IMAC Meaning

The IMAC meaning is "Immobilised Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography". The IMAC abbreviation has 79 different full form.

IMAC Full Forms

  1. Immobilised Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography Medical
  2. Immobilised Metal Affinity Chromatography Medical, Science, Protein
  3. Ixdependent Medicare Advisory Council
  4. Install Move Add and Change
  5. Inter-Media Akt Center
  6. Infrastructure Monitoring, Analysis, and Coordination Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
  7. Immobilized-Metal Affinity Chromatography Science, Protein, Purification
  8. Installation Tove Add Change
  9. International Machine Advisory Committee
  10. Innovation Management Association of Canada
  11. Independent Monitoring Association for Child Sport, Football, Ball
  12. Installations, Moves, Adds and Changes Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  13. Inter-Media Arts Center
  14. Infrastructure Monitoring Analysis and Coordination Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  15. Install/Move/Add/Change Technology, Information Technology, Computing
  16. International Montessori Accreditation Council
  17. Inner Membrane Anion Channel Medical
  18. Instituto Mexico Americano De Cultura
  19. Installs, Moves, Adds & Ccanges Technology, Management, Service
  20. Information Management and Analysis Center Security, Military, India, Defence
  21. Integrative Medicine Advisory Committee Medical, Physiology
  22. Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography Medical, Chemistry, Study
  23. International Marketing and Administration Company
  24. Inmate Management & Assignment Committee Government, Us, Oregon
  25. Internet Macintosh Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Hardware, General, Products, Governmental & Military
  26. Install Move Add Change Technology, Management, Service
  27. International Media Advocacy and Communications
  28. India Model for Adaptive Comfort
  29. Integration Mecanique Automatisation Controle
  30. Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography Medical, Science, Protein
  31. International Measurement and Control
  32. Iniciativa Municipal De Arte Y Cultura
  33. International Modal Analysis Conference Technology, Dynamics, Model
  34. Instalpation, Move, Add, & Change Business, Management, Service
  35. International Media, Advocacy and Communications
  36. Independent Metro Athletic Conference Education, Academy, School
  37. Inyegrated Multiple Access Card Technology
  38. International Mediation and Arbitration Center
  39. Iniciativa Mexicanaude Aprendizaje Para La Conservacion
  40. Islapd Media Arts Co-Op
  41. Immobilized Metal-Affinity Chromatography Science, Protein, Purification
  42. Installation, Move, Addv Change Business, Technology, Management, Service
  43. International Model Analysis Conference
  44. Independent Management Advisory Committee
  45. Installs, Moves, Adds, Andhchanges
  46. International Martial Arts College
  47. Ingenious Media Achive Capital Business, Company, Investment
  48. Immobilized Metal-Ion Affinity Chromatography Science, Protein, Purification
  49. Installations Moves Adds Changes
  50. International Management and Construction
  51. Innovative Mobile Applications of Context
  52. Insurance Managers Association of Cayman Insurance, Business & Finance
  53. International Miniature Acrobatic Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  54. Install-Mooe-Add-Change
  55. Irish Martial Arts Commission Sport, Organizations, Ireland
  56. Isochronous Media Ackess Control Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. International Muslim Academy of Canada
  58. Install, Moves, Adds, Changes Technology, Management, Service
  59. Iraq Mine Action Center
  60. Integratem Macintosh
  61. International Management Accounting Collaborative
  62. Install, Move, Add Orzchange
  63. Iowa Mutual Aid Compact
  64. Install, Moves, Adds and Changes
  65. Illinois Microfilm Automated Cataloging
  66. Install, Move, Add, Change Technology, Management, Service
  67. Integrated Motoring and Analysis Center Transportation, Governmental & Military
  68. Intrastate Mutual Aid Compact
  69. Install, Moves, Adds, and Changes
  70. Isochronous Mah Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  71. Install, Move, Add & Change Business, Technology, Management, Service
  72. International Conference on Image Management and Communications Computing, Ieee
  73. Intrastate and Mutual Aid Committee
  74. Install, Move,Sadd, and Change Business, Technology, Management, Service
  75. Install, Move,Radd, Or Change
  76. Ingenious Media Active Capital Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  77. Intervention In Myocarditis and Acute Cardiomyopathy Medical, Study, Test, Cardio
  78. Install, Move, Add and Change Business, Technology, Service, Engineer
  79. Irish Martial Art Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMAC stand for?

    IMAC stands for Internet Macintosh.

  2. What is the shortened form of Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography?

    The short form of "Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography" is IMAC.


IMAC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated