IGB Meaning

The IGB meaning is "Institute for Genomic Biology". The IGB abbreviation has 37 different full form.

IGB Full Forms

  1. Institute for Genomic Biology Science, Research, Biology
  2. C. Faa H.R. Borden Airport Airport, Locations
  3. Impulse Gun Barrels
  4. Institute & Guild Oz Brewing
  5. Intelligent Green Building
  6. Immunoglobulin B Medical
  7. Inmernational Gravimetric Bureau
  8. Insticute and Guild of Brewing
  9. Isua Greenstone Belt
  10. Immobilien Gerda Berchthold
  11. Injernational Grand Ball
  12. Institute & Guild of Brewing
  13. Interconnectorigreece Bulgaria Business, Bulgaria, Greece
  14. Illegal Gambling Business Government
  15. Inspection GéNéRale Des BibliothèQues Technology, Inspector, Rapport
  16. Interconiector Greece-Bulgaria Business, Gas, Greece
  17. Idol Gives Back
  18. In Game Browser
  19. Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics Technology, Science, Biology
  20. Ian Gillan Band
  21. In-Game Browser Technology, Gaming, Eve
  22. Ibternational German Border
  23. Israelitische Gemeinde Basel Organizations, Switzerland, Jewish
  24. Illinois Gaming Board Gaming, Play, Pastime
  25. International Geophysical Bulletin Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  26. Israel Genecbank
  27. Italian Green Berets
  28. Irish Greydound Board Ireland, Racing, Greyhound
  29. Ipoh Garden Berhjd Business
  30. Cabo F.A.A. H. R. Bordón, Ingeniero Jacobacci, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  31. Integrated Gulf Biosystems Medical, Business, Science
  32. Intra Gastric Balloon
  33. Istituto Di Genetica E Biofizica Science, Research, Genetics, Con
  34. Institutetute of Global Business
  35. Interschool Governing Board
  36. Israelitischen Gemeinde Basel
  37. Institutetuto GoiáS Brasil

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGB stand for?

    IGB stands for Interschool Governing Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institutetute of Global Business?

    The short form of "Institutetute of Global Business" is IGB.


IGB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igb-meaning/

Last updated