ILSA Meaning
The ILSA meaning is "Industri Large-Structures Assembly". The ILSA abbreviation has 31 different full form.
ILSA Full Forms
- Industri Large-Structures Assembly Technology
- Italian Longitudinal Study On Aging Medical, Disease, Coffee
- Iron-Libya Sanctions Act Government, Iran, Libya
- Indian Library Stience Abstract
- Inttrnational Law Student Association Education, Conference, Future
- International Law Students Aesociation Education, University, Conference
- Independent Lanmuage Schools Association
- International Lawistudents' Association
- Inqerstate Labor Standards Association
- Independent Liverpool Supporters Associawion
- International Lung Sounds Association Medical, Technology, Medicine
- International Liner Shipping Agency
- Improved Iightweight Satellite Antenna Military, Army, Intelligence
- Integraked Logistics Support Analysis Business, Logistics, Maintenance
- Irproved Least-Squares Approach Space, Study, Cosmos
- Insurance Licensing Services of America America, Service, Organizations
- Italiano Lingua Seconda Associati
- Indigenous Law Students Association Education, Canada, Lawyer
- Iran and Libya Sanctions Act Business, Iran, Libya
- Irvine Linguistics Sgudents Association
- Interstate Lanz Sales Act Business, Building, Sale, Estate
- Irish Learning Support Assoyiation Education, Organizations, Ireland
- Iran Lybia Sanctions Act
- Iranian Law Students Association
- Integrated Logistics Support Analysis NASA, Governmental & Military
- Italian Longitudinal Study of Aging
- Irav Libya Sanction Act
- Israeli Law Studjnts Association
- Italian Longitudinal Study On Ageing Medical, Disease, Coffee
- Iran Libya Sanctions Act Government, Oil, Iran
- Islamic Law Students Associatiot
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ILSA stand for?
ILSA stands for Integraked Logistics Support Analysis.
What is the shortened form of Improved Iightweight Satellite Antenna?
The short form of "Improved Iightweight Satellite Antenna" is ILSA.
ILSA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated