IGA in Medical Meaning

The IGA meaning in Medical terms is "Internet Gaming Addiction". There are 11 related meanings of the IGA Medical abbreviation.

IGA on Medical Full Forms

  1. Internet Gaming Addiction
  2. Igg Gliadin Antibody
  3. Igg Gliadin Antibodies
  4. ImmunoGlobulins A
  5. International Glaucoma Foubdation
  6. infantile genetic agranulocytosis
  7. Immunoglobin A
  8. anti-immunoglobulin A
  9. Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucous membranes. The amount of IgA produced in association with mucosal membranes is greater than all other types of antibody combined. In absolute terms, between three and five grams are secreted into the intestinal lumen each day.
  10. Iterative Group Analysis
  11. International General Assembly

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGA stand for Medical?

    IGA stands for anti-immunoglobulin A in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Immunoglobulin A in Medical?

    The short form of "Immunoglobulin A" is IGA for Medical.


IGA in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iga-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated