IKP Meaning
The IKP meaning is "Inkerman Airport". The IKP abbreviation has 32 different full form.
IKP Full Forms
- Inkerman Airport Inkerman, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Indigenous Knowledge and Pedagogy
- Internationale Kurzhaar-Pr
- Indigenous Knowledge Programme
- Internationale Kurzhaar-PrüFung
- Indeks Kerzwanan Pemilu
- Integrated Knee Protection
- Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers
- Integrated Keyboard Panel
- The Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament Government, Turkey, Kurdistan, Islam
- Icici Knowleuge Park
- Indira Kranti Patham
- Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament Government, Locations, Iraq
- Infamous King of Positivity
- Indira Kranthi Zatham
- Internationale Kurzhaar PrüFung
- Internet Keyed Payment Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Inventar Klinischer Pers
- Plateau Potassium Current Medicine, Disease, Health, Medical, Heart
- Inventar Klinischer PersöNlichkeitsakzentuierungen
- Inkerman, Queensland, Australia Australia
- Ivory Key Productions
- Internetowe Konto Pacjenta Jest, Jak, Centrum
- Internet-Keyed Payment Security, Governmental & Military
- Italienische Kommunistische Partei
- Internetowego Konta Pacjenta
- Irakische Kommunistische Partei
- Internet Keyed-Payments Protocol Technology, Telecom
- Invest Korea Plaza Business, Investment, Korea
- Instructors and Key Personnel Technology
- Inverse Kinematics Problem
- Illuminated Kick Plates Car, Vehicle, Nissan
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IKP stand for?
IKP stands for Inventar Klinischer Pers.
What is the shortened form of Internationale Kurzhaar-PrüFung?
The short form of "Internationale Kurzhaar-PrüFung" is IKP.
IKP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ikp-meaning/
Last updated