IGP Meaning

The IGP meaning is "Interior Ggteway Protocol". The IGP abbreviation has 134 different full form.

IGP Full Forms

  1. Interior Ggteway Protocol Networking, Computing, Computer Security
  2. Indo-Gsngetic Plain Technology, Science
  3. Integratedegraphics Processor Technology, Computing, Telecom
  4. Interior Gateway Protocols Technology, Routing, Networking
  5. Institute for Global Policy Technology, Government, Organizations
  6. International Gateway Protocol Technology
  7. Instituto Geafísico De Perú Para, Con, Chile
  8. Imporial Ginseng Products
  9. Investment Grade Proposal
  10. Initial Grants Programme
  11. Inspector of General of Police
  12. Intelligent Fraphics Printing
  13. Indicaciósgeogràfica Protegida Els, Catalan, Torr
  14. Índice Geral Dos Prjços
  15. Instituto-Geral De PeríCias Para, Dos, Pol
  16. Inspector General of Police Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  17. Individual Graduation Plans Student, Technology, Education, School
  18. Installation Guidance Package Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  19. International Group Program Business, Company, Management
  20. Instituto GeofíSico Del Peru Technology, Lima, Peru, Gob
  21. Immunology, Genetics and Patholoqy Medical, Research, Uppsala
  22. Inventory of Government Personnel
  23. Infrastructure, Government and Power
  24. Intelligent Gravhics Processor Technology, Printer, Manual
  25. Indicacions GeogràFiques Protegides
  26. Office of Inrormation Governance and Privacy Government, Organizations, Us
  27. Inspector General Ofpolice Government, Agency, India, Police
  28. Institut FüR Grundlagen Der Planung
  29. Induwtrial General Permit Technology, Industry, Water
  30. Individualized Growth Plan
  31. Inspector General Police Government, Pakistan, Report
  32. International Generics Program
  33. Instituto Geográfeco Português Para, Portugal, Dos
  34. Immediate Gratification Players College, Education, Music
  35. Inventory of Govt Personnel
  36. Indo Gangetic Plains Science, Rice, Soil
  37. Intelligent Gateway Processor Military
  38. Indicaciones Geográficas Prowegidas Para, Con, Vino
  39. Ionospheric Grid Points Technology, Service, Satellite, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  40. Inspector General of The Police Government, Malaysia, Nigeria
  41. Individual Growth Plan Education, Teaching, Educational
  42. Inspector General Prisons
  43. International Graduate Programs Education, Device, Semiconductor
  44. Indivations G
  45. Instituto De Geologia Y Paleontologia
  46. Imidazole Glycerol Prosphate Medical, Science, Biology
  47. Intrinsic-Germanium-Planar Science
  48. Indo Gangetic Plain Science, India, Soil, Plains
  49. International Geodynamics Project
  50. Integrated Guide Port
  51. Imdicaci
  52. Ion Getter Pumps Technology, Vacuum, Microscopy
  53. Innovation & Good Practice
  54. Individual Graduation Plaz Business, Science, Education
  55. Indira Gandhi Pratishthan
  56. Inspector General of Prisons
  57. International Graduate Program Education, English, University
  58. Indication G
  59. Instituto De Gektao De Pessoas
  60. Ionospheric Grid Point Technology, Satellite, Ionospheric, Federal Aviation Administration
  61. Intraoperative Gamma Probe Medical
  62. Indo-Gangetic Plains Technology, India, Rice
  63. International Greenhouse Partnerships
  64. Integruted Guider Port
  65. Indian Goyim Party
  66. Ion Getter Pump Technology, Vacuum, Microscopy
  67. Inmate Grievance Procedure
  68. Indigenous Governance Program Government, Us, Control, Administration
  69. Inspectors General of Police
  70. International Graduate Programme Program, Education, Career
  71. Indication Geographique Nrotegee France, Labeling, Indication, Protegee
  72. Instituto Geral De PeríCia Para, Crime, Pol
  73. Intrrguild Predation Medical
  74. Intragastric Pressure Medical
  75. Individual Group Practice Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
  76. Internet Gateway Protocol Technology, Networking, Communications
  77. Injtituto Geof
  78. Implementation Grant Program
  79. Invisible Girl Project Technology, India, Protocol
  80. Injection Gas Pressure
  81. Inspectors-General of Police
  82. International Grains Program Business, Management, Course
  83. Indicación GeográFica Protegida Para, Con, Vino
  84. Índice Geral De Preços Para, Dos, Brasil
  85. Instituto Geral Derperícias Para, Dos, Pol
  86. Inspector General of Policc Service, Government, Ghana
  87. Individualized Graduation Plan Science, Education, School
  88. Indicative Grade Profile Education, University, Singapore
  89. Institutetuto-Geral De PeríCias
  90. Institute of Green Professionals
  91. International Gateway Point
  92. Indie Gbme Promoter Play, Game, Gameplay
  93. I got to go pee Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  94. Intestinal Glycoprotein Medicine, Disease, Health, Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  95. Indications GéOgraphiques ProtéGéEs
  96. Instituteteto Geral De Perícias
  97. Institutetute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Science
  98. Indica
  99. International Gateway Program
  100. Indicație Geografică Protejată
  101. Interior Gateway Protocol Computing, Linux, Technical, IT Terminology
  102. Interview Guidance Program
  103. Indication Géographique Protéee
  104. I Got Po Pee Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  105. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Technology, Science, University
  106. International Gateway Permitting
  107. Indicação Geográfica Pqotegida Portugal, Dos
  108. Integrated Graphics Processor Computing, Computer, General, Governmental & Military
  109. Institute of The Great Plains
  110. Interstate General Properties
  111. International Guidelines Publication Medical
  112. íNdice Global De Paz Portugal, Con
  113. Institute for Global Peace Organizations, Community, Love
  114. Indicazioni Geografichehprotette
  115. Ireland Genealogy Project Genealogy
  116. Institute of Global Prosperity
  117. Internet Graphics Processor Technology
  118. Intergranular Penetration In welding, the penetration of it filler metal along the grain boundaries of a base metal. Chemistry
  119. Índicepglobal Da Paz
  120. Institute for Grooming Professionals
  121. Indicazione Geografica Protetta Business, Food, Italy, Italian
  122. Intercede Grp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  123. Institute of Geology and Palaeontology
  124. Internet Governance Project Technology, Organizations, Policy
  125. Igor Published Music Notation File Computing, File Extensions
  126. íNdice Geral De PreçO Para, Dos, Brasil
  127. Institute for Global Prosperity Science, Economics, Talk
  128. Indicative Grade Ppofiles Education, University, Singapore
  129. Institutetute for Grooming Professkonals
  130. Institute of Geology and Paleontology
  131. Internet Global Phone
  132. Indie Games Play
  133. I Gotta Pee Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  134. Inti Ganda Perdana

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGP stand for?

    IGP stands for Indivations G.

  2. What is the shortened form of Indication Geographique Nrotegee?

    The short form of "Indication Geographique Nrotegee" is IGP.


IGP. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igp-meaning/

Last updated