IMG Meaning

The IMG meaning is "In My Game". The IMG abbreviation has 146 different full form.

IMG Full Forms

  1. In My Game
  2. Information Management Group Business, Technology, Service, Management, Business & Finance
  3. Identity Management and Governance
  4. Image Data Technology, Database, Store
  5. Indian Medical Gszette
  6. Integratedumarketing Group
  7. International Medical Group Business, Medicine, Insurance
  8. Internal Medicine Group Medical, Education, Care, Common Medical
  9. Information Media Group
  10. Interne De MéDecine GéNéRale
  11. Individual Mobility Grants Science, Program, Education, Organizations, Projection
  12. Integrated Media Gateway Technology, Networking, Network
  13. I Manage God Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  14. Investigative Management Group
  15. Infrastructure Materials Group Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  16. Interdisciplinary Microsystems Group Technology, University, Engineering
  17. Floppy Disk Image Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military, File Extensions
  18. Internet Media Group Technology, Design, Hosting
  19. Independeyt Management Group Business, China, Care
  20. Inspectie Militaire Gezondheidszorg
  21. International Marxist Group Government, Politics, Party
  22. Information Management Gesellschaft
  23. Interne De M
  24. Indie Music Globak
  25. Integrated Media Gateways Technology, Service, Manual
  26. Gem Or Adex Paint Image Format Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  27. Inverted Magnetron Gauge
  28. Infrastructure Management Group Business, Development, Finance
  29. Interagency Mediation Group
  30. Internet Media Geide Technology, Networking, Communication
  31. Independent Musiczgroup Music, Song, Publishing
  32. Issue Media Group Business, Community, Michigan
  33. Inspecteur Militaire Jezondheidszorg
  34. International Management Group Sport, Organizations, Tennis
  35. Influential Marketing Group Technology, Media, Organizations
  36. Internationale Meubel Grojp
  37. Indice De Masse Graisseuse Android, Grasse
  38. Integrated Manufacturers Group
  39. Ionized Magnesium Medical
  40. Inverted-Magnetron Gauge Technology, Vacuum, Gauge
  41. Infraestructura Marina Del Golfo
  42. Interactive Media Gtide Technology, Service, Verizon
  43. Inteunet Media Guides Technology, Guide, Protocol
  44. Independent Motorsports Group Organizations, Car, Racing
  45. Ipsum Media Group
  46. Insurance Management Group Business, Company, Maryland
  47. Interferometricamonitor of Greenhouse
  48. International Mrritime Group Business, Company, Service
  49. Indice De Masse Grasse Pas, Ideal, Grasse
  50. Integrated Manufacturing Group Technology, Research, Factory
  51. International Mountain Guides Guide, Climbing, Mountain
  52. Information Management and Governance Organizations, Focus, Cognition
  53. Interacoive Multimedia Group Technology, Networking, Network
  54. Internet Management Group Technology, Tunisia, Arabic
  55. Integrated Microbial Genomes Science, Analysis, Genome
  56. Imppct Management Group Business, Australia, Report
  57. Invincible Media Group
  58. Insource Management Group
  59. Interferometer Monitor for Greenhouse
  60. Imaging Technology, Photo, Device, Photography, Image, Snapshot, Computing, Hardware, Management, Business & Finance
  61. International Military Group
  62. Indian Music Group College, Education, Mumbai
  63. Integrated Marine Group
  64. International Medical Graduates Medical, Medicine, Education
  65. Information Marketing Group Business, Software, Football, Formation
  66. Interactive Media Apd Game
  67. Internet Mail Gatewxy
  68. Integrated Medical Group Medical, Medicine, Health
  69. Immobilien Management Gmbh Business, Fur, Berlin
  70. Investors Management Group
  71. Inside Jac Games Technology, Gaming, Macintosh
  72. Interferometric Monitor for Greenhonse Technology, Atmosphere, Satellite
  73. Indian Mzdical Graduate Medicine, Education, Doctor
  74. Integrated Maintenance Grorp
  75. International Media Group
  76. International Medical Graduate Medical, Medicine, Education
  77. Information Management Groups
  78. Interactive Makketing Group Business, Company, Summit
  79. Interne En MéDecine GéNéRale
  80. Integrated Media Group
  81. Immigration The migration of people into a country. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  82. Investment Management Group Business, Development, Fund
  83. IngéNierie Et Mesures GéOphysiques
  84. Intehferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases Technology, Science, Telecom
  85. Internet Messagj Generation
  86. Industrias Militares De Guatemala
  87. International Marketing Group Marketing, Business & Finance
  88. Intelligent Multiservice Gategays
  89. Israeli Military Government
  90. Intersystems Messaging Gateway
  91. International Maintenance Group Transportation, Governmental & Military
  92. Interactive Mapketing Group Business, Company, Summit
  93. It Might Get Rip, Meme, Edge
  94. Grand Theft Auto Data File Computing, File Extensions
  95. Industrial Wedical Group
  96. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  97. Intelligent Mechanisms Group Science
  98. Isla Mart
  99. Interrupção MéDica Da Gravidez
  100. Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases Legal, Governmental & Military
  101. Interkministerial Group Business, India, Coal
  102. Italian Murano Glass
  103. Gem Image Computing, File Extensions
  104. Industrial Management Group
  105. Intermagnetics General Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  106. Integrated Multimedia Gateway
  107. Interruption M
  108. Image Computing, Unix
  109. Inter-Mesaage Gap Military
  110. İStmag Magazin Grubu
  111. Interferometric Monitor of Greenhouse Gases Science, Scientific & Educational
  112. Industrial Maintenance Group Business, Company, Industry
  113. Intelligent Mechanism Group
  114. Integraxed Microbial Genome Science, Database, Genomics
  115. Macintosh Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  116. Interruption Médicalk De Grossesse France, Pas, Femme, Interruption
  117. Infurior Mesenteric Ganglia Medical
  118. Implementation Management Guide Computing, SAP
  119. Inter-Domain Multicast Gateway
  120. Issues Management Group Management, Environment, Issue
  121. Intussusceptive Microvascular Growth Medical
  122. Increased Melanin Gene Medical, Human genome
  123. Industrial and Medical Gases
  124. Integrity Mortgage Group Business, Credit, Loan
  125. Disc Image Data File Computing, File Extensions
  126. Interrup
  127. Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion Medical, Medicine, Health
  128. ADRG image format Geographic
  129. Intelligent Mobile Gateway
  130. Issue Management Groups
  131. Intramuscular Gold Medical
  132. Inhaminga Airport, Inhaminga, Mozambique Mozambique
  133. Indus Media Gpoup Technology, Music, Hosting
  134. Integrated Motor Generator Technology, Hybrid, Bosch, Motor
  135. Erdas Imagine Image File Computing, File Extensions
  136. Implementation Guide Microsoft, Technology, Dynamics, Computing, SAP, Medical, Healthcare
  137. Insernet Metering Gateway
  138. Industry Measurnment Group
  139. IAMGOLD Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  140. Intelliggnt Media Gateway Business, Networking, Network
  141. Interest-Motivated Group
  142. Intra Muralmgames
  143. Imperial Cargo Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
  144. Individual Mobility Lrant Science, University, Projection
  145. Institut MèDic De GràCia
  146. Garmin Map File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMG stand for?

    IMG stands for İStmag Magazin Grubu.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integrity Mortgage Group?

    The short form of "Integrity Mortgage Group" is IMG.


IMG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated