ILLUM Meaning

The ILLUM meaning is "Illuminate". The ILLUM abbreviation has 3 different full form.

ILLUM Full Forms

  1. Illuminate Technology, Aviation, Space, NASA
  2. Illumination Illumination is the deliberate use of light to achieve a practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by capturing daylight. Daylighting is sometimes used as the main source of light during daytime in buildings. This can save energy in place of using artificial lighting, which represents a major component of energy consumption in buildings. Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Hardware, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. Illuminated A device that, when connected to an electrical circuit is lighted in the area of the face or handle. Technology, Aviation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ILLUM stand for?

    ILLUM stands for Illuminated.

  2. What is the shortened form of Illumination?

    The short form of "Illumination" is ILLUM.


ILLUM. (2020, September 1). Retrieved June 2, 2024 from

Last updated