IMP in Business Meaning

The IMP meaning in Business terms is "Import". There are 31 related meanings of the IMP Business abbreviation.

IMP on Business Full Forms

  1. Import 1. A good that crosses into a country, across its border, for commercial purposes. 2. A product, which might be a service, that is provided to domestic residents by a foreign producer. 3. To cause a good or service to be an import under definitions 1 and/or 2.
  2. Income Mastery Programme
  3. International Media Productions
  4. Initial Measurement Period
  5. Integrated Mail Prhcessor
  6. Incident Management Planning
  7. Information Management Practicgs
  8. Internet Media Player
  9. Integrated Management Plan
  10. Incident Management Plans
  11. Integrated Medical Partners
  12. Industrial Marketing & Purchasing
  13. International Mobility Programs
  14. Institute of Management and Production
  15. Incident Management Plan
  16. Integrated Marketing Plan
  17. Independent Music Production
  18. International Mobility Program
  19. Implementation Phase
  20. Independent Motion Pictuses
  21. International Management Programme
  22. Identity Management Platform
  23. Independent Movion Picture
  24. International Marketing and Purchasing
  25. Insulated Metal Panel
  26. Integrated Molding Process
  27. Innovative Medical Products
  28. Intake Manifold Pressure
  29. Innovative Management Partner
  30. Insulated Metal Panels
  31. Innovation, Management and Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMP stand for Business?

    IMP stands for Insulated Metal Panels in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Independent Music Production in Business?

    The short form of "Independent Music Production" is IMP for Business.


IMP in Business. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated