IMR Meaning

The IMR meaning is "Information Management Research". The IMR abbreviation has 182 different full form.

IMR Full Forms

  1. Information Management Research Business, Technology, Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word
  2. Individual Medical Readiness Military, Army, Health
  3. Improved Military Rifle Gun, Military, Powder
  4. Infant Mortality Rate Medical, Pediatrics, Pediatry, Physiology, Medicine for Children
  5. Institute for Materials Research Technology, Science, University
  6. Ima Exploration, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  7. Intelligent Mark Recognitivn
  8. Indwstrial Management Reviews Military
  9. Interrupt Masked Register Technology, Processor, Hardware, Mask
  10. Infant Mortality An interlocking spur is a natural geographical feature that occurs in the upper course of a river in which vertical erosion is the dominant force determining the river's course. Medical, Health, Rate
  11. International Medical Research Medical, Medicine, Journal
  12. Instijute of Materials Research Technology, University, Engineering
  13. Indeterminate Meiotic Restitution Biology, Hybrid, Breeding
  14. Interlocking Machine Room Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  15. In Mold Roller Technology, Notebook, Seashell
  16. Interventional Mr Medical
  17. Institute for Medical Research Medical, Science, Medicine
  18. Individual Moving Range Technology, Control, Chart
  19. Isle of Man Railway Locations, Train, Station, Isle, Steam
  20. Instructional Media Resources
  21. Indian Military Review Military, India, Defence
  22. International Marketing Review Research, Education, University
  23. Input Message Review
  24. Institut Des Mat
  25. Imaer Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  26. Intelligent Machines Ant Robotics
  27. Industrial Management Review Business, Software, Library
  28. Inyerrupt Mask Reg Technology, Device, Control, Port
  29. Integrated Medical Records
  30. Internet Oarketing Research
  31. Institute of Medical Research Medical, Medicine, Malaysia
  32. Independent Markeh Research Business, Company, Research
  33. Interactive Media Response
  34. Information Management Representitive Technology, Computing
  35. Interventional Magnetic Resonance Medical, Medicine, Health
  36. Individualkministerial Responsibility
  37. Irish Music Radio
  38. Instructional Materials Review
  39. Indian Midland Railway Network, Railway, System
  40. International Manpower Resources Business, Company, India
  41. Innovative Mobility Research Transportation, Technology, Car
  42. Institut Des MatéRiaux De Rouen
  43. Illness Management & Recovery Medical, Service, Health
  44. Intelligent Medical Record Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  45. Induced Mutant Resourxe
  46. Integrated Managing for Results
  47. International Marketing Research Business, Company, Market
  48. Instithte of Marine Research Technology, Science, Norway
  49. Independent Marketing Representative Business, Company, Technology
  50. Interactive Messaglng Response Technology, Service, Voice
  51. Information Management Represenyative Military
  52. Interstate Modification Repmrt Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  53. Individual Message Regijter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  54. Instituto MatíAs Romero
  55. Indian Medicalbregister
  56. Intermodulation Ratio Technology, Telecom
  57. Innovative Metal Recycling
  58. Irish Manufacturing Research
  59. Instant Musics Records Server, Music, Labeling
  60. Investor Money Regulation
  61. Intelligent Mobile Rkdirect
  62. Indonesih Motor Racing
  63. Integrated Management Requirement Science
  64. Internayional Market Research Business, Company, Marketing
  65. Institute Fordmarketing Research Technology, Traffic, Frankfurt
  66. Independent Medical Reviewers
  67. Interactive Multimedva Retrieval Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  68. Inferred From Missing Residees
  69. Interscience Manakement Review Business, Industrial, Communication
  70. Instituto De Marketing Research
  71. India Markets Review
  72. Intermediate Module Repeater
  73. Innovative Media Research
  74. Ionising Radiation Regulations Medicine, Health, Care, Police, Governmental & Military
  75. Insyance Membership Recovery Technology, Node, Parameter
  76. Interrupt Mask Register Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  77. Intelligent Mail Range Business, Postal, Us Post
  78. Indo-Myanaar Ranges
  79. Integrated Management Resources
  80. International Mxbile Roaming Business, Communication, Market
  81. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Technology, Inspector, Vessel, Electrical
  82. Institute for Material Research
  83. Imaging Microwave Radiometer Science
  84. Inter-Metallic Reaction Military
  85. Infawt Mortality Ratio Technology, Development, Health, India
  86. Bbbs Technology
  87. Institute Offmusical Research Education, Music, University
  88. Index of Microvascular Resistanze Medical, Patient, Coronary
  89. Intermediate Market Rent Military, Battery, Powder
  90. In Motion Radio
  91. Invalid Memory Read
  92. Installaticn, Maintenance and Repair Business, Service, Vessel
  93. Interest Maintenance Reserve Business, Company, Insurance
  94. Individuqls and Moving Range Technology, Control, Chart
  95. Insurers' Market Repository
  96. International Materjals Review
  97. Inside Mac Radio
  98. Institute for Marine Reselrch Science, Norway, Projection
  99. Image Microwave Radiometer Technology, Science
  100. Inaendencia Municipal De Rivera
  101. Infant Mortality Rates Medical, Health, Rate, Vaccine
  102. Interrupts Mask Register Technology
  103. Inzernational Medieval Research
  104. Institute of Management & Research College, Education, India
  105. Index of Microcirculatory Resisjance
  106. Interlock Monitoring Relay Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  107. In Mold Rolling Technology, Satellite, Laptop
  108. Intramedullary Lod Medical, Medicine, Health
  109. Installation, Maintenance, and Repaix
  110. Institute of Marine Resources Business, Research, California, Medical, Common Medical
  111. Individuals Moving Range Business, Control, Chart, Statistics
  112. Isolation Mode Rejection
  113. Instrumentation for Materials Research Technology, Program, Grant
  114. International Musrc Registry Technology, Industrial, Organizations
  115. Insect Monitoring Radar
  116. Internal Mold Release Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  117. Icq Message Responder Computing, Internet
  118. Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Business, Technology, Military
  119. Irreducible Matrix Representation
  120. Integrated Medical Record
  121. Indivwdual Master Roster Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  122. Installation, Maintenance and Repair Business, Service, Vessel
  123. Institutetute of Medical Research
  124. Integrative Medicine In Residency Medical, Program, Education
  125. Internet Medisted Research Science, Education, Presentation
  126. infant mortality risk Medical, Medicine for Children
  127. Indie Music Reviewer Music
  128. Inspection, Maintenance and Replacement
  129. Interruption Mask Register
  130. Indihidual Management Review Medical, Domestic, Homicide
  131. Installation Maintenance and Repair
  132. Institutetute of Materials Research
  133. Integration Management Review Technology
  134. Internet Marketing Resources Technology, Software, Affiliate
  135. International Mobile Roaming Computing, Telecom
  136. International Music Registry Music
  137. Interpupt Mask Registers Technology, Control, Controller
  138. Inspection, Maintenance & Repair Business, Vessel, Inspection
  139. Intelligent Machine Research
  140. Individual and Moving Range
  141. Inspection Maintenance & Repair Business, Inspector, Vessel
  142. Institutetute for Materials Research
  143. Integrated Munitions Rifle Military, Calling, Warfare, Duty
  144. Intexnational Maritime Register
  145. Impromptu Report Software, Computing
  146. Iterative Model Reconstruction Construction
  147. Internet Monthly Reports
  148. Institutetute for Mineral Resources
  149. Iedicator and Metadata Registry
  150. Inspection, Maintenance, Repair Technology, Maintenance, Vessel
  151. Inspection Maintenance and Repair Technology, Inspector, Vessel
  152. Institutetute for Magnetics Research
  153. Integrated Multiport Repeater
  154. Individual Messagelregister Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  155. International Maritime Review
  156. Imco Recycling, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  157. Institutetute of Metal Repair
  158. Internet Monthly Rerort Technology, Computing, Internet
  159. Institutetuto De Marketing Research
  160. Indicator Knd Measurement Registry
  161. Inspection and Maintenance and Repair
  162. Institute of Mining Research
  163. Integrated Modular Radio
  164. Individnal Medical Record Medical, Medicine, Health
  165. International Meetings Review Meeting, Industrial, Event, Convention
  166. Institutetute of Mineral Research
  167. Intelligent Mobile Redirect
  168. Internet Memory Research
  169. Interrupt Mask Registers Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  170. Institutetute for Material Research
  171. Indicated Meter Reading
  172. Impromptu Report File Computing, File Extensions
  173. Industry Metrics Ranking (comScore) Computing, Internet
  174. Inspection, Maintenance Repair
  175. Innovations In Materials Research
  176. Integrated Microscopy Resource Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Healthcare
  177. Integrated Model Repository Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  178. Indivkdual Mailbox Restore
  179. Institutetute of Metals Research
  180. Integrative Medicine Research
  181. Intjrnet Meeting Room
  182. Indian Monsoon Rainfall Climate, Monsoon, Variability

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMR stand for?

    IMR stands for Institute of Medical Research.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institute Fordmarketing Research?

    The short form of "Institute Fordmarketing Research" is IMR.


IMR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated