IKD Meaning

The IKD meaning is "In Kind Donation". The IKD abbreviation has 22 different full form.

IKD Full Forms

  1. In Kind Donation
  2. Intelligence Knowledge Development
  3. In Kind Donations
  4. Intelligence and Knowledge Development
  5. In-Kind Donations Organizations, American Red Cross
  6. Integrated Knowledge Dynamics
  7. Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar
  8. Indeksjkinerja Dosen
  9. Ilmu Kealaman Dasar Technology, Book, Indonesia
  10. Incompletely Knock Down Business, Tax, Indonesia, Sedan
  11. Internationalen Kommunisten Deutschlands
  12. Ikatan Keluarga Dewan
  13. Incompletely Knocked Down Indonesia, Jakarta, Sedan
  14. Internationale Kommunisten Deutschlands
  15. Ich KüSse Dich
  16. International Karate Daigaku Military, Canada, Winnipeg
  17. Internationale Kommission Der Detektiv-Verb
  18. Internationalen Kommission Der Detektiv-VerbäNde Sind, Detective, Uns
  19. Internationale Kommission Der Detektiv-VerbäNde Sind, Detective, Uns
  20. International Karting Distributors
  21. International Knife Directory
  22. Iran Khodro Diesel Business, Truck, Iran

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IKD stand for?

    IKD stands for Ikatan Keluarga Dewan.

  2. What is the shortened form of In Kind Donation?

    The short form of "In Kind Donation" is IKD.


IKD. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ikd-meaning/

Last updated