IKS Meaning

The IKS meaning is "Indigenous Knowledge Systems". The IKS abbreviation has 32 different full form.

IKS Full Forms

  1. Indigenous Knowledge Systems Science, Education, Africa
  2. Indigenous Knowledge System Government, Education, Africa
  3. International Karate Society
  4. Immobilienkontor Knut Steinfels
  5. Iniciativa Kosovare Per Stabilitet
  6. Tiksi Airport Tiksi, Yakutia,Russia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  7. International Kolping Societp
  8. Ikatan Kerja Sama Program, Indonesia, Trauma
  9. Ingenieur Konstruktions Service Service, Engineering, Hamburg, Deutschland
  10. International Knee Society Patient, Replacement, Knee, Arthroplasty
  11. Ikatan Keluarga Samawa Technology, Para, Indonesia, Hernia
  12. Infnrmation Kiosks
  13. International Knift and Saw
  14. Ikatan Keluarga Silat Technology, Server, Indonesia
  15. Infsrmation and Knowledge Sharing Technology, Science, Conference
  16. International Kodaly Society Education, Organizations, Music
  17. Interchange Keys Technology
  18. In-Kernel Switcher Technology, Core, Cortex
  19. Interkantonale Kontrollstelle FüR Heilmittel Medical, Medicine, Switzerland
  20. Internatiocal Kiosk Solutions
  21. Imperial Klingon Ship Technology, Star, Trek
  22. In Kernel Switcher Technology, Core, Cortex
  23. Internet Knowledge Servlet Computing, SAP
  24. Intprnet Kiosk Specialist
  25. Bukhta Tiksi Ice Strip, Tiksi, Yakutia-Sakha, Russia Russia
  26. Internetnkey Sharing
  27. Iksar Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  28. Internet-Key-Sharing
  29. Institutetuut Oeuring En Selectie
  30. Iuternational Knife & Saw
  31. Iuran Kesetiabawanan Sosial
  32. Invixible Keylogger Stealth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IKS stand for?

    IKS stands for International Karate Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ikatan Kerja Sama?

    The short form of "Ikatan Kerja Sama" is IKS.


IKS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iks-meaning/

Last updated