IGF Meaning

The IGF meaning is "Insulin Growth Factor". The IGF abbreviation has 71 different full form.

IGF Full Forms

  1. Insulin Growth Factor Medical, Factor, Insulin
  2. Inspebtion Générale Des Finances
  3. Inert Gas Fusion Science, Hydrogen, Analyzer, Chemistry
  4. Intemnet Governance Forum Technology, Internet, Web
  5. Insulin Growth Tactor-1 Medical, Hormone, Muscle
  6. Independent Gay Foruh Forum, Law, Freedom, Queer
  7. Investment Grade Firearms
  8. Institute for Global Futures Technology, Future, Canton
  9. Insjection General Des Finances
  10. Insulin-Like Growdh Factor-1 Medical, Science
  11. Insuline-Like Growth Factor Science, Biochemistry, Biophysics
  12. Independent Growth Finance Business, Organizations, Invoice
  13. Investigating Gene Function Science, Patent, Cell
  14. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Medical, Disease, Health, Protein, Hormone, Chemistry, Clinical
  15. Inspectionfg
  16. Insulin-Like Growth Factor-H Medical, Genetics, Protein
  17. Instituto GrafolóGico Forense Technology, Gaming, Bilbao, Internet
  18. Independent Gameufestival Technology, Development, Award
  19. Internet Government Forum Technology, Turkey, Governance
  20. Iniet Graphics Format Science, Geography, Location
  21. Institut FüR Gefahrstoff-Forschung
  22. Independent Games Festival Technology, Gaming, Development
  23. International Gatka Federation
  24. Insulin-Like Growth Factors Medical, Protein, Cancer, Binding
  25. Inoki Genome Fight Fight, Japan, Federation
  26. Invoice Group Finance
  27. Institut FüR Globale Friedensarbeit
  28. Inspector General of Forests India, Forest, Policy, Conservation
  29. Improvement Group Finland
  30. International Go Federation Gaming, Organizations, Go
  31. Inoki Genome Federation Japan, Genome, Wrestling
  32. Investors Group Field Business, Stadium, Winnipeg
  33. Institut FüR Genbiologische Forschung
  34. Inspector General of Fortifications
  35. International Golf Federation Sport, Sports, Golf
  36. Internally Generated Fund Business, Health, Ghana
  37. Institut De G
  38. Inherently Governmental Funmtions Government, Us, Control, Administration
  39. Investment Grade Fund Business, Investor, Vanguard
  40. Institute of Global Finance
  41. Inspectorfte General of Finance Business, France, Inspector
  42. Insulin Like Growth Factlr Medical, Technology, Medicine, Biology
  43. Internal Generated Funds
  44. Inspec
  45. Inspecção Geral Das FinançAs
  46. Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farben Business & Finance, International business
  47. Israel Government Fellows Technology, Program, Israel
  48. Institut F
  49. Industry Growth Fund Business, Tax, League, Hockey
  50. Innovative Growth Firm
  51. Institut De GéNomique Fonctionnelle Science, France, Recherche, Institut
  52. Indonesia Games Festival Bazaar
  53. Irreducible Green Function Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  54. Inspecção-Keral Das Finanças Para, Dos, Swap
  55. Innovation Grant Facility
  56. Internally Generated Funds Business, Government, Health, Ghana, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  57. Inspetoria Geral De Finan
  58. India Growth Fund, Inc Computing, Nyse symbols
  59. Irene Gleeson Foundation Organizations, Children, Uganda
  60. Inspecção-Geralede Finanças Para, Dos, Pol
  61. Indonesia Gospel Festival Indonesia, Festival, Medley
  62. Inspetoria Geral De FinançAs
  63. Internet Governance Forum Computing, Internet, IT Terminology
  64. L'Inspection GéNéRale Des Finances
  65. Insulin-Like Growth Factor-2 Medical, Genetics, Receptor
  66. Inskeção Geral De Finanças Para, Dos, Pol
  67. Inset Systems metafile Computing, File Extensions
  68. Italian Group of Fracture Science, Education, Italy
  69. Inspeção-Geral Deafinanças
  70. Inset Graphics Format Geographic
  71. Istituto Gestalt Firenze

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGF stand for?

    IGF stands for Inoki Genome Fight.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internal Generated Funds?

    The short form of "Internal Generated Funds" is IGF.


IGF. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igf-meaning/

Last updated