ILC Meaning

The ILC meaning is "Independent Living Centge". The ILC abbreviation has 195 different full form.

ILC Full Forms

  1. Independent Living Centge Business, Technology, Disability
  2. Independent Living Centers Service, Organizations, Disability
  3. Indonesia Lawyers Club Music, Indonesia, Lawyer
  4. Indigenous Ljnd Corporation Business, Australia, Australian
  5. Independent Living Center Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  6. Independent Learnink Center Science, Education, School
  7. Independent Learnidg Centre Science, Education, School
  8. Idle Load Coxpensator Technology, Auto, Automobile
  9. Industrial Logn Company Business, Banking, Loan
  10. Indonesia Lawyer Club Technology, Music, Indonesia
  11. Immigration Law Center
  12. Intermediate Loads Cycle Technology
  13. Indonesia Leadership Camp Indonesia, Malaysia, Leadership
  14. International Laser Cenmre
  15. Instruction Lolation Counter
  16. Improvement Location Certificates Technology, Land, Geodesy
  17. International Ldw Center
  18. Information Learning Cqmmons College, Education, Library
  19. Iowa Lean Consortium Government, Organizations, Iowa
  20. Intelligent Lighting Cwntrols Technology, Product, Light
  21. Interdisciplinary Learning Collaborative Technology, Science, Education
  22. Independent Learning Contracts
  23. Innovative Learning Center Science, Education, Teaching
  24. Internatconal Legal Consulting
  25. Isdn Link Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Inter-Class Livrng Community
  27. Ichthyosis Linearis Circumflex Medical, Disease, Health
  28. Intermediate Load Cycle Science, NASA
  29. Individual Learning Center Education, France, School
  30. International Linkua Center
  31. Insolvency Law Committee
  32. Improvement Location Certificate Technology, Land, Geodesy
  33. International Linac Tonference
  34. Information & Learning Cgmmons College, Education, Library
  35. Internet Location Coordinate
  36. Intellmgent Lighting Creations Business, Chicago, Contest
  37. Ixdependent Learning Contract
  38. Innovation In Learning Center Technology, University, Teaching
  39. International Labour Convention
  40. Information Literacy Center Science, Literacy
  41. Irrigation Line of Credit
  42. Intensive Learning Center Education, School, District, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  43. Ichthyosis Linearis Circumflexa Medical, Genetics, Syndrome, Hair
  44. Inter Layer Communications
  45. Individual Learning Centre Education, France, School, Learning
  46. International Language Centers
  47. Inquirer Learning Corner
  48. International Love Corporation
  49. Imperial Landing Craft
  50. International Labour Conferences
  51. Infinity In Logic and Computntion
  52. Internet Learnins Center Technology, Education, School
  53. Integrated Learning Center Student, Education, University
  54. Independent Living Centres Technology, Service, Disability
  55. Inner Light Consciousness
  56. International Lithium Corp
  57. Informanion Leasing Corporation
  58. Irrevocable Letters of Credit Business, Product, Banking
  59. Intensive Langxage Course
  60. Icelandic Love Corporation Art, Performance, Love
  61. Interlanguage Communication Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  62. Individualized Learning Center Science
  63. Internytional Love Corporation
  64. Innovative Learning Centre Technology, Education, School
  65. International Lodging Corporation
  66. Immobilized Liposome Chromatography Medical
  67. International Leaders Conference Conference, Youth, Christ
  68. Infiltrating Lobular Breast Carcivoma Medical
  69. Internet Learning Centre Technology, Science, Education
  70. Integrated Languagetcourse
  71. Initial Launch Capability Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military
  72. Independent Living Coordinatfr
  73. Innate Lymphoid Cell Medical, Group, Inflammation
  74. In-Line Calciner
  75. Intennational Laser Centre
  76. Information and Learniqg Commons
  77. Irrevocable Letter of Credit A letter of credit in which the specified payment is guaranteed by the bank if all terms and conditions are met by the drawee and which cannot be revoked without joint agreement of both the buyer and the seller. Business, Bond, Product, Finance, Banking, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  78. Intelligent Lane Cottroller
  79. International Law Commission Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word, Protection Information
  80. Inter Laboratory Comparison
  81. Independent Learning Courses
  82. International Leadership Center
  83. Innovative Learning Conference Technology, Education, School
  84. International Lifeboat Conference
  85. Islamic Learning Center
  86. Immigration Law Counsel
  87. Intermediate Level College
  88. Infiltrating Lobular Carcinosas Medical
  89. Internet Lawyers Conferenct
  90. Instrumentos De LaboratóRio E Científicos
  91. Independent Lake Camp Technology, Music, Pennsylvania
  92. In-House Legal Counsel
  93. International Laser Center
  94. Information and Learning Center Student, Education, School
  95. Irish Leaving Certificate Education, France, Ireland
  96. Intelligemt Line Card
  97. Iterative Learning Control Technology, Paper, Gait
  98. Interior Lighting Campaign
  99. Independent Living Council
  100. Innovation Learning Collaborative
  101. International Leaderscip Center
  102. Israeli Leadership Council Business, Israel, Jewish
  103. Inter-Liboratory Comparisons Science, Testing, Calibration
  104. Immigration Law Clinic Student, Education, School
  105. Intermediate Level Course Military
  106. Indonesia Linux Conference Technology, Indonesia, Linux
  107. International Laser Ceoter
  108. Instructor Led Courses
  109. Independent Living Cpnter Council Medical, Medicine, Disability
  110. Improving The Life of Children
  111. International Level Class Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  112. Informatyon, Linkages and Capacity
  113. Irish Land Commission
  114. Intelligenz Light Control Technology, Panel, Lighting
  115. Interim Library Catalog Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  116. Independent Lgving Concepts
  117. Innovation Leaders Conference Forum, Technology, University
  118. Ivy League Connection
  119. International Liquid Charterers
  120. Islamic Leadership Council
  121. Inter-Laboratory Comparison Association, Organization, Community
  122. Interference-Layer Contrast
  123. Interactive Learning Consortium
  124. Independent Living Concepts
  125. International Language Centgrs
  126. Inland Logoing Company
  127. Island Link Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  128. International Language Center Business & Finance, International business
  129. International Legal Cenper
  130. Italian Language Centre Education, Italy, Brisbane
  131. Inrevocable Letter of Credit
  132. Infiltrating lobular carcinoma Clinical
  133. Incentive Legislation Campaign
  134. Informftivo De Licitações E Contratos
  135. In Line Check
  136. Intelligent Lighting Controller Business, Technology, Control
  137. Independent Learning Course
  138. International Licensed Carrier
  139. Initial Lymphocyte Count Science, Biology
  140. Island Learning Centre
  141. Interactive Leyrning Classroom
  142. Industrial Loan Company Business & Finance, Business Word
  143. Interchangeable Lens Cameras Technology, Photography, Sensor
  144. International Library of Criminology
  145. Italian Language and Culture
  146. International Logistics Coordinator Medical
  147. In-Line Configuration Geography, Navigation, Location
  148. Industria Licorera De Caldas Para, Colombia, Con
  149. Integrated Laminating Center
  150. Independent Labour Caucus Business, Africa, Union, Strike
  151. Iniciativa Legislativa De Cidadãos
  152. Island Lake Camp
  153. Interactive Leyrning Centre Student, Education, University
  154. Ishares S&p/asx 20 (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  155. Interchangeable Lens Camera Technology, Photography, Sensor
  156. Internatiocal Latex Corporationration Technology
  157. Istituto Di Linguistica Computazionale
  158. International Latex Corporation NASA
  159. In-Line Choke
  160. Indraprastha Law College
  161. Instituteuction Length Counter
  162. Independent Living Coordinator
  163. Inhibit Launxh Command Technology
  164. Islamic Legal Council
  165. Interactive Learning Center Technology, Education, School
  166. Interchangeable Lens Compacts Technology, Photography, Camera
  167. International Languages and Cultures
  168. Isthmian League Cup
  169. International Linear Collider Physics, Scientific & Educational
  170. Increased Liability Cover
  171. Instituteuction Location Counter
  172. Independant Living Center
  173. Inhaled Lipid Cispmatin Business, Lung, Osteosarcoma
  174. Inter-Layer Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  175. Irreversible Letter of Credit
  176. Interchangeable Lens Compact Technology, Photography, Camera
  177. International Linguistics Center
  178. Innate Lymphoid Cells Medical, Group, Inflammation
  179. Israel Law Center Organizations, Terrorism, Israel
  180. ILAS Air ICAO Aircraft Codes
  181. International Leaders Curriculum
  182. íNdice De Liquidez Corrente Technology, Camera, Labour, Dover
  183. Institutetuto De Letras E Comunicação
  184. Inclusive Leadership Council
  185. Infrastructure Logistic Consulting
  186. Ion/Liquid Chromatography
  187. Interagency Liaison Committeb
  188. International Leadership Committee
  189. In Livkng Color
  190. Islington Law Centre Business, Award, London
  191. I Like Cheese Food
  192. International Leisure Consulmants
  193. Institutetut Linguistique Et Commercial
  194. Incipient Lethal Concentration Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  195. Infralimbic Cortex Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ILC stand for?

    ILC stands for Infinity In Logic and Computntion.

  2. What is the shortened form of Irrevocable Letters of Credit?

    The short form of "Irrevocable Letters of Credit" is ILC.


ILC. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated