IGE Meaning

The IGE meaning is "Immunoglobin E". The IGE abbreviation has 72 different full form.

IGE Full Forms

  1. Immunoglobin E Medical, Medicine, Health, Fda
  2. In Ground Effect Technology, Aerospace, Marine, Military, Governmental & Military, Effect
  3. Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies Medical, Science, Biology
  4. Impuesto General De Exportación
  5. Integrated Green Energy Business, Energy
  6. Inspe
  7. Innovative Givingbenhancement
  8. International Grading Exam
  9. Insrituteumentation Ground Equipment Technology
  10. Inspection Générale De L'egvironnement
  11. Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
  12. Instrumentation Graphics Environment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  13. Innovations In Gender Equality
  14. International Group of Entrepreneurs
  15. Immunoglobulins E Medical
  16. Institutetute of Gas Hngineers Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  17. Inspection GéNéRale D'Etat
  18. Institute for Global Ethics Business, Education, Organizations
  19. Instituto Gallego De EstadíStica
  20. Independent Government Estimates Business, Service, Military
  21. International Guiding Eyes
  22. Insbection G
  23. Independent Government Estimate Business, Service, Military
  24. Instituto Galego De Estatística Para, Con, Galicia
  25. Inclusive Green Economy
  26. Inter-Global Exhibitions
  27. Immunoglobulin E Immunoglobulin E is a type of antibody that has only been found in mammals. IgE is synthesised by plasma cells. Monomers of IgE consist of two heavy chains and two light chains, with the ε chain containing 4 Ig-like constant domains. Medical, Biomedical, Immune Deficiency, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  28. Inspen
  29. Interrupted Growth Epitaxy
  30. Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy Medical, Science, Biology
  31. Instixuto De Geolog
  32. In-Ground Effect Technology, Flight, Helicopter
  33. Inter-Continental Glass Exchange
  34. Inspección General Del EjéRcito
  35. Internet Grammar of English
  36. Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy Medical, Research, Genetics
  37. Instituto De GeologíA EconóMica
  38. In-Ground-Effect Technology, Aircraft, Helicopter
  39. Intensive General English Education, School, London
  40. Institutetution of Gas Engineers Organizations
  41. Inspecci
  42. Internet Gaming Entertainment Business, Company, Virtual
  43. Institit F
  44. Inspectorate Ganeral of Education
  45. Intercambio De Grupos De Estudio
  46. Institute for Global Education Program, Education, Study
  47. anti-immunoglobulin E Medical, Common Medical
  48. Ishares Goldman Sachs Natural Resources Index Fund Technology, Organizations
  49. Institutetute of Global Exchange
  50. Institute for Global Engagement Education, Religion, Freedom
  51. Iguela Airport, Iguela, Gabon Gabon
  52. Is An Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy Science, Biology
  53. Image Generating Equipment Space, Study, Cosmos
  54. Inspeção-Geral Da Efucação
  55. Image Scan Hldg Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  56. Institute of Global Exchange
  57. Iowa Grade Equivalent Development, Learning, Study
  58. Inspecção Geral Da Educação Technology, Education, Portugal, Faro
  59. Tchongorove Airport Iguela, Gabon Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  60. Intergovernmental Group of Experts Business & Finance, Business Word
  61. Institute of Global Education Education, University, Conference
  62. Inspecção-Geral Da Educação Technology, Para, Education, Escolar
  63. L'Inspection GéNéRale De L'Etat
  64. Invest Georgia Exemption Business, Organizations, Georgia, Crowdfunding
  65. Institution of Gas Engineers Organizations
  66. Institute of Gas Engineers Business, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Coal, Gasification
  67. Inspevtoría General Del Ejército
  68. Istanbul Gold Exchange Business, Trading, Istanbul
  69. Interdisciplinary and General Engineering
  70. Institute for Global Economics
  71. International Group Elements Atmospheric Research
  72. Isopropyl Glycidyl Ether

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGE stand for?

    IGE stands for Image Generating Equipment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institute for Global Education?

    The short form of "Institute for Global Education" is IGE.


IGE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 5). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ige-meaning/

Last updated