IGK Meaning

The IGK meaning is "Ig Kappa". The IGK abbreviation has 18 different full form.

IGK Full Forms

  1. Ig Kappa Medical
  2. Initiative Group KöNigstein
  3. Initiative Group Koenigstein
  4. Ingenieurgesellschaft Gierse-Klauke
  5. Infanterie-Geschutz-Kompanie
  6. Ideh Gostar Kaveh
  7. Inspecteur-Generaal Der Krijgsmacht Door, Stichting, Hun
  8. Initiative Group K
  9. International Goju Karate
  10. International Goju Karate-Do
  11. Ivan Goran Kovacic
  12. International Gateway Kelowna
  13. Ivan Goran Kova
  14. International Goju Karatedo
  15. Isı Geri Kazanım Turkish
  16. Instituto Guga Kuerten Technology, Hosting, Bang, King
  17. Islamic Group In Kurdistan
  18. International Gourmet Kitchen Organizations, Restaurants

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGK stand for?

    IGK stands for Infanterie-Geschutz-Kompanie.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ig Kappa?

    The short form of "Ig Kappa" is IGK.


IGK. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igk-meaning/

Last updated