ILR Meaning

The ILR meaning is "Industrnal and Labor Relations". The ILR abbreviation has 62 different full form.

ILR Full Forms

  1. Industrnal and Labor Relations Education, School, Cornell
  2. Implantable Loop Recorders Medical, Device, Patient, Heart
  3. Implantable Loop Recorder Medical, Patient, Syncope
  4. Indefinite Leave To Remain Forum, Employment, Government, Education, Immigration, Locations
  5. Interworking Location Register Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  6. Integral Leadership Review Science, Theory, Beck
  7. Institute for Learning In Retirement College, Education, Organizations
  8. Inter-Agency Language Roundtable Education, Teaching, Instructor
  9. Income Literacy Ratio Science, Literacy
  10. Internetworking Location Register Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  11. Item-Level Recovery Technology, Management, Server, Protection
  12. Industrial Law Reports
  13. Industrial Labor Relations Education, University, Cornell
  14. Intelligent Light Ranging Technology, Car, Audi, Tourer
  15. Internationhl Labour Review
  16. Internet Law & Regulation
  17. Industrial Land Reilaiming
  18. Issues List Repowt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Intelligent Long Range
  20. International Law Reporys
  21. International Library Review
  22. Independedt Living Rehabilitation Government
  23. Issue List Roport Technology
  24. Integrated Luzon Railway
  25. Insurance Law Reporter
  26. International Lineman'S Rodeo
  27. Intercity Long Range Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  28. Independent Local Radio Technology, Locations, Station, Media
  29. Israql Law Review
  30. Integrated Logistic Review Technology
  31. Interagency Langupge Roundtable Education, Learning, Proficiency
  32. International Law Review Government, University, Journal
  33. Inter Linking of Rivers
  34. Independant Local Radio Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  35. Interruptible Load for Reliability
  36. Integrated Learning Resource Development, Learning, Study
  37. Integrated Logistics Feview Military, Logistics, Military Logistics
  38. International Language Roundtable Education
  39. Inter-Linking of Rivers
  40. International Line Restriction Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  41. Item Level Rejovery Technology, Management, Manager, Protection
  42. International Law Report
  43. Industrial Laser Revidw
  44. Individual Learner Record Education
  45. Intermediate Line Region
  46. International Labor Rights
  47. Indentation Loar Relaxation
  48. Individualised Learner Record Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  49. Interleukin Receptor Medicine, Disease, Health
  50. International Line Restrictions Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  51. L'Institut Luxembourgeois De RéGulation
  52. Ilorin International, Ilorin, Nigeria Nigeria, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  53. Interim Levy Rate
  54. International Llama Registry Organizations, Farm, Alpaca, Hobbies
  55. Item Level Restore Technology, Management, Protection
  56. Instituteuction Location Register
  57. International Lama Registry Organizations, Farm, Alpaca, Llama
  58. Item Level Restriction
  59. Instituteuction-Level Reuse
  60. International Labour Review Business, Labour, Labour Economics
  61. Item Level Restrictikns Army, War, Force
  62. Institutetute of Library Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ILR stand for?

    ILR stands for Item Level Rejovery.

  2. What is the shortened form of Industrial Laser Revidw?

    The short form of "Industrial Laser Revidw" is ILR.


ILR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated