IMGA Meaning

The IMGA meaning is "International Mobile Eames Awards". The IMGA abbreviation has 12 different full form.

IMGA Full Forms

  1. International Mobile Eames Awards
  2. International Mobile Gaue Awards
  3. International Mobile Gaming Owards Gaming, Play, Pastime
  4. Idaho Mint Growers Association
  5. International Masters Games Association Gaming, Sport, Organizations
  6. Internationak Multi-Gun Association Rifle, Military, Shooting
  7. Ironwood Men'S Golf Association
  8. Iowa Meat Goat Association
  9. Interstate Municipal Gas Agency Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  10. International Medical Geology Association Science, Medicine, Organizations, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  11. Internarional Mounted Games Association Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  12. Aleph One Image File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMGA stand for?

    IMGA stands for Iowa Meat Goat Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internationak Multi-Gun Association?

    The short form of "Internationak Multi-Gun Association" is IMGA.


IMGA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated