IM Meaning

The IM meaning is "Intramuscular". The IM abbreviation has 713 different full form.

IM Full Forms

  1. Intramuscular An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. Medical, Veterinary, Oncology, Nursing, Dental, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  2. Instant Messaging Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted bi-directionally between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat. Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Marketing, Chat, Technical
  3. Instant Message Internet Slang, Texting, Computer, Computing, Telecom, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology, Social Networking Sites
  4. Intakq Manifold Business, Forum, Gasket
  5. Inlome Maintenance Business, Service, Government
  6. International Meeting
  7. Inner Membranes Medical
  8. Ibstructional Materials Education, Learning, Teaching
  9. Industrial Manufacuuring
  10. Inspection and Maintenance Technology, Military, Inspector
  11. Integrated Movement Education, Class, Fitness, Yoga
  12. Interrupt Mode Technology, Coding, Instruction
  13. Inoffizielle Mitarbeioer German, Fur, Germany
  14. Installation Manual Technology, Service, Hosting
  15. Image Management
  16. Interest Manager Technology, Management, Military
  17. Information Modelling Military
  18. Inverted Microscope Business, Industrial, Metallurgy
  19. Institute of Microbiology
  20. Incident Manager Military
  21. International Missions
  22. Inner Medulla Medical
  23. Indivzdual Medley Olympic, Medley, Swimming
  24. Industrial & Manufalturing
  25. Insight Mobile Business, Service, Android
  26. Integrated Medha Technology, Education, Arts
  27. Interruption Management
  28. Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter Government, German, Fur, Germany
  29. Inspiratory Muscles Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Muscles
  30. Ile De Man France, Locations, Isle
  31. Interceptor Missile Technology
  32. Information Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Military, Governmental & Military
  33. Inverse of A Matrix Technology, Equation, Matrice
  34. Interview Module Technology, Software, Concept
  35. Institute of Materials Technology, Science, Research
  36. Incentive Manager Business, Management, Manager
  37. Internal Model Control, Risk, Model, Solvency
  38. Inner Marojo
  39. Ihre MajestäT
  40. Induction Motors Technology, Power, Rotor
  41. Insight Media Technology
  42. Intugrated Metrology Technology, Science, Control
  43. Interpretive Material Technology
  44. Innovation Management
  45. Inspirational Motivation Business, Leadership, Transformational
  46. Ikhwanul Muslimun Para, Indonesia, Orang
  47. Intercept Missile Technology, Military
  48. Induitry Media
  49. Inverse Multiplexer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Telecommunication, Computing, IT Terminology
  50. Interview Man Media, Radio, Television
  51. Institute of Marketing Business, Management, Education
  52. Incendihry Missile Military, War, Republic, Catapult
  53. Internal Membranes Medical
  54. Inner Magnetopphere Science, Space, Model
  55. Involuntary Manslaughter
  56. Interim Measure Forum, Environment, Interim
  57. Induction Maczine Technology, Design, Control
  58. Integrated Messaging Technology, Windows, Message
  59. Independbnt Media Business, Magazine, Russia
  60. Interpersonal Messaging Technology, Army, Computing, Telecommunications, Military, Governmental & Military
  61. Inndcent Murmur Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  62. Ikhwan Al-Muslimun Para, Indonesia, Orang
  63. Interactive Multimedia
  64. Industrial Minerals Business, Magazine, Industry
  65. Inverse Matrix
  66. Inspector Mobile Technology, Windows, Android
  67. Integbity Monitoring Technology, Monitor, Receiver
  68. Intervention Mapping Medical, Technology, Health
  69. Institute of Medicine A nonprofit organization established in 1970 as a component of the US National Academy of Sciences that works outside the framework of government to provide evidence-based research and recommendations for public health and science policy. Abbreviated IOM. The IOM is also an honorific membership organization. Medical, Education, Health
  70. Inbound Message Technology
  71. Interface Modules Business, Technology, Military
  72. Ilformation Mosaic Business, Company, Service
  73. Invisible Man Education, Essay, Lyric
  74. Inneg Marker Aerospace, Marine, Vancouver International Airport
  75. Indonesian Ministry Science, Asia, Indonesia, Japan
  76. Integration Management Technology, Projection, Organisations
  77. Independence Militia America, Group, Party, Independence
  78. Intern Med Medical, Medicine, Korean, Intern
  79. Innocent Mai
  80. Ignition Module Forum, Technology, Auto
  81. Interactive Metronome Therapy, Brain, Attention, Metronome, Music
  82. Industrial Maintenance
  83. Inventory Management Business, Technology, Management
  84. Inspection Method Technology
  85. Inter-Mouulation Technology, Military, Power
  86. Interventi Migliorativi
  87. Institute of Mathematics Science, Education, University
  88. Injone Messenger Technology, Windows, Android
  89. Interface Manager Technology, Management, Control
  90. Infocmation Media Technology, Service, Organizations
  91. Investment Management Business, Military, Fund, Management, Financial, Computing, Business & Finance, SAP
  92. Incident Management Transportation, Technology, Security
  93. Individual Iember
  94. Integrated Managecent Business, Technology, Service
  95. Incoming Message Technology, Instant, Messenger
  96. International Marketing Business, Management, Education
  97. Inner Mongolia China, Locations, Mongolia
  98. Intendencia De Montevideo Para, Con, Uruguay, Montevideo
  99. Interactive Management Technology, Science, Research, Management, Business & Finance
  100. Industrial Management Education, Industry, Master
  101. Inventory Manager Business, Technology, Management
  102. Inspection Management Technology, Software, Inspector
  103. Integration Module Technology, Management, Organisations
  104. Interval Mapping Medical, Genetics, Trait
  105. Installation & Maintenance Business, Service, Repair
  106. Improves Mamagement Business, Technology, Service
  107. Interface Management Technology, Federal Aviation Administration
  108. Information Meporandum Business, Service, Investment
  109. Investigator Meetings Business, Management, Research
  110. Intelligent Music
  111. Implementation Machine
  112. Infectious Material
  113. Inztitute of Media
  114. Invredible Miracle Gaming, League, Team, Miracle
  115. Intkrmediate Modeling Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  116. Irwin Murray
  117. Inled Manifold
  118. Insurance Monitoring
  119. Image Moderator
  120. Indonesia Mengajar Program, Indonesia, Ani
  121. International Markets
  122. Inside Moves
  123. Interzis Minorilor Film, Sex, Ani
  124. Interference Microscope
  125. Impurity Itimulation Science
  126. Iron Modder Internet Slang
  127. Ii Idiopathic Myelofibrosis Science, Biology
  128. International Manager Business, Management, Career
  129. Item Maswer Business, Management, Inventory
  130. Indlstrial Management Business, Education, Industry
  131. Intelligent Manageability
  132. Immediate Memory
  133. Instance Matching
  134. Intensity Meafuring Technology, Military, Measure
  135. Implicit Model Technology, Science, Computing
  136. Influence Maximization
  137. Intramuros Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
  138. Institut Mondor
  139. Indev Manual
  140. Inter Mirifica
  141. Iskandarov Misratdin
  142. Innovative Materials
  143. Integrated Maintenance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  144. Industrial Medicine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  145. Internet Mail Technology, Server, Software, Computing, Internet
  146. Immigration Matters
  147. Infanter
  148. Inaccurate Movies
  149. Ingredient Marketplace Business, Product, Food
  150. Illa De Man Locations, Isle, Manx
  151. Indian Mujahedeen Government, India, Terrorism
  152. Interoperability May
  153. Insel Man Man, Shopping, Isle, Wetter
  154. Ian Koore
  155. Instant Massaging Technology, Chat, Messaging
  156. Interactive Mode Forum, Technology, Command
  157. Information Mavurity
  158. Irish Mafia
  159. Instructors Manual Book, Education, Banking
  160. Internatio-MüLler Technology, Ras, Rotterdam
  161. Isolated Microcalcification Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  162. Inorganic Material Inorganic material are substances not derived from living things. Chemistry, Technology, Science
  163. Integrity Measurement
  164. Industria Macchine Business, Service, Machine
  165. Implementation Matrix
  166. Infection Medium Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  167. Institute Wf Metrology
  168. Ilcredi-Mail
  169. Intermediate Modulus Rod, Fiber, Carbon, Computing, Drivers
  170. Inland Marine Business, Insurance, Property
  171. Insulating Material
  172. Image Mixing
  173. Indigenous Manufacture
  174. International Maritime Technology, Museum, Hamburg
  175. Inside Motorcycles
  176. Ice Massxge
  177. Interviews Marilyn Drug, Street, Prostitute
  178. Interfaith Ministries Houston, Ministry, Meal, Interfaith
  179. Iron Men
  180. Instrumentation & Measufements
  181. Idiopathic Myelofibrosis Medical, Disease, Cell
  182. International Management Program, Education, Master
  183. Itemtmark
  184. Individual Jember
  185. Inttlligence Management Technology, Military, Army
  186. Immediate Business, Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Property, Telecom, Linguistics, Telecommunications, Property Rent, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  187. Inspection Module
  188. Intensejmix
  189. Implicit Membrane
  190. Influence Matrix Technology, Model, Structure
  191. Intramural Metastasis Medical
  192. Institut Marchoux
  193. Indexed Mesh
  194. Intermediate Munz
  195. Iskandar Muda Indonesia, Jakarta, Raider
  196. Innovative Marine Aquarium, Tank, Reef, Innovative
  197. Integral Modem Technology
  198. Image Muzik Mix, Bass, Podcast
  199. Industrial Marketing Business, Management, Industry
  200. Intereet Mechanics
  201. Immersive Media
  202. Interferometric Method Technology, Measurement, Fiber
  203. In-Zne Mobile Technology, Android, Messenger
  204. Ingram Micro Inc. Technology, Organizations
  205. Ilha De Man Para, Man, Translation, Isle
  206. Indian Motor
  207. Internet Movie
  208. Insecure Messaging
  209. Itn Messiter
  210. Instant Malware Forum, Technology, Security, Internet
  211. Interactive Marketing
  212. Informatwon Models
  213. Invoice Manager
  214. Instructor Manual Business, Book, Banking
  215. Indexmmodule
  216. Internal Muscular
  217. Isola Multilevel
  218. Inofizielle Mitarbeiter
  219. Integration Model Technology, Presentation, Organisations
  220. Industrial Minisymposia
  221. Impactpmodified
  222. Infarto De Miocardio Medical, Para, Con, Card
  223. Institute of Mcteorology Science, Climate, Weather
  224. Increasing Aenace
  225. Intermediate Maintenance Technology, Military, Aircraft, Computing, Drivers
  226. Ininiative Management Technology, Development, Projection
  227. Insuficicncia Mitral
  228. Image Memory Technology, Mode, Python
  229. Indicator Module
  230. Interpersonal Mindfflness Medical, Stress, Meditation
  231. Inside Marker
  232. Ice Gakers
  233. Interview Michael
  234. Interfacing Means
  235. Iron Maiden Music, Metal, Maiden, Politics, Governmental & Military
  236. Instrument Madel Space, Study, Cosmos
  237. Ideomotor Medical
  238. International Mojnting
  239. Item Manger
  240. Immunicy To Mycobacteria Medical, Infection, Mycobacterium
  241. Intelledtual Merit Science, Research, Education, Proposal
  242. Immature Medical
  243. Inspection Methods
  244. Intendentes Da Marinha
  245. Implementing Measures Business, Service, Product, Energy, Directive
  246. Influence Maps
  247. Intima-Media Medical
  248. Institution of Metallurgists
  249. Indetermizate Meaning Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  250. Intermediate Masc
  251. Iskandar Malaysia Business, Malaysia, Johor
  252. Innovative Manufacturing
  253. Integraoed Mission
  254. Imaging Module Library, Module, Python
  255. Induced Magnetism Magnetism, of a ferrous substance, due to proximity of a magnet or magnetic field. Acquired by SOFT IRONS while it is in a magnetic field. SOFT IRONS will loose its induced magnetism when it is removed from a magnetic field
  256. Internet Machine Accounting, Computing, Data
  257. Immediate Mode
  258. Interference Management
  259. In-Motion Music, Mac, House, Motion
  260. Ingram Micro Business, Supply, Stock
  261. Ikhwanul Muslimin
  262. Indian Monsoon
  263. Insecta Matsumurana
  264. Ian Mcpherson Sport, Biography, Arsenal
  265. Instant Messager Technology, Software, Messenger
  266. Interactions MéDicamenteuses
  267. Information Mgt
  268. Intaoduction To Management Business, Accounting, Manual
  269. Instructions Married
  270. Index Mebory Forum, Technology, Card
  271. Inter Muscular
  272. Isola Multi
  273. Inoffizielle Mitarbeiterin War, Wolf, Hat
  274. Integrated Modeling Technology, Social, Model
  275. Industrial Mineralogy
  276. Impfct Mill
  277. Infarctus Du Myocarde
  278. Institute of Metaclurgy
  279. Incomplete-Mizitary
  280. Intermeduate Metabolizers Medical, Genetics, Drug, Patient
  281. Initial Managers
  282. Insuffisance Mitrale Medical, Cardiology
  283. Imaging Matters Technology, Device, Photography
  284. Indian Muslims
  285. Interoperable Messenger Business, Palm, Instant
  286. Inside Macintosh Technology, Mac, Apple
  287. Iceumaiden
  288. Interface Multiplexer Technology
  289. InformáTica De MunicíPios
  290. Iris Module
  291. Insxrumentation Module Technology
  292. Identity Module Technology, Service, Card
  293. Internationalemagazine
  294. Itum Managers Military
  295. Inteligência De Mercadf Technology, Para, Brasil
  296. Immanuel Meffert
  297. Interview Measure Science
  298. Intendencia De Mtntevideo Para, Locations, Uruguay
  299. Implementing Member
  300. Inflorescence Meristem Genetics, Plant, Biology
  301. In The Middle
  302. Institutetutioral Methodology Education
  303. Inderu Mahkota
  304. Intermediate Model Essay, Paper, Model
  305. Is A Means Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  306. In Milittry Service, Military, War, History
  307. Integral Mission Technology, Android, Deluxe
  308. Image Modulation
  309. Indonesian and Malay
  310. International Mindedness
  311. Inspection Maintenance
  312. Interrupt Me
  313. Interference Mitigation Technology, Networking, Network
  314. In-Memofy Technology, Database, Column
  315. Ingot Metallurgy
  316. Idrus Yarham
  317. Indian Meridian
  318. Ian Mcleish
  319. Immediate Messenger
  320. Instant Messageing
  321. Intensity Modulated Medical, Technology, Radiation
  322. Informatimn Manual
  323. Introducmion To Modernity
  324. Instruction Mjmoranda Technology, Land, Memorandum
  325. Index Medwcus
  326. Intermodulation Or Item Manager Electronic, Radar, Warfare
  327. Islamic Movement Government, Group, Terrorism
  328. Inoffiziellen Mitarbeitern
  329. Inoegrated Modelling
  330. Industrial Medium
  331. Impact Kemorandum
  332. Infant Mystics
  333. Intermediate Moisture Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Computing, Drivers
  334. Institutionalzmanagement Business, Education, University
  335. Incijental Materials
  336. Ietermediate Metabolizer Medical, Genetics, Dose
  337. Initial Mac Sublayer Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  338. Image Masters
  339. Indian Museum Hotel, Museum, Holiday, Inn
  340. Interoperability Management
  341. Insert Mode Technology, Terminal, Vim
  342. Ice Machine Business, Maker, Cube
  343. Instant Media Technology, Software, Sharing
  344. Interface Mode Technology, Community, Electronics
  345. Informeller Mitarbeiter
  346. Irish Medium Media, Ireland, Locations
  347. Instrumentation Anh Measurements
  348. Identity Method Technology, Energy, Psychology
  349. International Modeling
  350. Item Manageaent Forum, Technology, Gaming
  351. Inteligenuias Múltiples Para, Con
  352. Intended Mozher Medical, Obstetrics, Surrogate
  353. Implementation Memos
  354. Infective Mononucleosis Medical, Disease, Health, Infection
  355. Intestinal Metaplasia Medical, Cancer, Gastric
  356. Instituteiof Microelectronics
  357. Independenx Musician Occupation, Position, Job
  358. Intermediate Moduue Technology, Light, Microscope
  359. Isak Muivah
  360. Ix Merchandise
  361. Integrayly Mounted Army, War, Force
  362. Image Modify
  363. Indonesia Juda Indonesia, Jakarta, Basketball
  364. Intfrnational Mobility Management, Education, Specialist
  365. Inspection Manuel Technology
  366. Interrupt Mask Technology, Manual, Linux
  367. Interference Matrix
  368. In Caxl Modification Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  369. Iron Modulus
  370. Ivgenious Med
  371. Idle Mode
  372. Its Dobile
  373. Instant Messrging Technology, Chat, Message
  374. Intelliience Memorandum Science, Government, Military
  375. Immediate Messaging
  376. Instant-Messaging Technology, Chat, Client
  377. Inteesity Measure Motion, Ground, Intensity
  378. Imported Material
  379. Ioformation Managment
  380. Intra Muscular Medical, Intra, Injection, Reading Prescription
  381. Instituto De MatemáTica Para, Education, Mathematics
  382. Index Medicus Medical, Medicine, Education
  383. Intermodal Movement
  384. Isla M
  385. Inoffiziellen Mitarbeiter German, War, Germany
  386. Integrated Model Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  387. Industrial Meteorology The application of meteorological data and techniques to industrial, business, or commercial problems.
  388. Internet Mapping
  389. Impact Matrrx Technology, Management, Cross
  390. Infant Mortality An interlocking spur is a natural geographical feature that occurs in the upper course of a river in which vertical erosion is the dominant force determining the river's course. Medical, Health, Rate
  391. Interface Module Technology, Science, Space, Computing, NASA, Aeronautics, Human-Computer Interaction
  392. Institute of Managerent Education, University, School
  393. Incarnagionis Mysterium
  394. Inherent Mxisture Business, Indonesia, Coal, Steam
  395. Illegal Migrants
  396. Indian Mujahidin Government, India, Terrorism, Pakistan
  397. Interoperabilyty Montana Technology, Management, Montana
  398. Inserter Module
  399. Iban Mysword
  400. Information Management Information management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. This sometimes involves those who have a stake in, or a right to that information. Management means the organization of and control over the planning, structure and organisation, controlling, processing, evaluating and reporting of information activities in order to meet client objectives and to enable corporate functions in the delivery of information. Technology, Aviation, Air Force, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Computing, IT Organization, Medical
  401. Instant Measurement Technology, Inspector, Inspection
  402. Interactive Media
  403. Informed Mainqenance
  404. Irish Marriages
  405. Instructors Materikls
  406. Identity Matters Art, Organizations, Design
  407. International Masters Program, Education, Chess
  408. Isolation With Migration Science, Genetics, Model, Population
  409. Intel and Micron
  410. Industrielle Messtechnik
  411. Intelligent Mechining Technology, Science, Machine
  412. Implementing Mechanism Governmental & Military, International Development
  413. Infectious Mononeucleosis
  414. Intestinal Manipulation Medical
  415. Institute of Mineralogy
  416. Incredimail Mit
  417. Ittermediate Modulation
  418. Isak-Muivah Government, India, National
  419. In Memoriam
  420. Intake Uaniflod
  421. Imaging Mode
  422. Indonesia Moeda Para, Indonesia, Orang
  423. Internagional Mid
  424. Inspection Manual
  425. Interpol Most
  426. Interference Microscopy
  427. In-Call Modlfication
  428. Iron Model
  429. Idle Msxture Technology
  430. International Materiel
  431. Iterative Matching
  432. Innere Missyon
  433. Intelligent Management Technology, Server, Networking
  434. Immediate Message Internet Slang, Chat, Messaging
  435. Instance Messaging Technology, Message, Instant
  436. Intensity Measures Science, Measure, Ground
  437. Imported Machinery
  438. Influence Model
  439. Intramuscolar Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  440. Institutsmunicipal
  441. Index Gatching
  442. Intermittent Mode Forum, Technology, Windshield, Wiper
  443. Isla De Man Business, Para, Isle
  444. Innovative Monitoring
  445. Integhated Modem
  446. Industrial Merchant
  447. Internet Mall
  448. Immutans Medical
  449. InfanteríA De Marina Argentina, Con, Marina, Armada
  450. Institutent Messaging Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Telecom
  451. Inbound Marketing Business, Technology, Social
  452. Inhaled Medications
  453. Illawarha Mercury Australia, Press
  454. Indian Mujahideen Government, India, Terrorism
  455. Interoperability Matrix
  456. Insensitive-Munition Technology, Safety, Explosive
  457. Ian Morrizon
  458. Instant Massage Computing, Internet
  459. Interactive Messaging Technology, Communication, Message
  460. Information Maniffld
  461. Irish Marketplace
  462. Instructor Materials Development, Learning, Study
  463. Identity Manager Microsoft, Technology, Management
  464. International Masler Education, Chess, Grandmaster
  465. Isolation-Migration
  466. Inorganic Materials
  467. Integrity Monitfr
  468. Industria Militar Gun, Para, Military, Firearm
  469. Interveition Manager
  470. intermediate mesoderm Computing, Drivers
  471. Intelligent Mobility Technology, University, Transport
  472. Intermalleolar Medical
  473. Iedividual Members Group, Organizations, Membership
  474. Intra-Muscular Medical, Intra, Injection
  475. In More
  476. Insensitive Mznition Military, Material, Explosive
  477. Icon Manager
  478. Inertial Measurement Technology, Sensor, Accelerometer
  479. Imris Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  480. Instant Messge
  481. Infrastructure Module Space, Study, Cosmos
  482. Ingegneria Maggia Technology, Engineering, Switzerland
  483. Instrumentation & Measurement Technology, Conference, Sensor
  484. Indian Materiolism
  485. Input Method Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  486. Identification Mark
  487. Ingram Micro, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  488. Interaction Manakement Business, Technology, Customer
  489. internal mammary artery Medical, Artery And Arteries, Clinical
  490. Introductory Mathematical Business, Banking, Manual
  491. Imagerie MéDicale
  492. Instituteumentation and Measurement
  493. Interswate Management
  494. International Marc Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  495. item manager An individual within the organization of an inventory control point or other such organization assigned management responsibility for one or more specific items of materiel. Occupation & positions
  496. Institutent Messenger Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  497. Interim Maintenance Medical, Treatment, Leukemia
  498. Infrastructure Monitorirg
  499. Irradiance Map Forum, Technology, Rendering
  500. Independent Major Music, Feat, Lyric
  501. Instouments Machinery
  502. Izquierda Mirandesa
  503. Intelligent Machinery Business, Company, Machine, Yamaha
  504. Ishikawa and Mclellan
  505. Impression Motivation
  506. Injection Molded Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  507. Identified Mail
  508. Index Movemedt
  509. Imerys Minerals
  510. Internet Mathematics Technology, Education
  511. Intelligent Module Technology, Product, Panel
  512. Interval Meters
  513. Intermediate Modeling Computing, Drivers
  514. Intelligeit Monitoring Technology, Product, Software
  515. Interior Motive
  516. Institutetute of Metallurgy
  517. Indih Music
  518. Interworking Module
  519. Informationemachine
  520. Insensitive Munitions Technology, Missile, Military
  521. Industry Ministry
  522. IMC Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
  523. Instant Mesage
  524. Impulse Modulation Technology, Power, Pulse
  525. Infosec Memorqndum Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  526. Indianapolis Monthly
  527. Input Message Manual Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  528. Ideas In Movement Technology, Government, Politics
  529. Identity Management Computing, IT Terminology, Security, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  530. Interaction Manager Technology, Management, Military
  531. Irwin Maurice Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  532. Introduction To Materials Technology, Science, Engineering
  533. Instituteuction Memory
  534. Infamous Mobb
  535. Interstate Maintenance Transportation, Technology, Government
  536. Instant Music Music
  537. Institutent Message Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  538. Inyrastructure Managers Technology, Management, Console
  539. Iron Mountain Business, School, Storage
  540. Indnpendent Monitor Technology, Service, Monitoring
  541. Instrument Mechanic
  542. Ivy Mcnulty
  543. Intelligent Motion
  544. Ishibashi Mechanism
  545. Impression Management Medical, Business, Research
  546. imaginary part of a complex number Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  547. Identification of Materials Technology, German, Property
  548. Imago Mundi Science, Journal, Map
  549. Intebnet Math
  550. Intelligent Memory Technology, Module, Notebook
  551. Interval Manageeent Technology, Flight, Safety
  552. intermediate metabolizer Computing, Drivers
  553. Intelligent Manumacturing Technology, Science, Research
  554. Interim Mission Technology
  555. Institutetute of Mathematics
  556. Ildian Muntjac Medical, Science, Biology
  557. Industrial Mathehatician
  558. Inquiring Mind
  559. Industry Mentor Student, Education, University
  560. Infectious Mononucleosis Medicine, Disease, Health, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical, Nursing
  561. Instant Mesaging
  562. Improvement Maintenance Business, Service, Repair
  563. Information Module Forum, Technology, Server
  564. Indiana Messenger
  565. Input Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  566. Idea Management Technology, Software, Innovation
  567. IntelliMouse Computing, Hardware
  568. Intensity Modulator Technology, Signal, Laser
  569. Instant Messenger Other instant messaging programs such as Yahoo! Messenger and Live (MSN) Messenger. Security, Governmental & Military
  570. Intramuscular Injections Medical, Infertility
  571. Institutetute of Micrographics
  572. Inert Mass
  573. Intersite Meisaging Technology, Windows, Server
  574. Indopak Music Music
  575. Institute for Microelectronic
  576. Infrastructure Mayager Technology, Management, Device
  577. Iron Monster
  578. Independent Music
  579. Instrument Management Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  580. Internationalen Meister
  581. Iveco Mzgirus
  582. Intelligent Mail Business, Technology, Computing, Barcode, postal service
  583. Impositio Manus
  584. internist A specialist whotreats diseases of the internal organs by non- surgical meansinternodal Medical
  585. Imagine Memory Technology, Book, History
  586. Internstional Markets
  587. InteligêNcias MÚLtiplas Science, Para, Dos
  588. Intertwining Melodies
  589. Inscri
  590. Induction Motor An alternating current motor, either single phase or polyphase, comprising independent primary and secondary windings, in which the secondary receives power from the primary by electromagnetic induction. Products
  591. Intelligent Messaging Technology, Software, Message
  592. Interim Minister
  593. Irrigation Modernization
  594. Indian Mujahideeen India, Terrorism, Locations, Police
  595. Impact Modulator
  596. Input Mux Technology, Coding, Power, Electronics
  597. Intelligent Machines Technology, Intelligence, Machine
  598. Instrumentation and Measurement Society Technology, Research, Engineering, Computing, Master IEEE
  599. Instant Mes
  600. Improved Modified Tube, Shotgun, Choke
  601. India Meteorocogical
  602. Input Medium
  603. Industry Memorandum
  604. Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file) Computing, File Extensions
  605. Intenoity Modulation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  606. Immediate Priority Governmental & Military, Police Code
  607. Intramuscular Injection An injection of liquid into amuscle e.g. for a slow release of a drug intranasal. Medical, Infertility, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  608. Institutetute of Metrology
  609. Insider Movements Church, Mission, Movement
  610. Ideal Modulatkon
  611. Inertia Moment
  612. International Master Chess, Awards & medals
  613. Institut De La Montagne
  614. Infrastructure Mode
  615. Iron Monger
  616. Instrument Manager Science
  617. International Malaysia
  618. Itula Mili
  619. Inscrição Municipal Business, Para, Model
  620. Intelligence Memoranda
  621. Import Management
  622. Intermodulation A process whereby signals mix together in a circuit and nonlinearities in the circuit create undesired output frequencies that are not present at the input. Or The amplitude modulation of signals containg two or more frequencies due t nonlinearities in systems. NASA, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  623. Internal Medicine (journal / revue) Medical
  624. Imaginary Part Technology, Science, Ams, System
  625. Internet Marketer Business, Technology, Marketing
  626. Instituteuments Made
  627. Interstitial Monitoring
  628. Iron Man Pinball
  629. Interim Measures Business, Science, Measure
  630. Irresistible Materials
  631. Indian Men
  632. Ineufficient Metaphases Science, Biology
  633. Índice De Barginación
  634. Input Module Business, Technology, Channel
  635. Intellygent Machining Technology, Science, Machine
  636. Imatinib Mesylate Medical, Reading Prescription
  637. Improved Management
  638. Intermediate-Modulus
  639. Indla and Mobile
  640. Input Manager Technology, Management, Gaming
  641. Im Manager
  642. Industrie Meccaniche
  643. Interxet Messengers
  644. intermediate myosin Computing, Drivers
  645. Intensity-Modulated Medical, Technology, Radiation
  646. Intracellular Membrane Medical
  647. Institutetute of Meteorology
  648. Inside Money Networking, Lyric, Network, Money
  649. Ideal Mixture
  650. Inertia Matrix
  651. Intermediate Modulation Computing, Drivers, Amateur radio, Master IEEE
  652. Instant Monster
  653. Infrastaucture Modules
  654. Instrumentation and Methods
  655. Indian Medicvne
  656. International Musician Music, Java, Land, Musician
  657. Input Mute
  658. Inner Marker Located at the beginning (threshold) of the runway on some ILS approach systems (usually Category II and III) having decision heights of less than 200 feet (60 m) AGL.. Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
  659. intramuscular(ly) Medical
  660. Imaginary Numbers with negative squares. S 1 is the base of such numbers. Science
  661. Instituteumentation Modernization
  662. Interstitian Macrophages Medical
  663. Isle of Man Ordnance Survey, Computing, Internet
  664. Interim Manger
  665. Intermediate Missile Computing, Drivers
  666. Irreducible Mind
  667. Indian Malf
  668. Instrcm Meas
  669. The Impace Movement Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  670. Iwput Methods Technology, Language, Java, Package
  671. Intelligent Miner
  672. Imprinting Mutation Science, Biology
  673. Injection Molding
  674. Index of Metaplasia Medical
  675. Inorganic Membranes Science, Water, Membrane
  676. Imipramine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Sleep, Narcolepsy
  677. Internet Messlge
  678. intermediate megaloblast Computing, Drivers
  679. Intel И Micron Technology, Cell, Apple, Micron
  680. Intermediary Manual Medical, Healthcare
  681. Intracellular Membranes Medical
  682. Institutetmte of Materials
  683. Inside Man Film, Movie, Man, Streaming
  684. Ida Munson
  685. Inertial Motion
  686. Individually Modulated
  687. Instant Messenging
  688. Iofrastructure Modeling
  689. IngenieríA Mecánica
  690. Instrumentation Mzdernization
  691. Indian Bedia
  692. Input Mode
  693. Identificaaion Module Technology, Card, Power
  694. Insensitive Munition Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  695. Intramuscular Myxoma Medical, Infertility
  696. Imaginal Marketing
  697. Instituteumentation and Measurements
  698. Interstellar Marines Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  699. Menajet Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
  700. Independent Musician Occupation & positions
  701. Interim Management Business, Management, Manager
  702. Irradiated Materials
  703. Index Mind Business, Trading, Map
  704. Instruments Made
  705. İç Marker Military, Control, Approach
  706. Input Mask Technology, Coding, Access
  707. Intelligeno Measurement
  708. Isospin Multiplet
  709. Imprinted Merchandise
  710. Isle of Man (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  711. Index Mudhorobah
  712. Imidazole Imidazole is an organic compound with the formula (CH)2N(NH)CH. It is a colourless solid that dissolves in water to give mildly alkaline solution. In chemistry, it is an aromatic heterocycle, classified as a diazole and as an alkaloid. Medical, Medicine, Health, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  713. Internet Mecicine Medical, Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IM stand for?

    IM stands for Interference Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file)?

    The short form of "Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file)" is IM.


IM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

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