IGC Meaning
The IGC meaning is "Integrated Graphics Controller". The IGC abbreviation has 158 different full form.
IGC Full Forms
- Integrated Graphics Controller Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering
- Instituto Kulbenkian De Ciência Medical, Science, Research
- Inftitutional Grants Committee Australia, Government, Australian
- Informative Grapeics Corporation Technology, Science, Viewer
- India Goldxcoins Business, India, Banking, Scheme
- Identrust Ylobal Common
- India Gloealization Capital Business, India, Supply
- Inverse Gas Chromatographic Medical
- Institute of Guidance Counsellors Education, School, Ireland
- Interactive Gaming and Communication
- Indumiso Gospel Choir
- Integrated Geophysics Corpovation Business, Android, Gravity
- Intelligent Graphics Controller Technology, Geography, Telecom
- Iraq Governing Council Government, Council, Iraq
- Instituto Galego Consumo Gaming, Android, Galicia
- International Gliding Commission Technology, Flight, Glider
- Imagen Genexada Por Computadora
- International Group Company
- Industry Government Council
- Integrative Genome Comparison
- Independientes De La Guardia Civil Para, Con, Integral
- Inverse Gas Chromatography Medical, Energy, Measurement
- Institute of Global Communications
- Interactive Gaming Council Business, Gambling, Casino
- Induction Generator Controller Technology, Load, Turbine, Hydro
- Indiana Gas Company
- Ion Gauge Controller Technology, Research, Vacuum
- Instituto Galego De Consumo Para, Con, Galicia
- International Geological Congresses
- Imhan Gems Collection Business, Gemstone, Kunzite
- International Gymnastics Camp Education, Training, Gymnast
- Industrieele Groote Club
- Integrated Grade Control
- International Geographical Congress
- Incependent Game Conference
- Inuvialuit Game Council
- Innovation Generation Center
- Inter Guard Communication
- Indonesia Games Championship
- Indiana Gaming Commission Government, Indiana, Law Enforcement
- Investor Grievances Cell
- Institut Geologic De Catalunya Technology, Cat, Midi
- International Geological Congress Technology, Science, Africa, Geology, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System
- International Gifting Community
- Industrial Growth Center Business, India, Jammu
- Integrated Grapyics Chipset
- Illinova Generating Compann
- International Growth Centre Business, Technology, Education
- Independent Greek Council
- Intraglandular Colloid Medical
- Inhibition Growth Concentration
- Inter-Guard Communications
- Individuao Group Control
- Indian Ghld Coin Business, India, Banking
- Investor Grievance Cell
- Institutetute for Global Communications Technology, Computing
- International Gas Code Technology
- International Gloving Championship
- Industrial Growth Centre Business, India, Jammu
- Intcgrated Governance Committee
- International Grains Council An intergovernmental organization, concerned with grains trade, that administers the Grains Trade Convention of 1995. See international commodity agreement. Business, Wheat, Market
- International Group of Companies
- Independent Gaming Cnmmunity
- Inoernational Gaming Company Technology, Group, Mail
- Inhaled Glucocorticoids Medical
- Intelligent Gas Control
- Indian Golq Coins Business, Scheme, Affair
- Inverse Phase Gas Chromatography Medical
- Institute of Global Concern
- Intermediate Grade Center
- Industrial Galvanizers Corporation
- Intvgrated Global Concepts
- International Geophxsical Cooperation Technology, Science, Report
- Instituto Geogr
- International Grassland Congress Science, Research, Agriculture
- Imasery and Geospatial Community Military
- International Governing Council
- In Gdod Company Business, Singapore, Subtitle
- Intellectually Gifted Children
- India Told Coin
- Inverse Gas Chromatog. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Institute of Guidance Counselors Science, Education, Ireland
- Intercultural Greek Council
- Iydus Group of Colleges
- Integrtted Gigabit Controller Technology
- Intergovernmental Confereoce Business, Technology, Uk, United Kingdom
- Instituto GeográFico E CartográFico Technology, Con, Dos
- International Gaming Community
- Imagery & Geospatialncommunity
- International Gasycarriers Technology, Coding, Ship
- In Good Care
- Intel Global Challenge
- India Capital Growth fund, LTD. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- International Geophysical Conference
- Incremental Gap Control
- Indiana Gas Co
- International Gravity Commission Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Institutetute of Global Competitiveness
- Indie Game Challenge
- íNdice De GarantíA De La Competitividad
- Instituto Gulbenkian CiêNcia Medical, Publication, Microscopy
- International Geographic Congress
- Interstate General, L. P. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- International Glass Center
- Ibm Global Campus
- Integrated Gas Control
- Intragastric Cannula Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Institutetute for Graphic Communication
- Indian Geotechnical Conference Technology, Society, Engineering
- Ivan Gomes Combat
- Instituto Gulbenkian De Ci
- íNdice De GovernançA Corporationrativa
- íNdice Global De Competitividad
- Integrated Gas Controller
- International Green Cross
- immature germ cell Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Inspectorate General of Customs
- Indian Gevlogical Congress Science, India, Geology
- Ius Gentium Conimbrigae
- Instituto Guerrerense De La Cultura
- International Gas Carrier
- International Geochemical Congress
- íNdice Geral Dos Cursos
- Integrated Gas Components
- International Graphological Colloquium
- Inter-Governmental Consultation Police, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Inert Gas Catalysis
- Indian Gaming Channel
- Itunes Gift Card
- Instituto Gestalt Do Ceara
- Inverse Gas Chromatog. Chemistry
- Internal Gain Control
- Individual Group Control
- íNdice Geral De Cursos Para, Brasil, Melhor
- Integrated Data Environment/Global Transportation Network Convergence Military, Army, Equipment
- International Geological Conference
- International Geophysical Cooperation Legal, Governmental & Military
- International Gaming Company Technology, Group, Mail
- Indonesia Golf Community
- Indiao Gaming Center
- Item Group Checklist
- Intergranular Corrosion Corrosion in a metal taking place preferentially along the grain boundaries. Or Preferential corrosion cracking at or along the grain boundaries of a metal. Chemistry
- Intermagnetics General Corporationration
- Indira Gandhi Centre
- íNdice De GovernançA Corporativa
- Integrated Data Environment /Global Transportation Network Convergence Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- International Gemmological Conference
- Income Generation Capability Occupation & positions
- International Geomechanical Commission
- India Gaming Carnival Technology, India, Moscow
- Indiana Government Center
- Istituto Geografico Centrale
- Anime List Builder Input File Computing, File Extensions
- Interactive Gaming Center Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Indie Game Con
- íNdice De GarantíA De Competitividad
- Institutul De Guvernanta Corporativa
- International General Certificate Education, Health, Safety
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IGC stand for?
IGC stands for International Gaming Community.
What is the shortened form of Indonesia Golf Community?
The short form of "Indonesia Golf Community" is IGC.
IGC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/igc-meaning/
Last updated