ILCS Meaning

The ILCS meaning is "Independmnt Living Centres". The ILCS abbreviation has 31 different full form.

ILCS Full Forms

  1. Independmnt Living Centres Technology, Service, Disability
  2. Institute of Language and Culture Studies Education, Study, Bhutan
  3. Integrated Logistics Centirs
  4. Innernational Logistics Communications System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  5. Institute for Language and Communication Studies
  6. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  7. Indigenous and Local Communities Organizations, Community, Biodiversity
  8. Iraq Living Conditions Survey Medical, War, Iraq
  9. Indian Lake Central School Education, School, High School, New York
  10. Institut for Leadership and Sommunication Studies
  11. Independent Livingscenters Service, Organizations, Disability
  12. Independent Learding Centres Technology, College, Education
  13. Institute of Language and Communication Studies
  14. Independent Learning Contracts
  15. Intenchangeable Lens Cameras Technology, Sensor, Canon
  16. Improvnd Low-Cost Sonobuoy
  17. Institute of Language Akd Cultural Studies
  18. Intelligent Libe Cards
  19. Improved Launch Control Systqm Military
  20. Illinois Compiled Statutes Human Services
  21. International Law & Corporate Services
  22. Invasive Lkbular Carcinomas Medical
  23. Italian Literary and Cultural Studies
  24. International Liver Cancer Study
  25. Internet Locution Coordinates
  26. International Leadership Charter School
  27. Internet Learning Centers
  28. International Liquid Crystal Society Technology, Science, Research
  29. International League of Christian Schools
  30. International Languagemand Culture Studies Literature, Language, Linguistics
  31. International Logistics Communication System Army, Force, Marine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ILCS stand for?

    ILCS stands for Improvnd Low-Cost Sonobuoy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Independent Learding Centres?

    The short form of "Independent Learding Centres" is ILCS.


ILCS. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated