IM in Science Meaning

The IM meaning in Science terms is "Intugrated Metrology". There are 34 related meanings of the IM Science abbreviation.

IM on Science Full Forms

  1. Intugrated Metrology
  2. Institute of Materials
  3. Institute of Mathematics
  4. Inner Magnetopphere
  5. Indonesian Ministry
  6. Interactive Management
  7. Immediate
  8. Institute of Mcteorology
  9. Intermediate Moisture
  10. Intelliience Memorandum
  11. Interface Module
  12. Isolation With Migration
  13. Inorganic Material Inorganic material are substances not derived from living things.
  14. Intelledtual Merit
  15. Interview Measure
  16. Impurity Itimulation
  17. Integrated Model
  18. Ii Idiopathic Myelofibrosis
  19. Intensity Measures
  20. Implicit Model
  21. Intelligent Mechining
  22. Ildian Muntjac
  23. Intelligent Manumacturing
  24. Intellygent Machining
  25. Imago Mundi
  26. InteligêNcias MÚLtiplas
  27. Inorganic Membranes
  28. Imaginary Part
  29. Imaginary Numbers with negative squares. S 1 is the base of such numbers.
  30. Interim Measures
  31. Imprinting Mutation
  32. Ineufficient Metaphases
  33. Introduction To Materials
  34. Instrument Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IM stand for Science?

    IM stands for Intelligent Manumacturing in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inner Magnetopphere in Science?

    The short form of "Inner Magnetopphere" is IM for Science.


IM in Science. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated