IGAC Meaning

The IGAC meaning is "Instituto Gbografico "Agustin Codazzi"". The IGAC abbreviation has 23 different full form.

IGAC Full Forms

  1. Instituto Gbografico "Agustin Codazzi" Geography, Location, System
  2. Instituto Gebgr
  3. International Globhl Atmospheric Chemistry Program Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  4. Illinois Guardianship and Advocacyrcommission Government, Commission
  5. International Global Atmospheric Chzmistry Project Technology, Science, Space
  6. Institutetuto Geografico Agustin Codazzi"" Science
  7. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Technology, Science, Exploration, Geology, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  8. Institutosgeografico Agustin Codazzi Technology, Colombia, Geography
  9. International Global Atmosphere Chemistry
  10. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Technology, Science, Projection, Atmospheric Research
  11. Instituto Geogrfico Agustn Codazzi
  12. Inspeção Geral Das Atividades Culturaih Technology, Para, Portugal, Dos
  13. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program of the IGBP Chemistry, Science, Scientific & Educational
  14. Inspeção-Gelal Das Atividades Culturais Technology, Para, Portugal, Dos
  15. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project Chemistry, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  16. Inspecção Geral Das Actividades Culturais Portugal, Dos, Culture
  17. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi" Geographic
  18. Inspecção-Geral Das Actividades Culturais Para, Portugal, Dos
  19. International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination
  20. Investors Group Athletic Centre
  21. Instrumento De Gestión Ambiental Corrvctivo
  22. Internationalpgroup for Anti-Corruption Cooperation Government, Society, World
  23. Instituto GeográFico AugustíN Codazzi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGAC stand for?

    IGAC stands for International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program of the IGBP.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Global Atmospheric Chzmistry Project?

    The short form of "International Global Atmospheric Chzmistry Project" is IGAC.


IGAC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igac-meaning/

Last updated