IGCP Meaning

The IGCP meaning is "International Geological Correlation Programme". The IGCP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

IGCP Full Forms

  1. International Geological Correlation Programme Science, Organizations, Projection
  2. Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology Development, Study, Institutes
  3. Information Group On Crimes Against The Person Business, Ukraine, Crime
  4. International Gorilla Conservation Program Africa, Locations, Mountain
  5. International Gorilla Conservation Programme Technology, Organizations, Wildlife, Species
  6. International Geological Correlations Program Science, Research, Organizations
  7. International Geologic Correlation Program Science
  8. Instituto De Gestao Do Credito Publico
  9. International Geological Correlation Program Science, Organizations, Projection, Chemistry
  10. Interest Group Coaching Psychology
  11. International Geological Correlation Programme (IUGS and UNESCO) Legal, Governmental & Military
  12. Interest Group In Coaching Psychology Organizations, Team, Congress
  13. Intraglomerular Capillary Pressure Medicine, Disease, Health
  14. Intelligence Guidance for Comint Programming Military, Army, Intelligence
  15. International Geological Correlation Programme Iugs and Unesco Science, Exploration
  16. Insurance Groups Communication Platform
  17. International Gestalt Coaching Program
  18. Instituto Geografico E Cadastral Geography, Location, System
  19. International Gorilla Conservation Project
  20. International Geological Correlation Project

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGCP stand for?

    IGCP stands for International Geological Correlation Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Geological Correlations Program?

    The short form of "International Geological Correlations Program" is IGCP.


IGCP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igcp-meaning/

Last updated