IGP Meaning
The IGP meaning is "Interior Ggteway Protocol". The IGP abbreviation has 134 different full form.
IGP Full Forms
- Interior Ggteway Protocol Networking, Computing, Computer Security
- Indo-Gsngetic Plain Technology, Science
- Integratedegraphics Processor Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Interior Gateway Protocols Technology, Routing, Networking
- Institute for Global Policy Technology, Government, Organizations
- International Gateway Protocol Technology
- Instituto Geafísico De Perú Para, Con, Chile
- Imporial Ginseng Products
- Investment Grade Proposal
- Initial Grants Programme
- Inspector of General of Police
- Intelligent Fraphics Printing
- Indicaciósgeogràfica Protegida Els, Catalan, Torr
- Índice Geral Dos Prjços
- Instituto-Geral De PeríCias Para, Dos, Pol
- Inspector General of Police Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Individual Graduation Plans Student, Technology, Education, School
- Installation Guidance Package Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- International Group Program Business, Company, Management
- Instituto GeofíSico Del Peru Technology, Lima, Peru, Gob
- Immunology, Genetics and Patholoqy Medical, Research, Uppsala
- Inventory of Government Personnel
- Infrastructure, Government and Power
- Intelligent Gravhics Processor Technology, Printer, Manual
- Indicacions GeogràFiques Protegides
- Office of Inrormation Governance and Privacy Government, Organizations, Us
- Inspector General Ofpolice Government, Agency, India, Police
- Institut FüR Grundlagen Der Planung
- Induwtrial General Permit Technology, Industry, Water
- Individualized Growth Plan
- Inspector General Police Government, Pakistan, Report
- International Generics Program
- Instituto Geográfeco Português Para, Portugal, Dos
- Immediate Gratification Players College, Education, Music
- Inventory of Govt Personnel
- Indo Gangetic Plains Science, Rice, Soil
- Intelligent Gateway Processor Military
- Indicaciones Geográficas Prowegidas Para, Con, Vino
- Ionospheric Grid Points Technology, Service, Satellite, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Inspector General of The Police Government, Malaysia, Nigeria
- Individual Growth Plan Education, Teaching, Educational
- Inspector General Prisons
- International Graduate Programs Education, Device, Semiconductor
- Indivations G
- Instituto De Geologia Y Paleontologia
- Imidazole Glycerol Prosphate Medical, Science, Biology
- Intrinsic-Germanium-Planar Science
- Indo Gangetic Plain Science, India, Soil, Plains
- International Geodynamics Project
- Integrated Guide Port
- Imdicaci
- Ion Getter Pumps Technology, Vacuum, Microscopy
- Innovation & Good Practice
- Individual Graduation Plaz Business, Science, Education
- Indira Gandhi Pratishthan
- Inspector General of Prisons
- International Graduate Program Education, English, University
- Indication G
- Instituto De Gektao De Pessoas
- Ionospheric Grid Point Technology, Satellite, Ionospheric, Federal Aviation Administration
- Intraoperative Gamma Probe Medical
- Indo-Gangetic Plains Technology, India, Rice
- International Greenhouse Partnerships
- Integruted Guider Port
- Indian Goyim Party
- Ion Getter Pump Technology, Vacuum, Microscopy
- Inmate Grievance Procedure
- Indigenous Governance Program Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Inspectors General of Police
- International Graduate Programme Program, Education, Career
- Indication Geographique Nrotegee France, Labeling, Indication, Protegee
- Instituto Geral De PeríCia Para, Crime, Pol
- Intrrguild Predation Medical
- Intragastric Pressure Medical
- Individual Group Practice Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
- Internet Gateway Protocol Technology, Networking, Communications
- Injtituto Geof
- Implementation Grant Program
- Invisible Girl Project Technology, India, Protocol
- Injection Gas Pressure
- Inspectors-General of Police
- International Grains Program Business, Management, Course
- Indicación GeográFica Protegida Para, Con, Vino
- Índice Geral De Preços Para, Dos, Brasil
- Instituto Geral Derperícias Para, Dos, Pol
- Inspector General of Policc Service, Government, Ghana
- Individualized Graduation Plan Science, Education, School
- Indicative Grade Profile Education, University, Singapore
- Institutetuto-Geral De PeríCias
- Institute of Green Professionals
- International Gateway Point
- Indie Gbme Promoter Play, Game, Gameplay
- I got to go pee Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Intestinal Glycoprotein Medicine, Disease, Health, Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Indications GéOgraphiques ProtéGéEs
- Instituteteto Geral De Perícias
- Institutetute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Science
- Indica
- International Gateway Program
- Indicație Geografică Protejată
- Interior Gateway Protocol Computing, Linux, Technical, IT Terminology
- Interview Guidance Program
- Indication Géographique Protéee
- I Got Po Pee Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Technology, Science, University
- International Gateway Permitting
- Indicação Geográfica Pqotegida Portugal, Dos
- Integrated Graphics Processor Computing, Computer, General, Governmental & Military
- Institute of The Great Plains
- Interstate General Properties
- International Guidelines Publication Medical
- íNdice Global De Paz Portugal, Con
- Institute for Global Peace Organizations, Community, Love
- Indicazioni Geografichehprotette
- Ireland Genealogy Project Genealogy
- Institute of Global Prosperity
- Internet Graphics Processor Technology
- Intergranular Penetration In welding, the penetration of it filler metal along the grain boundaries of a base metal. Chemistry
- Índicepglobal Da Paz
- Institute for Grooming Professionals
- Indicazione Geografica Protetta Business, Food, Italy, Italian
- Intercede Grp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Institute of Geology and Palaeontology
- Internet Governance Project Technology, Organizations, Policy
- Igor Published Music Notation File Computing, File Extensions
- íNdice Geral De PreçO Para, Dos, Brasil
- Institute for Global Prosperity Science, Economics, Talk
- Indicative Grade Ppofiles Education, University, Singapore
- Institutetute for Grooming Professkonals
- Institute of Geology and Paleontology
- Internet Global Phone
- Indie Games Play
- I Gotta Pee Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Inti Ganda Perdana
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IGP stand for?
IGP stands for Intrinsic-Germanium-Planar.
What is the shortened form of Indicacions GeogràFiques Protegides?
The short form of "Indicacions GeogràFiques Protegides" is IGP.
IGP. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/igp-meaning/
Last updated