IMD Meaning
The IMD meaning is "Index of Multiple Deprivation". The IMD abbreviation has 187 different full form.
IMD Full Forms
- Index of Multiple Deprivation Education, Locations, Area
- In-Mold Decoration Business, Plastic, Molding
- International Management Development Business, Education, Competitiveness
- Immune Deficiency Medical, Medicine, Health
- Intensidad Media Diaria Science
- Institutions for Mental Diseases Medical, Service, Health, Human Services
- Information Management Division Technology, Service, Military
- Institution for Mental Disease Medical, Health, Medicaid, Healthcare
- Indian Meteorological Department Government, India, Locations
- Institution for Mental Diseases Medical, Service, Psychiatry
- India Meteorological Department Science, India, Weather, Financial, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Instituto De Medicina Del
- Inter Metal Dielectric Technology, Semiconductor, Dielectric
- Institutional Monitoring Division
- In-Mold-Decoration Business, Product, Plastic
- Information Management Displays Military
- International Movie Database Technology, Internet, Hollywood
- Integrated Micro Devices
- Indian Meteorology Department Science, India, Locations, Atmospheric Research
- Internal Management Directive
- Innovative Mechanical Design
- Interactive Multimedia and Design Program, Education, University
- Institute for Molecular Design
- International Marketing Director Business, Planning, Venture
- Intelligence Mission Data
- Indian Met Department India, Locations, Monsoon, Cyclone
- Interstate Maintenance Discretionary
- Institution of Mental Disease
- Intermetal Dielectric Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Institut FüR Medizinische Diagnostik Business, Berlin, Labor
- Implantable Medical Devices Technology, Medicine, Device
- Information Management & Design
- International Management Division Business, Technology, Education
- Integrated Medical Development
- India Metrological Department Business, India, Weather
- Internal Management Directives
- Innovative Medical Devices
- In-Monitor-Display
- Interactive Multimedia Design Technology, Development, University
- International Market Development
- Institute for Multiparty Democracy Government, Indonesia, Politics
- Intelligence Management Document Military, Army, Intelligence
- Indian Medical Department Military, Development, Universities
- Institution for Mentally Disabled Imd50 Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Intermedin Medical
- Institute of Management and Development Business, Education, Economics
- Implantable Medical Device Technology, Medicine, Patent
- Information Management Development
- Intima Media Dicke
- Integrated Marketing Development Business, Program, Leadership
- India Meterological Department
- Internal Modulation Distortion
- Innovative Management Designs Technology, Service, Android
- In-Mould Decoration Technology, Product, Mold, Architecture, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Interactive Molecule Dynamics Science
- Internationale Musikinstitut Darmstadt Technology, Music, Berlin
- Institutes for Mental Diseases Medical, Health, Care, Medicaid
- Intelink Management Directorate Military
- India Millennium Deposits Business, Bond, India, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
- Institutions for Mental Disease Medical, Service, Health
- Interactive Missile Design Military
- Institutes of Mental Disease
- Imonda Airport Airport, Locations
- Information Management Domain Technology
- Intima-Media-Dicke
- Integrated Management Display Technology, Server, Computing, Manual
- India Meteorology Department Science, Space, Environment
- Inter Modulation Distortion Technology, Audio, Power
- In My Dreams Internet Slang, Organizations, Music
- In-Mould Decorating
- International Migrants Day Locations, Alliance, Migration
- Infrastructure Management Division Technology, Information Technology, Computing
- International Management and Development
- Institutes for Mental Disease Medical, Service, Health, Care
- Integrated Mobile Database
- India Meteorological Departmentrtment Technology
- Institution for Mentally Disabled Medical
- Interact Media Defined Business, Africa, Magazine
- Institute of Metabolic Disease Science
- Immunology & Microbial Disease Medical, Business, Program
- Information Management Directive
- Intestinal Metal Detox Protocol, Detox, Mercury, Detoxification
- Instituto Marcelo DéDa
- In Mould Decoration Technology, Product, Mold
- Intermodulation Distortion Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- In My Dream Forum, Organizations, Design
- Intramammary Device Medical
- In-Mould-Decoration Technology, Mold, Panel
- International Museum Day Technology, Event, Culture
- Information Matrix Database Medical
- International Midwives Day
- Integrated Motor Drive Technology, Equipment, Microelectronic, Products
- Indian Metrological Department Technology, India, Temperature
- Institute for Mental Disease Medical, Service, Health, Care
- Interactive Molecular Dynamics Technology, Science, Simulation, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Interactive Media Design Student, Education, Course
- Institute Management Development Technology, Education, School
- International Medical Devices Business, Medicine, Device
- Information Model Details Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Intestinal Metals Detox Medical, Protocol, Mercury
- Instituto De Medicina Del Deporte
- In Monitor Display Electronics, Monitor, Marshall
- Intermittent Motion Driver
- In My Defence
- In-Mold Decorating Plastic, Mold, Molding, Injection
- Information Management Divisionsion Science
- Internet Movie Database Film, Technology, Acting
- Integrated Monitoring and Diagnostics Technology
- Indian Meterological Department
- Internal Management Document
- Insert Mold Decorated Business, Film, Resin
- Interactive Map Definition Technology
- Interactive Multimedia & Design Technology, Development, Portfolio
- Institute for Music Development
- Invasive Meningococcal Disease Medical, Health, Vaccine
- Inflammatory Muscle Disease Medical
- Intervertebral Motion Device Medical
- Imidazole Imidazole is an organic compound with the formula (CH)2N(NH)CH. It is a colourless solid that dissolves in water to give mildly alkaline solution. In chemistry, it is an aromatic heterocycle, classified as a diazole and as an alkaloid. Medical, Medicine, Health, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Index Mutu Dosen
- Microsoft Visiomodeler File Computing, File Extensions
- Internet Marketing Discussion
- Institutetution for Mental Disease Medical
- Inter-Modulation Distortion Technology, Audio, Telecom
- Institutetute for Marine Dynamics
- Institutetute of Management Development Business
- In-Monitor Display Technology, Electronics, Marshall
- Imdex, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Inherited Metabolic Disorders Medical, Nutrition, Patient
- International Medical Doctors Medical, Medicine, Canada
- Interactive Media Designer Technology, Design, Portfolio
- International Institute for Management Development Business, Government, Education, Economics, Philippines
- Independent Media Dist
- Invasive mold disease Medical
- International Marketing and Development
- Institute of Media and Design
- Inter-Metal Dielectric Technology, Patent, Semiconductor
- Institutetute for Media Development
- Institutetute of Metabolic Disease Science
- Investigative Medicine Division
- Infrastructure Maintenance Depot
- Institutetut FüR Medizinische Diagnostik
- International Medical Development Medical, Medicine, Anesthesia, Epidural
- Independent Marketing Director
- Imonda Airport, Imonda, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
- Ink Mixing Division
- International Migration Division
- Intensity Modulated Display
- Industrial Minerals Divisionsion
- Institut for Management Development
- International Mtm Directorate
- Infrastructure Management Divisionsion Technology, Information Technology, Computing
- Institutetutional Monitoring Divisionsion
- International Marconi Day Organizations, Radio, Amateur
- Independent Media Distribution
- Individual Motor Drive Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Initiating Military Directive
- International Master Days
- Intendencia Municipal De Durazno
- Industrial Mineral Divisionsion
- Institutetute for Management Development Organizations
- Institutetuto Municipal De
- International Music Day Technology, Council, Culture
- Incrementally Modified Drugs
- Intermediate Any chemical compound that is primarily of interest as one of the steps between the starting material and the final product. It is usually best to design chemical processes so that intermediates do not need to be transported from place or stored in large quantities. Methyl isocyanate, an intermediate in the manufacture of certain pesticides, is a good example. Architectural, Computing, Unix, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Prose, Jam, Susu
- International Milling Directory Technology, Mill, Grinding
- Intelligent Motion Detection Technology, Networking, Network, Camera
- Intregrated Map Display Military, Governmental & Military
- Institutetute for Managing Development Organizations
- Institutetuto Municipal De Deportes
- Internal Management Documents
- Inclusive Market Development
- Institute for Management Development
- Inherited Metabolic Disease Medical, Nutrition, University
- International Management District County, Locations, Houston
- Intelligent Mail Devices
- Gis Image Metadata File Computing, File Extensions
- Internet Multimedia Development Technology, Computing, Internet
- Institutetutions for Mental Diseases Medical
- Inter-Modulation Device Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Institutetute of Metals Divisionsion
- Incident Management Division Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Independent Media Distributors (de-listed) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Inherited Metabolic Disorder
- International Media Database
- Intercept Monitoring Display
- Intelligent Mail Device Business, Postal, Us Post, postal service
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IMD stand for?
IMD stands for Institute of Metabolic Disease.
What is the shortened form of Information Management Domain?
The short form of "Information Management Domain" is IMD.
IMD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated