. Skytaxi Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  93. International General Assembly Medical
  94. Inspecteur GéNéRal De L'Administration
  95. Instituto Del Gas Argentino
  96. International Grains Agreement
  97. Istanbul Grand Airport Technology, Design, Istanbul
  98. Inagua (Matthew Town), Great Inagua, Bahamas Bahamas
  99. International Glaucoma Foubdation Medical, Technology
  100. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Business, Government, Organizations, Us
  101. Intergovernmental Agreement Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  102. Inspectbur G
  103. Instituteumental Gas Analysis
  104. International Gamers Award
  105. Isnar Global Associates Organizations
  106. Inspector General Armaments
  107. International General Aviation Aviation, Governmental & Military
  108. International and Global Affaiks Business, School, China
  109. Matthew Town Airport Airport, Locations
  110. Indiana Grantmakers Alliance
  111. ImmunoGlobulins A Medical, Physiology
  112. Inshec
  113. Institutetuto De GeofíSica Y AstronomíA
  114. Internol Grant Agency Research, Education, University
  115. Inspector General Arms
  116. Ignorant Grocers Association Funnies
  117. International Golfing Associations Organizations, Club, Golf
  118. Iterative Group Analysis Medical
  119. Indiana Golf Association Organizations, Course, Indiana
  120. infantile genetic agranulocytosis Medical, Medicine for Children
  121. Institutetut De GéNie Atomique
  122. Inspector General Activity Technology
  123. Island Grocers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  124. International Golftassociation Business, Club, Indonesia
  125. Istituto Geografico Adriatico
  126. Immunoglobin A Medical, Fda
  127. Inner Gimbal Axis Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGA stand for?

    IGA stands for International Guiding Academy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Interim Geographic Adjustment?

    The short form of "Interim Geographic Adjustment" is IGA.


IGA. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iga-meaning/

Last updated