IM in Technology Meaning

The IM meaning in Technology terms is "Instant Messaging". There are 157 related meanings of the IM Technology abbreviation.

IM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Instant Messaging Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted bi-directionally between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.
  2. Insight Media
  3. Interpersonal Messaging
  4. Injone Messenger
  5. Institute of Materials
  6. Inventory Manager
  7. Information Model
  8. Interactive Management
  9. Integration Module
  10. Interface Modules
  11. Improves Mamagement
  12. Installation Manual
  13. Induction Motors
  14. Integrated Medha
  15. Interface Manager
  16. Ignition Module
  17. Inspector Mobile
  18. Interview Module
  19. Induction Maczine
  20. Intugrated Metrology
  21. Interface Management
  22. Incident Management
  23. Inspection Method
  24. Intervention Mapping
  25. Integrated Messaging
  26. Inverse of A Matrix
  27. Interest Manager
  28. Inspection Management
  29. Interrupt Mode
  30. Incoming Message
  31. Integration Management
  32. Inverse Multiplexer
  33. Interceptor Missile
  34. Integbity Monitoring
  35. Inspection and Maintenance
  36. Interpretive Material
  37. Inbound Message
  38. Integrated Managecent
  39. Inventory Management
  40. Infocmation Media
  41. Intercept Missile
  42. Inter-Mouulation
  43. Integral Modem
  44. Index Mebory
  45. Instance Messaging
  46. Interface Multiplexer
  47. Imaging Matters
  48. Inttlligence Management
  49. Instant Media
  50. Intermittent Mode
  51. Impact Matrrx
  52. Integral Mission
  53. Inbound Marketing
  54. Inspection Manuel
  55. Interface Mode
  56. Idle Msxture
  57. Inteligência De Mercadf
  58. Instant Measurement
  59. Intermediate Moduue
  60. Immediate
  61. In-Zne Mobile
  62. Interactive Messaging
  63. Identity Module
  64. Inside Macintosh
  65. Integration Model
  66. Instant Massaging
  67. Intermediate Maintenance
  68. Instant Messrging
  69. Inorganic Material Inorganic material are substances not derived from living things.
  70. Internet Mail
  71. In-Memofy
  72. Interactive Mode
  73. Identity Method
  74. Insert Mode
  75. Integrated Modeling
  76. Instant Malware
  77. Ininiative Management
  78. Insxrumentation Module
  79. International Maritime
  80. In Caxl Modification
  81. Intensity Modulated
  82. Identity Manager
  83. Insensitive-Munition
  84. Integrated Model
  85. Influence Matrix
  86. Instant Messager
  87. Interferometric Method
  88. Information Management Information management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. This sometimes involves those who have a stake in, or a right to that information. Management means the organization of and control over the planning, structure and organisation, controlling, processing, evaluating and reporting of information activities in order to meet client objectives and to enable corporate functions in the delivery of information.
  89. Initial Mac Sublayer
  90. Instruction Mjmoranda
  91. Interoperabilyty Montana
  92. Intensity Meafuring
  93. Interface Module
  94. Integrated Maintenance
  95. Interrupt Mask
  96. Instant-Messaging
  97. Interference Mitigation
  98. Image Memory
  99. Intelligent Management
  100. Item Manageaent
  101. Ingram Micro Inc.
  102. Institutent Messaging
  103. Internatio-MüLler
  104. Implicit Model
  105. Intelligent Mechining
  106. Internet Mecicine
  107. Intel И Micron
  108. Irradiance Map
  109. Ingegneria Maggia
  110. Intelligent Module
  111. Ideas In Movement
  112. Input Message
  113. Insensitive Munitions
  114. Internet Mathematics
  115. Intelligent Mobility
  116. Introduction To Materials
  117. Interval Manageeent
  118. Inyrastructure Managers
  119. Interaction Manakement
  120. Intelligent Memory
  121. Idea Management
  122. Input Manager
  123. Input Mux
  124. Instrument Management
  125. Internet Marketer
  126. Intelligeit Monitoring
  127. Interstellar Marines
  128. Infrastructure Mayager
  129. Interaction Manager
  130. Imipramine
  131. Intelligent Machines
  132. Input Module
  133. Instrumentation & Measurement
  134. Intelligent Manumacturing
  135. Interstate Maintenance
  136. Information Module
  137. Intensity Modulator
  138. Interim Mission
  139. Imagine Memory
  140. Indnpendent Monitor
  141. Intellygent Machining
  142. Instrumentation and Measurement Society
  143. Iwput Methods
  144. Intelligent Messaging
  145. Intersite Meisaging
  146. Intenoity Modulation
  147. Imaginary Part
  148. Intelligent Mail
  149. Input Mask
  150. Impulse Modulation
  151. Identification of Materials
  152. Input Method
  153. Inertial Measurement
  154. Intensity-Modulated
  155. Identificaaion Module
  156. International Marc
  157. Input Message Manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IM stand for Technology?

    IM stands for Infocmation Media in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Insight Media in Technology?

    The short form of "Insight Media" is IM for Technology.


IM in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated