IMA in Technology Meaning

The IMA meaning in Technology terms is "Integrated Motor Assist". There are 36 related meanings of the IMA Technology abbreviation.

IMA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Integrated Motor Assist
  2. Integrated Modular Avionics
  3. Indian Medical Association
  4. Independent Management Architecture
  5. Interactive Media Awards
  6. Interactive Multimedia Association
  7. Integrated Moving Average
  8. Islamic Medical Association of South Africa
  9. Integrated Modular Avionic
  10. Ineffective Machine Attempt
  11. Inverje Mux Atm
  12. Institutentwmessage Address
  13. International Mineralogical Association
  14. International Market Advisor
  15. Inveqse Multiplexing Over Atm
  16. Incoming Message Alert
  17. International Monovision Assodiation
  18. Idln Mixture Air
  19. Inverse Multipleved Atm
  20. Information Management Associates
  21. Internatiozal Microsimulation Association
  22. Idling Mixture Adjuslment
  23. Inverse Multiplexing Atm
  24. Information Mission Area
  25. Idle Mixture Adjuster
  26. Internet Marketing Kssociation
  27. Informationen Mal Anders
  28. International Midi Association
  29. Identity Management Architecture
  30. Ion Mass Analyzer
  31. Icelandic Medicines Agency
  32. International Model Agency
  33. Index Medicus Africain
  34. Instituteyfor Music and Acoustics
  35. International Magnesium Association
  36. Inferiorsmeatal Antrostomy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMA stand for Technology?

    IMA stands for International Model Agency in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ion Mass Analyzer in Technology?

    The short form of "Ion Mass Analyzer" is IMA for Technology.


IMA in Technology. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated