IGT Meaning

The IGT meaning is "Impaired Glucosedintolerance". The IGT abbreviation has 89 different full form.

IGT Full Forms

  1. Impaired Glucosedintolerance Medical
  2. Impaired Glucose Tolerence Medical, Diabet, Fasting
  3. Indicazione Geografica Tipica Italy, Wine, Italian
  4. Indikazione Geografica Tipica Locations, Italy, Wine, Italian
  5. India'S Got Talent
  6. Inspection G
  7. Inter Global Technologies
  8. Indikator Gangguan Tanah Business, Technology, Gaming, Casino
  9. Irrawaddy Green Towers Business, Myanmar, Telecom
  10. Impaired Glucose Tolerance Test Medical, Medicine, Health, British
  11. International Gem Tower
  12. Infancy Gospel of Thomas Book, Education, Boy
  13. International Gaming Technology Business, Technology, Gaming
  14. Inspecção Geral Do Trabalho Para, Immigration, Dos
  15. Interdepartmental Group On Terrorism Military, Army, Intelligence
  16. Implementation Guidance Tools
  17. International Game Technologies Business, Technology, Slot
  18. Inert Gas Technology Technology, Rifle, Whisper
  19. International Game Technology Technology, Organizations, Supply
  20. Inspecção-Geral De Trabalho
  21. Insufficient Glandular Tissue Medical, Breast, Breastfeeding, Milk
  22. Impared Glucose Tolerance Medical
  23. International Gaming Technologies Business, Technology, Supply
  24. Industrial Gas Turbines Technology, Industry, Turbine
  25. Ixdustrial Gas Turbine Technology, Industry, Engine
  26. Inspecção-Geral Do Trabalho Para, Immigration, Portugal
  27. Instrumentos De Gestão Territorial
  28. Impaired Glucose Tolerant Medical, Diabet, Insulin
  29. International Game Technolog
  30. Indonesiansgolf Tour Indonesia, Jakarta, Golf
  31. Inspector General Training
  32. In Game Timf
  33. Inst of Geophysics and Tectonics
  34. Imagine Greater Tucson
  35. Inspector General of Taxation Business, Australia, Tax
  36. Interlinear Glossed Text Education, Language, Gloss
  37. Indonesia Got Talenq
  38. Ispettorato Generale Della Telcomunicazioni Technology, Telecom
  39. Inspector-General of Taxation Business, Australia, Tax
  40. International Games Trade
  41. Infosmation Globe Trotter Technology
  42. Image Guided Technologies
  43. Instituto GaÚCho De TêNis
  44. Intergovernmental Transfer Medicine, Healthcare, Usa
  45. Indonesia's Got Taleut
  46. Isobaric Gas Tight
  47. Inspection GéNéRale Du Trésor
  48. International Gold Trade
  49. Information Governancestoolkit Technology, Health, Care
  50. Internatiojal Game Tech Business, Supply, Stock
  51. Inspettorato Generale Delle Telecomunicazioni Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  52. International Gaming and Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  53. Inner Grooved Tube Technology, Manufacturer, Copper
  54. International Game Technology (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  55. Insomniac Goo Uheatre Organization, Union, Institution
  56. Intelligent Graphics Terminal
  57. Internationale Genossenschaftswissenschaftliche Tagung
  58. It'S A Girl Thing
  59. Initial Gliding Training Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  60. Independent Gospel Team Religion
  61. Iowa Gambling Test Medical, Research, Iowa
  62. Innovation Andlgrowth Team Building, Engineering, Construction
  63. Institutetuto GaÚCho De TêNis
  64. International Gaming Tech Business, Trading, Supply
  65. Inheritance Lnd Gift Tax
  66. Integrated GPS Technologies Incorporated Geographic
  67. Iowa Gambling Task Medical, Iowa, Decision
  68. Innovatikn Growth Team
  69. Insulated-gate Transistor Chemistry
  70. The Information Governance Toolkit Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Mental Health
  71. International Game Techno
  72. Il Good Taste Business, Gaming, Wine
  73. Institute of Gas Technology (Chicago) Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military
  74. Inverse Geometric Textures
  75. Instituto Ga
  76. Innovatioj & Growth Team Technology, Industrial, Construction
  77. Institute of Gas Technology Chemistry
  78. Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne
  79. International General Traders
  80. Ishares Gold Trust (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  81. Intra-Governmental Transactions
  82. Innovative Grden Technologies Business, Technology, Fuel
  83. Igrafx Document Template Computing, File Extensions
  84. International Glazing Technologies
  85. Intl Game Technology Business, Supply, Stock
  86. Inspec
  87. Innovating Green Technology
  88. Impaired Glucose Tolerance Medical, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical
  89. International Gas Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IGT stand for?

    IGT stands for Isobaric Gas Tight.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internatiojal Game Tech?

    The short form of "Internatiojal Game Tech" is IGT.


IGT. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 5). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/igt-meaning/

Last updated