IHMC Meaning

The IHMC meaning is "International Human Microbiome Consortium". The IHMC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

IHMC Full Forms

  1. International Human Microbiome Consortium Science, Research, Health
  2. Imperial Hotel Management College Education, Canada, Hospitality
  3. Institute for Human Machine Cognition Technology, Florida, Tool
  4. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
  5. Institute for Human & Machine Cognition Technology, Florida, Tool
  6. Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic
  7. Institute for Human and Machine Cognition Technology, Research, Florida
  8. Immaculate Heart of Mary College
  9. Institut D'Histoire Moderne Et Contemporaine
  10. International Human Microbiome Congress Medical, Research, Luxembourg
  11. Indonesia Hijab Model Community Film, Envelope, Erin, Hijab
  12. International Halal Market Conference
  13. In-Home Medical Care
  14. Institute of Human & Machine Cognition Science, Education, Robot, Challenge
  15. Islamic History Month Canada
  16. Iron Horse Mothers Club
  17. International Healthcare Management Conference Business, Health, Care
  18. Interim Hajj Management Committee
  19. Instituto Hipnoterapia Miguel Cocco Technology, Tool, Robotics
  20. Institute of Human Machine Cognition Education, Robot, Era

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IHMC stand for?

    IHMC stands for International Human Microbiome Congress.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institute for Human and Machine Cognition?

    The short form of "Institute for Human and Machine Cognition" is IHMC.


IHMC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ihmc-meaning/

Last updated