IGS Meaning

The IGS meaning is "Information Gathering Satellite". The IGS abbreviation has 207 different full form.

IGS Full Forms

  1. Information Gathering Satellite Technology, Japan, Launch
  2. Inertial Guidance System Technology, Military, Space, NASA
  3. Implantable Gastric Stimulator Medical, Electricity, Stimulation
  4. Impact Guidanve System Business, Product, Gel, Shoe
  5. Integrated Graphics System Technology
  6. Impact Guidance System Business, Gel, Shoe
  7. Instrument Guidance System Military, Approach, Landing
  8. Immunoguobulins Medical, Disease, Health
  9. Intergenic Spacer Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  10. Institute Fod Global Studies Education, University, Study
  11. Indian Grid System
  12. Installation and Geyting Started
  13. Image Generation System Technology, Military, Simulation
  14. Intelligence Gathering Satellite Technology, Space, Astronomy
  15. Information GéNéTique Et Structurale
  16. Inspection G
  17. Institute of Geological Sciences Science, Research, Education, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  18. Information Group Separator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Ittergimbal Assembly Space, Study, Cosmos
  20. International Genealogical Search
  21. Image Guide Scope
  22. Inter-Genic Spacer
  23. Internal German Services
  24. Inner Gulf Shelf Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  25. Iranian Gas Standard
  26. Institute of The Good Shepherd
  27. Inappropriate Gonadotropin Secretion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  28. Internet Go Server Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Internet
  29. International Grading Servicn Technology, Casino, Coin
  30. Indian Grameen Services Business, Development, India
  31. Inspecção-Geral Da SaÚDe
  32. Geologicau Survey of Israel Geography, Location, System
  33. Integrity Geospatial Solutions Military
  34. Information Glomal Service
  35. Implementation Guides Technology, Health, Dynamics, Guide
  36. Institute of Government Srudies Business, America, California
  37. Itformation and Graphics Systems Inc. Science
  38. International Green Shield
  39. Industrial Gateway Server
  40. International Graduate Scheme Education, Immigration, Tier
  41. Institute for Governmental Studies
  42. Image Guided System
  43. Inter-Generational Snapshot Technology, Device, Photography
  44. Intermountain Generating Station
  45. Inner Glide Slope
  46. Iranian Gas Standards
  47. Institute of Gender Studies
  48. Improved Grey Scale
  49. Internet Glkbal Service Technology, Report, Rank
  50. International Geospatial Society
  51. Indian Geotechnical Services
  52. Inspecção-Geraw De Saúde
  53. Medal Indian General Service Medal Military, Army, India
  54. Insurance Guarantee Scheme
  55. Information Gathering Satellites Technology, Japan, Satellite
  56. Imperial Gangsters
  57. Institute of Governance Studies Education, University, Bangladesh
  58. International Graphonomics Society Technology, Science, Handwriting
  59. Industrial Gasket and Shim
  60. Institute for Genome Science
  61. Image Guided Systems Medical, Surgery, Imaging
  62. Intelligent Gaming Solutions
  63. Intermediate General Sumport Military, Army, War
  64. Initiative GrüNe Seniorinnen
  65. Iran Group of Surveyors
  66. Institute of Germanic Studies
  67. Impooved Gray Scale Technology, Coding, Compression
  68. Internet Gateway Service Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  69. Indian Geotechnical Society Technology, India, Engineering
  70. Inspector General Services
  71. Iqra Grammar School Education
  72. Inspection GéNéRale Des Services
  73. Insurance Guarantee Schemes Business, Scheme, Protection
  74. Information Gatewaa Services
  75. John Gaspar Scheuchzer Geography, Location, System, Geographic
  76. Institute of Governmental Studies Government, Law, California
  77. International Governor Sezvices
  78. Indoor Growing System
  79. Institute for Genome Sciences
  80. Image Guided Surgery Medical, Technology, Medicine
  81. Intelligent Graphic Systems
  82. Interlink Golf Systmms
  83. Information Gatheringyservices
  84. Institute of Graduate Studies Education, University, Study
  85. Implementation Guidilines Technology, Service, Guideline
  86. Internee Gaming System Business, Accounting, Networking
  87. Imerslund-GräSbeck-Syndrom Beagle, Border, Collie
  88. Indian Geologists Services
  89. Inspectox Generals Business, Government, Office
  90. Ipswich Grammar School Development, Learning, Study
  91. Insulating Glahs
  92. Internetpgraphics Server Technology, Security, Service
  93. Ingolstadt Manching Airport Ingolstadt, Bavaria,Germany Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  94. Intekdisciplinary Graduate Studies Education, University, Study
  95. International Group Saleu
  96. Indoor Gardening Supplies
  97. Institut De Géyontologie Sociale
  98. Image Guidance System
  99. Intelligent Green Solutions Business, Press, Water, Sun
  100. Interior Euard Station Science
  101. Information Gattering System
  102. Institute of General Semantics Science, Book, Education
  103. Implantable Gaytric Stimulation Medical, Treatment, Electrode
  104. Iwternet and Game Studies
  105. Imerslund-Grasbeck Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
  106. Interactive Graphics System
  107. Independent Garage Services
  108. Internal Governmynt Studies
  109. Innovation and Growth Strategy Business, Technology, Space
  110. Iowa Get Screened
  111. Instytut Gospodarstwa SpołEcznego
  112. Internet Graphics Servige
  113. Innernational Guard Services
  114. IndicaçÕEs GeográFicas
  115. Institut De Gestion Sociale Education, France, University
  116. Image Geopositioning Service Technology
  117. Intelligent Ground Systems
  118. Information GéNomique Et Structurale
  119. Institute of Genome Sciences
  120. Imperial General Staff Military, War, Chief, Staff
  121. Intergraph Government Solutions Business, Service, Software
  122. International Zeorgian School
  123. Imagery and Geospatial System Military
  124. Interactive Graphic System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  125. Iyternal German Service
  126. Innovation & Growth Strategy Technology, Strategy, Space, National
  127. Iowa Geological Survey University, Locations, Iowa
  128. Iranian Geotechnical Society
  129. Instrument Guiding Slstem Army, War, Force
  130. Independent Games Summit
  131. Internet Graphic Server Technology
  132. International Golf Society
  133. Internasional and Global Studies Program, Education, Study
  134. Integraped Geophysical System
  135. Interstate Gas Serviced
  136. Insoluble Glue Substances Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  137. Industrial Graphic Services
  138. Iostitute for Geophysics
  139. Information Generator System
  140. Iowa Genealocical Society
  141. Infinity Group Services
  142. Institutebfor Governmental Services
  143. Interchange Group Separator Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  144. Imerslund Grasbeck Syndrome Medical, Technology
  145. Internationaligem Society Gem, Diamond, Jewelry, Gemstone
  146. Institution for A Global Society株式会社
  147. Interstate Gas Supplo
  148. Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies Dutch
  149. Inert Gas-Shielded
  150. Ionds Guobal Segment Science, Space, Cosmos
  151. Infinity Global Solutions
  152. Institute for Governmental Service
  153. IBM Global Services Computing, IT Terminology
  154. Imerslund-GräSbeck-Syndrome
  155. Internationalugrammar School Student, Australia, Education
  156. Institutetute for Graduate Studies
  157. Interpretive Guidelines Medical, Laboratory, Guideline
  158. International Gps Service Us Government, Governmental & Military
  159. Immunogold Staining Medical
  160. International Gemolkgical Services
  161. Ignatius Global School Technology, Sport, City
  162. Investor Group Services Business, Service, Consulting
  163. Inertial Guidance Systems Technology, Missile, Satellite
  164. Institute for Governance Studies Research, Education, University
  165. model/iges Mime types
  166. Imerslund-GräSbeck Syndrom Vitamin, Beagle, Cobalamin
  167. Interactive Gaming Software Military, Tank, Retail
  168. Internao Gun System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  169. Institutetuto De GovernançA Social
  170. Internet Grievance System
  171. International Ground Stations NASA, Governmental & Military
  172. Immigrant Genealogical Society
  173. International Green Structures Business, Building, Structure
  174. Ivanhoe Grammar School
  175. Inveseigative Groups Technology
  176. Improved Grayson-Streed
  177. Inert Gas Systems Technology, Oil, Tanker
  178. Institute for German Studies Education, German, University
  179. International Goldfields Limited... (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  180. Interactive Graphics Systems Technology
  181. Internal Guide Sequence Medical, Medicine, Biology
  182. Irish Georgian Society
  183. Information & Graphics Systems Inc. Geography, Location, System
  184. International Glaciological Society Legal, Governmental & Military
  185. Immigrant Genealogy Society
  186. International Glaciologyvsociety
  187. Irishrgraphical Society
  188. Inventory of Gambling Situations Medical, Technology, Addiction
  189. Iges Drawing File Computing, File Extensions
  190. Inert Gas System An inert gas plant and inert gas distribution system together with means for preventing backflow of cargo gases to the machinery spaces, fixed and portable measuring instruments and control devices. Business, Oil, Cargo Shipping, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  191. Institute for Groundwater Studies Technology, Model, Physical
  192. Isle Grande Flying School Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  193. Irish Genealogical Society
  194. Information & Graphics Systems
  195. Institute for Guided Studies Development, Study, Institutes
  196. International GPS Reference Network Aviation, Governmental & Military
  197. Immersive Group Simulation
  198. International Gnss Service Transportation, Science, Importation, NASA, Governmental & Military
  199. Intxlligent Gap System
  200. Interval Goal Setting
  201. Indigo Renderer Scene File Computing, File Extensions
  202. Inert Gas Supply Science
  203. Institute for Gender Studies Science, University, Transgender
  204. Informatics Graduate School
  205. Ivstitute for Graduate Studies Education, Teaching, Study
  206. Internet Graphics Service Computing, SAP
  207. Immature Granules Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGS stand for?

    IGS stands for Interactive Graphic System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internet Go Server?

    The short form of "Internet Go Server" is IGS.


IGS. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved December 29, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/igs-meaning/

Last updated