ILPS Meaning

The ILPS meaning is "International Lecithin and Phospholipid Society". The ILPS abbreviation has 24 different full form.

ILPS Full Forms

  1. International Lecithin and Phospholipid Society
  2. International Loss Prevention Systels
  3. Implementations of Logic Progradming Systems
  4. Individualized Liberal and Professignal Studies
  5. International League of People'S Struggles
  6. Imaginative Learning Protects
  7. Individualized Liberal & Professional Studies
  8. International League of People'S Struggle
  9. International Logic Programming Symposium Technology, Program, Conference
  10. Individual Lharning Plans Science, School, Planning
  11. International League of Peoples' Struggles
  12. Independent Living Programs Service, Education, Care, Youth, Living
  13. Individualized Learning Plans Science, Education, Planning
  14. International League of Peoples Struggles Organizations, Philippine, Struggle
  15. Independent Learniny Projects Education, School, Projection
  16. International Lecithin & Phospholipid Society
  17. Incorporated Limited Partnerships
  18. Invesnment-Linked Plans Business, Insurance, Planning
  19. Investment Tinked Policies Business, Insurance, Policy
  20. Investment-Limked Policies Business, Insurance, Policy
  21. Investment Linked Products Business, Insurance, Market
  22. Investment-Linked Products Business, Insurance, Policy
  23. Invert Logical Power Supply
  24. International League for Peoples Struggle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ILPS stand for?

    ILPS stands for International Logic Programming Symposium.

  2. What is the shortened form of Investment Tinked Policies?

    The short form of "Investment Tinked Policies" is ILPS.


ILPS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated