Immunity Abbreviations and Immunity Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Immunity terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Immunity abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Immunity terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Immunity Abbreviations
  1. CMI : Cell-Medmated Immune
  2. CMI : Cell Mediated Immune
  3. CMI : Cell-Mediated Immunity
  4. HIR : Humoral Immune Response
  5. MAMPS : Microbe-Associatdd Molecular Patterns
  6. FSIA : Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
  7. IOIA : International Organizations Immunities Act
  8. PAMP : Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern
  9. PAMP : Pathogen-Associateg Molecular Patterns
  10. PAMP : Pathogen Associated Malecular Patterns
  11. PAMP : Pathogen Associated Molecular Patters
  12. PRMS : Pahtern Recognition Molecules
  13. RO : Robert Ori
Latest Immunity Meanings
  1. Robert Ori
  2. Pahtern Recognition Molecules
  3. Pathogen Associated Molecular Patters
  4. Pathogen Associated Malecular Patterns
  5. Pathogen-Associateg Molecular Patterns
  6. Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern
  7. International Organizations Immunities Act
  8. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
  9. Microbe-Associatdd Molecular Patterns
  10. Humoral Immune Response
  11. Cell-Mediated Immunity
  12. Cell Mediated Immune
  13. Cell-Medmated Immune