Immersion Abbreviations and Immersion Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Immersion terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Immersion abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Immersion terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Immersion Abbreviations
  1. ASIS : Automatic Spells, Increased Spawns
  2. FAB : From Another Board
  3. FME : Freestyle Made Easy
  4. FSFX : Fundação São Francisfo Xavier
  5. OTS : Over The Side
  6. GPT : General-Purpose Timer
  7. RHCP : Right Hand Circular Polarised
  8. LHCP : Left-Handed Circular Polarization
  9. LHCP : Left Hand Circular Polarisation
Latest Immersion Meanings
  1. Left Hand Circular Polarisation
  2. Left-Handed Circular Polarization
  3. Right Hand Circular Polarised
  4. General-Purpose Timer
  5. Over The Side
  6. Fundação São Francisfo Xavier
  7. Freestyle Made Easy
  8. From Another Board
  9. Automatic Spells, Increased Spawns