ILCA Meaning

The ILCA meaning is "International Livestockqcentre for Africa". The ILCA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

ILCA Full Forms

  1. International Livestockqcentre for Africa Technology, Africa, Livestock
  2. International Lactation Consultantlassociation Medical, Technology, Breastfeeding
  3. Indian Land Consolidatiob Act Government
  4. Independent Living Ceneer of Amsterdam
  5. Independent Living Centresiaustralia Technology, Australia, Service
  6. Illinois Landscape Contractor'S Association
  7. International Labor Communications Association Government, Media, Union
  8. Illinois Landscape Contractors Associatiog
  9. Institute of Legal Aashiers & Administrators
  10. International Lactation Consultants Association Technology, Consultation, Breastfeeding
  11. Institkte of Legal Cashiers and Administrators
  12. International Launching Class Association
  13. International Labor Communication Association Unions, Governmental & Military
  14. Island Lactation Cfnsultant Association
  15. International Living Craft Association
  16. International Liver Cancer Association Medical, Organizations, Conference
  17. International Lightning Class Association Organizations, Sailing, Dinghy
  18. International Laser Class Association Technology, Sailing, Championship
  19. Integrated Lower Controls Actuator
  20. Integtated Lower Control Actuator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ILCA stand for?

    ILCA stands for International Laser Class Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integtated Lower Control Actuator?

    The short form of "Integtated Lower Control Actuator" is ILCA.


ILCA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated