IGM Meaning
The IGM meaning is "Intergalactic Medium". The IGM abbreviation has 102 different full form.
IGM Full Forms
- Intergalactic Medium Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
- Institute of Geology and Mineralogy Technology, Science
- Indukan Gas Medion
- Impaired Glucose Metabolism Medical, Disease, Diabet
- Immunoglobulin M Antibodies Medical
- D'Informatique Gaspard-Monge Technology, Science, Institute, Recherche
- International Government Meeting Indonesia, Flu, Orang
- Imjunoglobin M Medical, Medicine, Health
- Institute of Global Management Technology, Malaysia, Training
- Instituto Goiano De MatemáTica
- Indofarma Global Medika Business, Management, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Institute of Genetics and Microbiology
- Inter-Governmental Meeting Technology, Research, Networking
- Industrie Generatoren Maschinenbau
- International Good Music Music
- Immune Globulin M Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Inheritable Genetic Modification Human, Baby, Genetic
- Individual Giving Model
- Immunoglobulin M Immunoglobulin M, or IgM for short, is a basic antibody that is produced by B cells. IgM is by far the physically largest antibody in the human circulatory system. It is the first antibody to appear in response to initial exposure to an antigen. The spleen, where plasmablasts responsible for antibody production reside, is the major site of specific IgM production. Medical, Nursing
- Institute of Geology Malaysia
- Inter-Galactic Medium Science, Galaxy, Universe
- Industrial Grade Modems Technology, Industry, Wireless
- International General Meeting
- Immanuel Gospel Ministries
- Ingenieurgesellschaft F
- Indira Gandhi Memorial Education, Hospital, Library
- Immunoglotulins G, M Medical
- Institute of Global Movers
- Intellectual Global Media
- Import General Manifest Business, Customs, Cargo Shipping, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Industrial Ghetto Metal
- International Golf Maintenance
- Image Geometry Model
- Ingenieurgesellschaft FüR Geophysikalische Messtechnik
- Istituto Di Genetica Molecolare Science, Research, Italy, Cell
- Immunoglobulins M Medical
- Institute of Geotechnics and Materials
- Integrated Goat Management
- Industria Global De Moldes
- Interactive Games and Media Gaming, Education, School
- Image Gallery Main Media, Radio, Television
- In Game Module
- Istituto Di Geologia Marina
- Immunoglrbin M Medical, Medicine, Health
- Institute of Genomic Medicine
- Integrated General Model
- Indonesian Gospel Musicians Business, Music, Song
- Institut FüR Geschichte Der Medizin Homeopathy, Stuttgart, Bosch, Institut
- Interactive Guidance Mode Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Instituto GeográFico Militar Con, Bolivia, Ecuador, Locations, Map
- In Game Message Forum, Military, Player
- International Gaming Management
- Imnunoglobulin M Medical, Biomedical, Immune Deficiency
- Institute of Genetic Medicine Medical, Science, Research
- Integrated Geological Modelling
- Indonesian Gospel Musician
- Institutetuto GeográFico Militar Science
- Inter Governmental Meeting
- Istituto Geografico Militare Locations, Italy, Map
- Industriegewerkschaft Metall Business, German, Trade Union
- Instituto De Genetica Medica
- Ishares Goldman Sachs Technology Index Fund Technology, Organizations
- Inaugural Generalxmeeting Student, Government, University
- In-Game Movie Performing arts
- Indicazione Generale Del Materiale
- Imperial Xermany Mod
- Instituto De Ganader
- Isabell Gatto Method
- In-Garrison Maintenance
- Instituto Geografica Militar
- Institut F
- Igm Financial Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- The Institute for Geotechnics and Materials Development, Study, Institutes
- Instituto De GanaderíA De Montaña
- Intersex Genital Mutilations Sex, Organizations, Gender
- Iw-Game Movie Media, Radio, Television
- Instituto Geografico Militare
- In Game Management Management, Business & Finance
- L'Institut Gaspard-Monge
- Immunoglobin M Fda
- Institut Gaspard-Monge Technology, Science, Computing
- Institutetut De Gemmologie De Madagascar
- In-Game Message
- Instituto Geol
- Interim guidance memo Financial, Business & Finance
- India Game Magazine Technology, Editor, Issue
- Indigo Renderer Material File Computing, File Extensions
- Institut Gaspard Monge Science, Algorithm, String
- Institutetute of Geotechnics and Materials
- In-Game Management Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Instituto GeolóGico Mineiro
- Issues Group Meeting
- India Governmentdmint Business, Kolkata, India
- VCA)-immunoglobin M Medical, Fda
- Institutetut De GéNéTique Et Microbiologie
- In-Game Mail
- Instituto GeolóGico E Mineiro Technology, Networking, Portugal, Infrastructure
- Ispettorato Generale Motorizzazione
- Indspendent Gospel Missions
- Kingman Airport, Kingman, Arizona, United States Arizona, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
- Institutetut De GéNéTique Et De Microbiologie
- Improved Guidedfmunitions Army, War, Force
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IGM stand for?
IGM stands for Institute of Genetics and Microbiology.
What is the shortened form of Industrial Grade Modems?
The short form of "Industrial Grade Modems" is IGM.
IGM. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 5). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igm-meaning/
Last updated