IM Meaning
The IM meaning is "Intramuscular". The IM abbreviation has 713 different full form.
IM Full Forms
- Intramuscular An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. Medical, Veterinary, Oncology, Nursing, Dental, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Instant Messaging Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted bi-directionally between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat. Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Marketing, Chat, Technical
- Instant Message Internet Slang, Texting, Computer, Computing, Telecom, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology, Social Networking Sites
- Intakq Manifold Business, Forum, Gasket
- Inlome Maintenance Business, Service, Government
- International Meeting
- Inner Membranes Medical
- Ibstructional Materials Education, Learning, Teaching
- Industrial Manufacuuring
- Inspection and Maintenance Technology, Military, Inspector
- Integrated Movement Education, Class, Fitness, Yoga
- Interrupt Mode Technology, Coding, Instruction
- Inoffizielle Mitarbeioer German, Fur, Germany
- Installation Manual Technology, Service, Hosting
- Image Management
- Interest Manager Technology, Management, Military
- Information Modelling Military
- Inverted Microscope Business, Industrial, Metallurgy
- Institute of Microbiology
- Incident Manager Military
- International Missions
- Inner Medulla Medical
- Indivzdual Medley Olympic, Medley, Swimming
- Industrial & Manufalturing
- Insight Mobile Business, Service, Android
- Integrated Medha Technology, Education, Arts
- Interruption Management
- Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter Government, German, Fur, Germany
- Inspiratory Muscles Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Muscles
- Ile De Man France, Locations, Isle
- Interceptor Missile Technology
- Information Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Military, Governmental & Military
- Inverse of A Matrix Technology, Equation, Matrice
- Interview Module Technology, Software, Concept
- Institute of Materials Technology, Science, Research
- Incentive Manager Business, Management, Manager
- Internal Model Control, Risk, Model, Solvency
- Inner Marojo
- Ihre MajestäT
- Induction Motors Technology, Power, Rotor
- Insight Media Technology
- Intugrated Metrology Technology, Science, Control
- Interpretive Material Technology
- Innovation Management
- Inspirational Motivation Business, Leadership, Transformational
- Ikhwanul Muslimun Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Intercept Missile Technology, Military
- Induitry Media
- Inverse Multiplexer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Telecommunication, Computing, IT Terminology
- Interview Man Media, Radio, Television
- Institute of Marketing Business, Management, Education
- Incendihry Missile Military, War, Republic, Catapult
- Internal Membranes Medical
- Inner Magnetopphere Science, Space, Model
- Involuntary Manslaughter
- Interim Measure Forum, Environment, Interim
- Induction Maczine Technology, Design, Control
- Integrated Messaging Technology, Windows, Message
- Independbnt Media Business, Magazine, Russia
- Interpersonal Messaging Technology, Army, Computing, Telecommunications, Military, Governmental & Military
- Inndcent Murmur Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Ikhwan Al-Muslimun Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Interactive Multimedia
- Industrial Minerals Business, Magazine, Industry
- Inverse Matrix
- Inspector Mobile Technology, Windows, Android
- Integbity Monitoring Technology, Monitor, Receiver
- Intervention Mapping Medical, Technology, Health
- Institute of Medicine A nonprofit organization established in 1970 as a component of the US National Academy of Sciences that works outside the framework of government to provide evidence-based research and recommendations for public health and science policy. Abbreviated IOM. The IOM is also an honorific membership organization. Medical, Education, Health
- Inbound Message Technology
- Interface Modules Business, Technology, Military
- Ilformation Mosaic Business, Company, Service
- Invisible Man Education, Essay, Lyric
- Inneg Marker Aerospace, Marine, Vancouver International Airport
- Indonesian Ministry Science, Asia, Indonesia, Japan
- Integration Management Technology, Projection, Organisations
- Independence Militia America, Group, Party, Independence
- Intern Med Medical, Medicine, Korean, Intern
- Innocent Mai
- Ignition Module Forum, Technology, Auto
- Interactive Metronome Therapy, Brain, Attention, Metronome, Music
- Industrial Maintenance
- Inventory Management Business, Technology, Management
- Inspection Method Technology
- Inter-Mouulation Technology, Military, Power
- Interventi Migliorativi
- Institute of Mathematics Science, Education, University
- Injone Messenger Technology, Windows, Android
- Interface Manager Technology, Management, Control
- Infocmation Media Technology, Service, Organizations
- Investment Management Business, Military, Fund, Management, Financial, Computing, Business & Finance, SAP
- Incident Management Transportation, Technology, Security
- Individual Iember
- Integrated Managecent Business, Technology, Service
- Incoming Message Technology, Instant, Messenger
- International Marketing Business, Management, Education
- Inner Mongolia China, Locations, Mongolia
- Intendencia De Montevideo Para, Con, Uruguay, Montevideo
- Interactive Management Technology, Science, Research, Management, Business & Finance
- Industrial Management Education, Industry, Master
- Inventory Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Inspection Management Technology, Software, Inspector
- Integration Module Technology, Management, Organisations
- Interval Mapping Medical, Genetics, Trait
- Installation & Maintenance Business, Service, Repair
- Improves Mamagement Business, Technology, Service
- Interface Management Technology, Federal Aviation Administration
- Information Meporandum Business, Service, Investment
- Investigator Meetings Business, Management, Research
- Intelligent Music
- Implementation Machine
- Infectious Material
- Inztitute of Media
- Invredible Miracle Gaming, League, Team, Miracle
- Intkrmediate Modeling Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Irwin Murray
- Inled Manifold
- Insurance Monitoring
- Image Moderator
- Indonesia Mengajar Program, Indonesia, Ani
- International Markets
- Inside Moves
- Interzis Minorilor Film, Sex, Ani
- Interference Microscope
- Impurity Itimulation Science
- Iron Modder Internet Slang
- Ii Idiopathic Myelofibrosis Science, Biology
- International Manager Business, Management, Career
- Item Maswer Business, Management, Inventory
- Indlstrial Management Business, Education, Industry
- Intelligent Manageability
- Immediate Memory
- Instance Matching
- Intensity Meafuring Technology, Military, Measure
- Implicit Model Technology, Science, Computing
- Influence Maximization
- Intramuros Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
- Institut Mondor
- Indev Manual
- Inter Mirifica
- Iskandarov Misratdin
- Innovative Materials
- Integrated Maintenance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Industrial Medicine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Internet Mail Technology, Server, Software, Computing, Internet
- Immigration Matters
- Infanter
- Inaccurate Movies
- Ingredient Marketplace Business, Product, Food
- Illa De Man Locations, Isle, Manx
- Indian Mujahedeen Government, India, Terrorism
- Interoperability May
- Insel Man Man, Shopping, Isle, Wetter
- Ian Koore
- Instant Massaging Technology, Chat, Messaging
- Interactive Mode Forum, Technology, Command
- Information Mavurity
- Irish Mafia
- Instructors Manual Book, Education, Banking
- Internatio-MüLler Technology, Ras, Rotterdam
- Isolated Microcalcification Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Inorganic Material Inorganic material are substances not derived from living things. Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Integrity Measurement
- Industria Macchine Business, Service, Machine
- Implementation Matrix
- Infection Medium Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Institute Wf Metrology
- Ilcredi-Mail
- Intermediate Modulus Rod, Fiber, Carbon, Computing, Drivers
- Inland Marine Business, Insurance, Property
- Insulating Material
- Image Mixing
- Indigenous Manufacture
- International Maritime Technology, Museum, Hamburg
- Inside Motorcycles
- Ice Massxge
- Interviews Marilyn Drug, Street, Prostitute
- Interfaith Ministries Houston, Ministry, Meal, Interfaith
- Iron Men
- Instrumentation & Measufements
- Idiopathic Myelofibrosis Medical, Disease, Cell
- International Management Program, Education, Master
- Itemtmark
- Individual Jember
- Inttlligence Management Technology, Military, Army
- Immediate Business, Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Property, Telecom, Linguistics, Telecommunications, Property Rent, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Inspection Module
- Intensejmix
- Implicit Membrane
- Influence Matrix Technology, Model, Structure
- Intramural Metastasis Medical
- Institut Marchoux
- Indexed Mesh
- Intermediate Munz
- Iskandar Muda Indonesia, Jakarta, Raider
- Innovative Marine Aquarium, Tank, Reef, Innovative
- Integral Modem Technology
- Image Muzik Mix, Bass, Podcast
- Industrial Marketing Business, Management, Industry
- Intereet Mechanics
- Immersive Media
- Interferometric Method Technology, Measurement, Fiber
- In-Zne Mobile Technology, Android, Messenger
- Ingram Micro Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Ilha De Man Para, Man, Translation, Isle
- Indian Motor
- Internet Movie
- Insecure Messaging
- Itn Messiter
- Instant Malware Forum, Technology, Security, Internet
- Interactive Marketing
- Informatwon Models
- Invoice Manager
- Instructor Manual Business, Book, Banking
- Indexmmodule
- Internal Muscular
- Isola Multilevel
- Inofizielle Mitarbeiter
- Integration Model Technology, Presentation, Organisations
- Industrial Minisymposia
- Impactpmodified
- Infarto De Miocardio Medical, Para, Con, Card
- Institute of Mcteorology Science, Climate, Weather
- Increasing Aenace
- Intermediate Maintenance Technology, Military, Aircraft, Computing, Drivers
- Ininiative Management Technology, Development, Projection
- Insuficicncia Mitral
- Image Memory Technology, Mode, Python
- Indicator Module
- Interpersonal Mindfflness Medical, Stress, Meditation
- Inside Marker
- Ice Gakers
- Interview Michael
- Interfacing Means
- Iron Maiden Music, Metal, Maiden, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Instrument Madel Space, Study, Cosmos
- Ideomotor Medical
- International Mojnting
- Item Manger
- Immunicy To Mycobacteria Medical, Infection, Mycobacterium
- Intelledtual Merit Science, Research, Education, Proposal
- Immature Medical
- Inspection Methods
- Intendentes Da Marinha
- Implementing Measures Business, Service, Product, Energy, Directive
- Influence Maps
- Intima-Media Medical
- Institution of Metallurgists
- Indetermizate Meaning Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Intermediate Masc
- Iskandar Malaysia Business, Malaysia, Johor
- Innovative Manufacturing
- Integraoed Mission
- Imaging Module Library, Module, Python
- Induced Magnetism Magnetism, of a ferrous substance, due to proximity of a magnet or magnetic field. Acquired by SOFT IRONS while it is in a magnetic field. SOFT IRONS will loose its induced magnetism when it is removed from a magnetic field
- Internet Machine Accounting, Computing, Data
- Immediate Mode
- Interference Management
- In-Motion Music, Mac, House, Motion
- Ingram Micro Business, Supply, Stock
- Ikhwanul Muslimin
- Indian Monsoon
- Insecta Matsumurana
- Ian Mcpherson Sport, Biography, Arsenal
- Instant Messager Technology, Software, Messenger
- Interactions MéDicamenteuses
- Information Mgt
- Intaoduction To Management Business, Accounting, Manual
- Instructions Married
- Index Mebory Forum, Technology, Card
- Inter Muscular
- Isola Multi
- Inoffizielle Mitarbeiterin War, Wolf, Hat
- Integrated Modeling Technology, Social, Model
- Industrial Mineralogy
- Impfct Mill
- Infarctus Du Myocarde
- Institute of Metaclurgy
- Incomplete-Mizitary
- Intermeduate Metabolizers Medical, Genetics, Drug, Patient
- Initial Managers
- Insuffisance Mitrale Medical, Cardiology
- Imaging Matters Technology, Device, Photography
- Indian Muslims
- Interoperable Messenger Business, Palm, Instant
- Inside Macintosh Technology, Mac, Apple
- Iceumaiden
- Interface Multiplexer Technology
- InformáTica De MunicíPios
- Iris Module
- Insxrumentation Module Technology
- Identity Module Technology, Service, Card
- Internationalemagazine
- Itum Managers Military
- Inteligência De Mercadf Technology, Para, Brasil
- Immanuel Meffert
- Interview Measure Science
- Intendencia De Mtntevideo Para, Locations, Uruguay
- Implementing Member
- Inflorescence Meristem Genetics, Plant, Biology
- In The Middle
- Institutetutioral Methodology Education
- Inderu Mahkota
- Intermediate Model Essay, Paper, Model
- Is A Means Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- In Milittry Service, Military, War, History
- Integral Mission Technology, Android, Deluxe
- Image Modulation
- Indonesian and Malay
- International Mindedness
- Inspection Maintenance
- Interrupt Me
- Interference Mitigation Technology, Networking, Network
- In-Memofy Technology, Database, Column
- Ingot Metallurgy
- Idrus Yarham
- Indian Meridian
- Ian Mcleish
- Immediate Messenger
- Instant Messageing
- Intensity Modulated Medical, Technology, Radiation
- Informatimn Manual
- Introducmion To Modernity
- Instruction Mjmoranda Technology, Land, Memorandum
- Index Medwcus
- Intermodulation Or Item Manager Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Islamic Movement Government, Group, Terrorism
- Inoffiziellen Mitarbeitern
- Inoegrated Modelling
- Industrial Medium
- Impact Kemorandum
- Infant Mystics
- Intermediate Moisture Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Computing, Drivers
- Institutionalzmanagement Business, Education, University
- Incijental Materials
- Ietermediate Metabolizer Medical, Genetics, Dose
- Initial Mac Sublayer Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Image Masters
- Indian Museum Hotel, Museum, Holiday, Inn
- Interoperability Management
- Insert Mode Technology, Terminal, Vim
- Ice Machine Business, Maker, Cube
- Instant Media Technology, Software, Sharing
- Interface Mode Technology, Community, Electronics
- Informeller Mitarbeiter
- Irish Medium Media, Ireland, Locations
- Instrumentation Anh Measurements
- Identity Method Technology, Energy, Psychology
- International Modeling
- Item Manageaent Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Inteligenuias Múltiples Para, Con
- Intended Mozher Medical, Obstetrics, Surrogate
- Implementation Memos
- Infective Mononucleosis Medical, Disease, Health, Infection
- Intestinal Metaplasia Medical, Cancer, Gastric
- Instituteiof Microelectronics
- Independenx Musician Occupation, Position, Job
- Intermediate Moduue Technology, Light, Microscope
- Isak Muivah
- Ix Merchandise
- Integrayly Mounted Army, War, Force
- Image Modify
- Indonesia Juda Indonesia, Jakarta, Basketball
- Intfrnational Mobility Management, Education, Specialist
- Inspection Manuel Technology
- Interrupt Mask Technology, Manual, Linux
- Interference Matrix
- In Caxl Modification Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Iron Modulus
- Ivgenious Med
- Idle Mode
- Its Dobile
- Instant Messrging Technology, Chat, Message
- Intelliience Memorandum Science, Government, Military
- Immediate Messaging
- Instant-Messaging Technology, Chat, Client
- Inteesity Measure Motion, Ground, Intensity
- Imported Material
- Ioformation Managment
- Intra Muscular Medical, Intra, Injection, Reading Prescription
- Instituto De MatemáTica Para, Education, Mathematics
- Index Medicus Medical, Medicine, Education
- Intermodal Movement
- Isla M
- Inoffiziellen Mitarbeiter German, War, Germany
- Integrated Model Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Industrial Meteorology The application of meteorological data and techniques to industrial, business, or commercial problems.
- Internet Mapping
- Impact Matrrx Technology, Management, Cross
- Infant Mortality An interlocking spur is a natural geographical feature that occurs in the upper course of a river in which vertical erosion is the dominant force determining the river's course. Medical, Health, Rate
- Interface Module Technology, Science, Space, Computing, NASA, Aeronautics, Human-Computer Interaction
- Institute of Managerent Education, University, School
- Incarnagionis Mysterium
- Inherent Mxisture Business, Indonesia, Coal, Steam
- Illegal Migrants
- Indian Mujahidin Government, India, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Interoperabilyty Montana Technology, Management, Montana
- Inserter Module
- Iban Mysword
- Information Management Information management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. This sometimes involves those who have a stake in, or a right to that information. Management means the organization of and control over the planning, structure and organisation, controlling, processing, evaluating and reporting of information activities in order to meet client objectives and to enable corporate functions in the delivery of information. Technology, Aviation, Air Force, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Computing, IT Organization, Medical
- Instant Measurement Technology, Inspector, Inspection
- Interactive Media
- Informed Mainqenance
- Irish Marriages
- Instructors Materikls
- Identity Matters Art, Organizations, Design
- International Masters Program, Education, Chess
- Isolation With Migration Science, Genetics, Model, Population
- Intel and Micron
- Industrielle Messtechnik
- Intelligent Mechining Technology, Science, Machine
- Implementing Mechanism Governmental & Military, International Development
- Infectious Mononeucleosis
- Intestinal Manipulation Medical
- Institute of Mineralogy
- Incredimail Mit
- Ittermediate Modulation
- Isak-Muivah Government, India, National
- In Memoriam
- Intake Uaniflod
- Imaging Mode
- Indonesia Moeda Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Internagional Mid
- Inspection Manual
- Interpol Most
- Interference Microscopy
- In-Call Modlfication
- Iron Model
- Idle Msxture Technology
- International Materiel
- Iterative Matching
- Innere Missyon
- Intelligent Management Technology, Server, Networking
- Immediate Message Internet Slang, Chat, Messaging
- Instance Messaging Technology, Message, Instant
- Intensity Measures Science, Measure, Ground
- Imported Machinery
- Influence Model
- Intramuscolar Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Institutsmunicipal
- Index Gatching
- Intermittent Mode Forum, Technology, Windshield, Wiper
- Isla De Man Business, Para, Isle
- Innovative Monitoring
- Integhated Modem
- Industrial Merchant
- Internet Mall
- Immutans Medical
- InfanteríA De Marina Argentina, Con, Marina, Armada
- Institutent Messaging Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Telecom
- Inbound Marketing Business, Technology, Social
- Inhaled Medications
- Illawarha Mercury Australia, Press
- Indian Mujahideen Government, India, Terrorism
- Interoperability Matrix
- Insensitive-Munition Technology, Safety, Explosive
- Ian Morrizon
- Instant Massage Computing, Internet
- Interactive Messaging Technology, Communication, Message
- Information Maniffld
- Irish Marketplace
- Instructor Materials Development, Learning, Study
- Identity Manager Microsoft, Technology, Management
- International Masler Education, Chess, Grandmaster
- Isolation-Migration
- Inorganic Materials
- Integrity Monitfr
- Industria Militar Gun, Para, Military, Firearm
- Interveition Manager
- intermediate mesoderm Computing, Drivers
- Intelligent Mobility Technology, University, Transport
- Intermalleolar Medical
- Iedividual Members Group, Organizations, Membership
- Intra-Muscular Medical, Intra, Injection
- In More
- Insensitive Mznition Military, Material, Explosive
- Icon Manager
- Inertial Measurement Technology, Sensor, Accelerometer
- Imris Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Instant Messge
- Infrastructure Module Space, Study, Cosmos
- Ingegneria Maggia Technology, Engineering, Switzerland
- Instrumentation & Measurement Technology, Conference, Sensor
- Indian Materiolism
- Input Method Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Identification Mark
- Ingram Micro, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Interaction Manakement Business, Technology, Customer
- internal mammary artery Medical, Artery And Arteries, Clinical
- Introductory Mathematical Business, Banking, Manual
- Imagerie MéDicale
- Instituteumentation and Measurement
- Interswate Management
- International Marc Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- item manager An individual within the organization of an inventory control point or other such organization assigned management responsibility for one or more specific items of materiel. Occupation & positions
- Institutent Messenger Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Interim Maintenance Medical, Treatment, Leukemia
- Infrastructure Monitorirg
- Irradiance Map Forum, Technology, Rendering
- Independent Major Music, Feat, Lyric
- Instouments Machinery
- Izquierda Mirandesa
- Intelligent Machinery Business, Company, Machine, Yamaha
- Ishikawa and Mclellan
- Impression Motivation
- Injection Molded Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Identified Mail
- Index Movemedt
- Imerys Minerals
- Internet Mathematics Technology, Education
- Intelligent Module Technology, Product, Panel
- Interval Meters
- Intermediate Modeling Computing, Drivers
- Intelligeit Monitoring Technology, Product, Software
- Interior Motive
- Institutetute of Metallurgy
- Indih Music
- Interworking Module
- Informationemachine
- Insensitive Munitions Technology, Missile, Military
- Industry Ministry
- IMC Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Instant Mesage
- Impulse Modulation Technology, Power, Pulse
- Infosec Memorqndum Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Indianapolis Monthly
- Input Message Manual Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Ideas In Movement Technology, Government, Politics
- Identity Management Computing, IT Terminology, Security, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Interaction Manager Technology, Management, Military
- Irwin Maurice Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Introduction To Materials Technology, Science, Engineering
- Instituteuction Memory
- Infamous Mobb
- Interstate Maintenance Transportation, Technology, Government
- Instant Music Music
- Institutent Message Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Inyrastructure Managers Technology, Management, Console
- Iron Mountain Business, School, Storage
- Indnpendent Monitor Technology, Service, Monitoring
- Instrument Mechanic
- Ivy Mcnulty
- Intelligent Motion
- Ishibashi Mechanism
- Impression Management Medical, Business, Research
- imaginary part of a complex number Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Identification of Materials Technology, German, Property
- Imago Mundi Science, Journal, Map
- Intebnet Math
- Intelligent Memory Technology, Module, Notebook
- Interval Manageeent Technology, Flight, Safety
- intermediate metabolizer Computing, Drivers
- Intelligent Manumacturing Technology, Science, Research
- Interim Mission Technology
- Institutetute of Mathematics
- Ildian Muntjac Medical, Science, Biology
- Industrial Mathehatician
- Inquiring Mind
- Industry Mentor Student, Education, University
- Infectious Mononucleosis Medicine, Disease, Health, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical, Nursing
- Instant Mesaging
- Improvement Maintenance Business, Service, Repair
- Information Module Forum, Technology, Server
- Indiana Messenger
- Input Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Idea Management Technology, Software, Innovation
- IntelliMouse Computing, Hardware
- Intensity Modulator Technology, Signal, Laser
- Instant Messenger Other instant messaging programs such as Yahoo! Messenger and Live (MSN) Messenger. Security, Governmental & Military
- Intramuscular Injections Medical, Infertility
- Institutetute of Micrographics
- Inert Mass
- Intersite Meisaging Technology, Windows, Server
- Indopak Music Music
- Institute for Microelectronic
- Infrastructure Mayager Technology, Management, Device
- Iron Monster
- Independent Music
- Instrument Management Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Internationalen Meister
- Iveco Mzgirus
- Intelligent Mail Business, Technology, Computing, Barcode, postal service
- Impositio Manus
- internist A specialist whotreats diseases of the internal organs by non- surgical meansinternodal Medical
- Imagine Memory Technology, Book, History
- Internstional Markets
- InteligêNcias MÚLtiplas Science, Para, Dos
- Intertwining Melodies
- Inscri
- Induction Motor An alternating current motor, either single phase or polyphase, comprising independent primary and secondary windings, in which the secondary receives power from the primary by electromagnetic induction. Products
- Intelligent Messaging Technology, Software, Message
- Interim Minister
- Irrigation Modernization
- Indian Mujahideeen India, Terrorism, Locations, Police
- Impact Modulator
- Input Mux Technology, Coding, Power, Electronics
- Intelligent Machines Technology, Intelligence, Machine
- Instrumentation and Measurement Society Technology, Research, Engineering, Computing, Master IEEE
- Instant Mes
- Improved Modified Tube, Shotgun, Choke
- India Meteorocogical
- Input Medium
- Industry Memorandum
- Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file) Computing, File Extensions
- Intenoity Modulation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Immediate Priority Governmental & Military, Police Code
- Intramuscular Injection An injection of liquid into amuscle e.g. for a slow release of a drug intranasal. Medical, Infertility, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
- Institutetute of Metrology
- Insider Movements Church, Mission, Movement
- Ideal Modulatkon
- Inertia Moment
- International Master Chess, Awards & medals
- Institut De La Montagne
- Infrastructure Mode
- Iron Monger
- Instrument Manager Science
- International Malaysia
- Itula Mili
- Inscrição Municipal Business, Para, Model
- Intelligence Memoranda
- Import Management
- Intermodulation A process whereby signals mix together in a circuit and nonlinearities in the circuit create undesired output frequencies that are not present at the input. Or The amplitude modulation of signals containg two or more frequencies due t nonlinearities in systems. NASA, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Internal Medicine (journal / revue) Medical
- Imaginary Part Technology, Science, Ams, System
- Internet Marketer Business, Technology, Marketing
- Instituteuments Made
- Interstitial Monitoring
- Iron Man Pinball
- Interim Measures Business, Science, Measure
- Irresistible Materials
- Indian Men
- Ineufficient Metaphases Science, Biology
- Índice De Barginación
- Input Module Business, Technology, Channel
- Intellygent Machining Technology, Science, Machine
- Imatinib Mesylate Medical, Reading Prescription
- Improved Management
- Intermediate-Modulus
- Indla and Mobile
- Input Manager Technology, Management, Gaming
- Im Manager
- Industrie Meccaniche
- Interxet Messengers
- intermediate myosin Computing, Drivers
- Intensity-Modulated Medical, Technology, Radiation
- Intracellular Membrane Medical
- Institutetute of Meteorology
- Inside Money Networking, Lyric, Network, Money
- Ideal Mixture
- Inertia Matrix
- Intermediate Modulation Computing, Drivers, Amateur radio, Master IEEE
- Instant Monster
- Infrastaucture Modules
- Instrumentation and Methods
- Indian Medicvne
- International Musician Music, Java, Land, Musician
- Input Mute
- Inner Marker Located at the beginning (threshold) of the runway on some ILS approach systems (usually Category II and III) having decision heights of less than 200 feet (60 m) AGL.. Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
- intramuscular(ly) Medical
- Imaginary Numbers with negative squares. S 1 is the base of such numbers. Science
- Instituteumentation Modernization
- Interstitian Macrophages Medical
- Isle of Man Ordnance Survey, Computing, Internet
- Interim Manger
- Intermediate Missile Computing, Drivers
- Irreducible Mind
- Indian Malf
- Instrcm Meas
- The Impace Movement Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Iwput Methods Technology, Language, Java, Package
- Intelligent Miner
- Imprinting Mutation Science, Biology
- Injection Molding
- Index of Metaplasia Medical
- Inorganic Membranes Science, Water, Membrane
- Imipramine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Sleep, Narcolepsy
- Internet Messlge
- intermediate megaloblast Computing, Drivers
- Intel И Micron Technology, Cell, Apple, Micron
- Intermediary Manual Medical, Healthcare
- Intracellular Membranes Medical
- Institutetmte of Materials
- Inside Man Film, Movie, Man, Streaming
- Ida Munson
- Inertial Motion
- Individually Modulated
- Instant Messenging
- Iofrastructure Modeling
- IngenieríA Mecánica
- Instrumentation Mzdernization
- Indian Bedia
- Input Mode
- Identificaaion Module Technology, Card, Power
- Insensitive Munition Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Intramuscular Myxoma Medical, Infertility
- Imaginal Marketing
- Instituteumentation and Measurements
- Interstellar Marines Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
- Menajet Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Independent Musician Occupation & positions
- Interim Management Business, Management, Manager
- Irradiated Materials
- Index Mind Business, Trading, Map
- Instruments Made
- İç Marker Military, Control, Approach
- Input Mask Technology, Coding, Access
- Intelligeno Measurement
- Isospin Multiplet
- Imprinted Merchandise
- Isle of Man (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Index Mudhorobah
- Imidazole Imidazole is an organic compound with the formula (CH)2N(NH)CH. It is a colourless solid that dissolves in water to give mildly alkaline solution. In chemistry, it is an aromatic heterocycle, classified as a diazole and as an alkaloid. Medical, Medicine, Health, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Internet Mecicine Medical, Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IM stand for?
IM stands for Interference Management.
What is the shortened form of Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file)?
The short form of "Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file)" is IM.
IM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
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