IMPA Meaning

The IMPA meaning is "Intelligent Multi-Port Adqpter". The IMPA abbreviation has 42 different full form.

IMPA Full Forms

  1. Intelligent Multi-Port Adqpter Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  2. International Motion Picture Almazac
  3. Independent Medical Practitioners Association
  4. Instituto MaríTimo E PortuáRio De Angola
  5. International Myopia Prevention Association
  6. Incisal Mandibular Plane Angle Medical, Disease, Health
  7. Institnto De Matematica Pura Aplicada
  8. International Music Publishers' Associktion
  9. Illinois Municipal Power Agency
  10. Interneo Media Publishing Associates
  11. Instituto De Matemática Pura E Aplicadj Technology, Mathematics, Traffic, Brazil
  12. International Music Publishers Association
  13. Illinois Milk Producers Association
  14. Internet Media Protective Association
  15. Independent Markex Participant Analysis
  16. Internatioxal Marine Pilots Association
  17. Idaho Milk Proceosors' Association
  18. Internet Mission Photography Archive
  19. Independent Music Producers Associhtion
  20. International Maritime Pilots' Association Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  21. Idaho Milk Processors Association
  22. Internntional Mission Photography Archive Photography, Camera, Digital
  23. Independent Medical Practitionews' Association
  24. Intelligent Multi Poft Adapter
  25. Isopropyl Mechyl Phosphonic Acid
  26. International Master Program of Agriculture Farming & agriculture
  27. Internet Movie Posher Awards
  28. Instituto De Matem
  29. Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid Medical
  30. International Marine Purchasing Association Electrical
  31. Interneu Media Publishers Association
  32. Iowa Motion Picture Awarts
  33. International Master Printers Association
  34. Iowa Motion Picture Association Award, Iowa, Picture
  35. Information Management and Processing Assoctation
  36. Iowa Medicaid Portal Access
  37. Iminopropionicacetic Acid
  38. Integrated Motor Pump Assembly Aviation
  39. Iowa Meat Processors Association
  40. Israel Moncy-Laundering Prohibition Authority Business, Financial, Israel
  41. International Mission Photography Archive Photography
  42. Interscience Monographs In Physics and Astronogy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMPA stand for?

    IMPA stands for Independent Medical Practitioners Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Incisal Mandibular Plane Angle?

    The short form of "Incisal Mandibular Plane Angle" is IMPA.


IMPA. (2020, October 2). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated