IIRC Meaning

The IIRC meaning is "If I Recal Correctly". The IIRC abbreviation has 32 different full form.

IIRC Full Forms

  1. If I Recal Correctly
  2. Interactive Illinois Report Card Technology, Education, School
  3. International Interpretation Resource Center
  4. If I Recall Correctly Internet Slang, Texting, Internet, Astronomy, Special Education, Sms, Game, Disney, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
  5. Illinois Interactive Report Card Education, School, District
  6. International Internet Recruiting Consultants
  7. If It Really Wounts Forum, Internet Slang, Street, Superman
  8. International Inter-Society Research Committee
  9. If I Recollect Correctly Forum, Database, Development, Locations
  10. International Integratedmreporting Committee Business, Technology, Sustainability
  11. If I Really Cared Forum, Technology, Archive, Discussion
  12. Immunity and Infection Research Centre
  13. If I Remember Cobrectly Internet Slang, Internet, Online
  14. Image and Identity Researcl Collective Science, Education, Study
  15. International Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium
  16. Ifage Identity Review Committee Force, Police, Police Force
  17. Ifsi Read Correctly Forum, Technology, Gaming, Community
  18. If I Remember Correct Forum, Technology, Gaming, Discussion
  19. Industry Institute Relationship Cell
  20. If I Remember Correctly Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  21. If I Remeober Clearly
  22. Indiana Interstate Railway Organizations
  23. International Integrated Reporting Council Business & Finance, International business
  24. If I Remenber Correctly
  25. India Innovation Research Center
  26. If I Rexite Correctly Internet Slang
  27. If Iaremember Correcly
  28. Incident and Investigation Review Committee
  29. If I Recall Correctly,Qif I Remember Correctly Texting, Internet, Social Media
  30. If I Remeber Correctly
  31. Ismunotherapy Integrated Research Center
  32. If I Recall/Rememmer Correctly Technology, Internet Slang

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IIRC stand for?

    IIRC stands for If Iaremember Correcly.

  2. What is the shortened form of If I Recall/Rememmer Correctly?

    The short form of "If I Recall/Rememmer Correctly" is IIRC.


IIRC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iirc-meaning/

Last updated