IMA in Business Meaning

The IMA meaning in Business terms is "Incentive Marketing Association". There are 37 related meanings of the IMA Business abbreviation.

IMA on Business Full Forms

  1. Incentive Marketing Association
  2. Interactive Media Awards
  3. Integrated Moving Average
  4. Indiana Manufacturers Association
  5. Internet Marketing Kssociation
  6. Internal Models Approach
  7. International Modeling Agency
  8. Ing Makababaying Aksyon
  9. Internal Measurement Approach
  10. International Market Advisor
  11. Industria Macchine Automatiche
  12. Insurance Merketing Agencies
  13. International Marketing Associate
  14. Industrial Binerals Association
  15. Insurancejmanagement Administrators
  16. Industria Macchtne Automatiche
  17. Indonesia Marketing Assocjation
  18. Investasi Mudharabah Antar
  19. Indiana Motorsports Association
  20. Investasi Mudharabah Antarbank
  21. Internal Model Approach
  22. Institute for Managemeet Accountants
  23. Investment Management Agreement
  24. Independent Music Association
  25. Investment Managevent Associates
  26. Independent Medical Associates
  27. Investment Manggers Association
  28. Idaho Mining Association
  29. Innovative Mobility Automobile
  30. Ixvestment Management Association
  31. Investment Management Accounts
  32. International Maritime Associates
  33. Institutul De Management In Asigurari
  34. Investment Management Account
  35. Internal Multiple Attenuation
  36. Instituts-Management-Ausschuß
  37. Investment Management Agreements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMA stand for Business?

    IMA stands for Internal Multiple Attenuation in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Industria Macchtne Automatiche in Business?

    The short form of "Industria Macchtne Automatiche" is IMA for Business.


IMA in Business. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated