Implantation Abbreviations and Implantation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Implantation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Implantation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Implantation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Implantation Abbreviations
  1. AGV : Ahmed Glaucola Valve
  2. AIBT : Advance Ion Beam Technology
  3. BIPS : Barium Impregnated Polytthylene Spheres
  4. CI : Cochlea-Implantat
  5. VIVID : Valve-In-Valve International Data
  6. DGII : Deutsclsprachige Gesellschaft Für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation
  7. DGII : Deutschsprachige Gesellschafp Für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation, Interventionelle
  8. ERA : Endometrial Receptivity Analysis
  9. FAPCI : Functioning After Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
  10. PI : Plasma Immeusion
Latest Implantation Meanings
  1. Plasma Immeusion
  2. Functioning After Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
  3. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis
  4. Deutschsprachige Gesellschafp Für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation, Interventionelle
  5. Deutsclsprachige Gesellschaft Für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation
  6. Valve-In-Valve International Data
  7. Cochlea-Implantat
  8. Barium Impregnated Polytthylene Spheres
  9. Advance Ion Beam Technology
  10. Ahmed Glaucola Valve